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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

PowerBook upgrades

PowerBook upgrades from most companies require you to send the PowerBook in for servicing (TidBITS #216). If you like little projects and want to upgrade without the hassle of mailing your PowerBook, you'll probably be attracted to Digital Eclipse's F/25X accelerator for the PowerBooks 140 and 145 and F/33X accelerator for the PowerBooks 160, 165, and 170. The F/33X, Digital Eclipse's newest upgrade, increases CPU speed from 25 to 33 MHz and (depending on your PowerBook) adds an FPU. With respect to the 160 and 165 upgrade, Digital Eclipse claims a speed increase of about 55 percent. The F/25X accelerates the CPU from 16 to 25 MHz and adds an FPU.

Digital Eclipse is selling the F/33X for the PowerBooks 160 and 165 at a special introductory price of $309 through 22-Apr-94, but when I called to check details, Andrew Ayre at Digital Eclipse said that anyone who mentions TidBITS while placing an order can have the $309 price even after the 22nd. In addition, if you mention TidBITS, the F/33X for the 170 costs $229 and the F/25X costs $299. All of the upgrades list for about $100 more than this offer. [TJE]

Digital Eclipse -- 800/289-3374 -- 510/547-6101 -- 510/547-6104 (fax) --


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