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Expose Shortcut for View All Windows

In Expose mode in Snow Leopard, press the Tab key to view all windows belonging to one application (equivalent to pressing F10 or Control-F3 on recent laptops). Press Tab again to switch between applications while remaining in Expose. You can also click an icon in the dock.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions
Previous: TidBITS 222 Next: TidBITS 224

New PowerBook Comments

New PowerBook Comments -- In regard to the upcoming release of new PowerBooks mentioned in TidBITS #222, Dave Hirsh warns: "The 9.5" color active matrix screens that the 540 will use are probably going to suffer the same supply problems that IBM has with the ThinkPad 750CsShow full article

Ron Davis

Ron Davis of Datawatch writes in response to our query about the status of 911 Utilities: Datawatch's 911 Utilities product is only available in the SuperSet utilities packageShow full article

Buy, Don't Build

Buy, Don't Build -- An ex-Symantec employee writes to tell us about how many programs Symantec has developed as opposed to acquiring: As a matter of fact, it's pretty easy to figure outShow full article

Apple reports

Apple reports that their 14-Mar-94 price lists stated incorrectly that the Power Macintosh 6100/60 logic board upgrade (item M2343LL/A) includes 2 MB of VRAM, or video memoryShow full article

The QuickTake 100

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Apple's 15" Portrait Display

Apple's 15" Portrait Display is the last of the company's original line of external Macintosh monitors, first introduced in 1987, to be removed from the product familyShow full article

Brian Hall

Brian Hall writes about General Magic's Magic Cap: A product using Magic Cap has been shown - the Motorola Envoy. Motorola had a large island booth at Mobile '94 recently, and they had seven or eight third-party developers showing off applicationsShow full article

Old Monitor Makes Way

Director of Technical Services, Baka Industries Inc. Apple recently introduced its new Multiple Scan 17 Display, a 17" color Trinitron monitor expected to be available worldwide this monthShow full article

Oldies but Goodies

Apple's warehouses have long been filled to the rafters with potentially useful, but unwanted, obsolete equipment. This practice kept good hardware out of the hands of potential purchasers and proved to be a tremendous waste of expensive storage spaceShow full article

MTBF, Redux

The discussion that arose following our offhand question about how those mean time between failure (MTBF) numbers are arrived at continues to spawn interesting commentsShow full article

System Software Updates

From time to time Apple issues updates to its Macintosh system software. These updates are either fixes to bugs that have been discovered or versions that introduce some new capabilityShow full article

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