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Move Multiple Windows Simultaneously in Spaces

Command-drag a window in Spaces to move all windows associated with the dragged window's application to a new space. Control-drag will do the same thing, and will also preserve the same screen position in the space in which you drop the windows.

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Immortalize Yourself in the Macintosh Bible

Do you have a great tip relating to the Macintosh? The people who create the Macintosh Bible want to know about it for possible inclusion in the seventh edition, and they'll give you a brush with fame by placing your name in the book's acknowledgments. If you visit The Tipster Web site, you can submit your tip and check out the tip of the week. (Right now, it discloses secrets embedded in Mac OS 8's crayon color picker.) The Macintosh Bible is a venerable favorite in the Macintosh world; TidBITS last reviewed it in "Peachpit Updates the Bible" in TidBITS 343.


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