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Easy Fetch Upload

If you want to upload an open file (e.g. in Photoshop or BBEdit) to a remote server via the Fetch FTP client, you can use drag-and drop without switching to the Finder. Just drag the small document icon in the window title bar to a Fetch window. If the icon won't drag, make sure the file is saved.

Visit Fetch Softworks



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Coping with Monitor Loss

A number of readers submitted additional of ways of recovering windows you can't reach after disconnecting a second monitor.

  • If your Mac supports duplicate monitors (video mirroring), you may be able to recover your windows by dragging one onto the other in the Monitors & Sound control panel. Not all desktop Macs have this feature.
  • Install the $10 shareware control panel DragAnyWindow (a 111K download) from the prolific Alessandro Levi Montalcini. DragAnyWindow enables you to move any kind of window, including dialogs, alerts, game windows, and windows that have disappeared. DragAnyWindow would also be useful for older Macs with 9-inch screens when dealing with too-large dialogs.
  • Install the $10 shareware program Virtual (mentioned in "More on Multiple Monitors" in TidBITS 422). When you quit Virtual, it moves all open windows onto the main screen. Virtual is a 329K download.
  • If you've removed only the monitor, also try removing the video card, since sometimes the Mac will see a monitor if the card is still installed.


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