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Edit iCal Event Titles Directly

In the Leopard version of iCal, double-clicking an event shows a summary of the event, and to edit the name (or anything else), you must click the Edit button in the summary pop-up. To bypass the summary and edit pop-ups entirely, Option-double-click the event name. That selects the text for editing, and you can make any changes you want. Click outside the event to save your changes.



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Eudora Pro 4.0 Finalized

Qualcomm has finalized Eudora Pro 4.0 for the Macintosh (see our review of Eudora Pro 3.0 in TidBITS 357). A demo (6 MB download) is available now, and the full product will be available for sale soon. New features include background sending and receiving of email, improved interface aesthetics, a Make Filter command that simplifies filter creation, dockable windows, and numerous minor tweaks. Qualcomm also added support for Internet standards such as LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, an up-and-coming directory services protocol), ACAP (Application Configuration Access Protocol, which enables system administrators to configure Eudora automatically from a server), and viewing and composing of M/HTML messages that include HTML formatting and graphics. This version still lacks IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol, an alternate way of retrieving email that's popular in large organizations); IMAP support is slated for version 4.1. Eudora Light remains at version 3.1.3 for now.


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