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Improve Apple Services with AirPort Base Stations

You can make iChat file transfers, iDisk, and Back to My Mac work better by turning on a setting with Apple AirPort base stations released starting in 2003. Launch AirPort Utility, select your base station, click Manual Setup, choose the Internet view, and click the NAT tab. Check the Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP) box, and click Update. NAT-PMP lets your Mac OS X computer give Apple information to connect back into a network that's otherwise unreachable from the rest of the Internet. This speeds updates and makes connections work better for services run by Apple.



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Archive Old Emailer Messages

For many of us, email has become almost as necessary as air and water. And, like these natural elements, sometimes you need help storing all that you want to have available. Users of Claris Emailer 2.0 (reviewed in TidBITS 382), can get help from the new Emailer Archive 3.0, a freeware FileMaker and AppleScript solution that can store old email that has accumulated in Emailer's Mail Database file, thereby decreasing the size of the active mail database folder. Storing old messages in a FileMaker database also works well for faster searching. Emailer Archive is a 322K download available at FogCity Software's Emailer Utilities Web site; a 2.2 MB standalone version is also available for those who don't own FileMaker 3.0 or 4.0.


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