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Apple ELF Information

Remember the hullabaloo concerning the extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields that monitors, televisions, and electrical appliances emit? Well Apple has released a statement of its policy on the issue. Essentially, Apple says that it doesn't think these electromagnetic fields present any health risks, but at the same time it will meet or exceed safety regulations in countries in which it does business. I don't want to risk introducing confusion or error into what Apple said, so I'm printing it verbatim below. If you are personally concerned about this issue, do check out the list of Apple monitors that have magnetic-field emission levels below the Swedish MPR-2 guidelines at the end. I still don't know what to make of the whole deal, not being scientifically or medically qualified to judge. However, my feeling is that the ancient Greek motto of "Everything in moderation" applies well here. Stay a reasonable distance from your monitor and try not to spend too much time bathing in the electromagnetic field if you aren't actually using the machine at the time. Anyway, here is Apple's position.

Apple Computer, as a major user and manufacturer of personal computers, is committed to making products safe. That's why we closely follow scientific developments that can guide our product design efforts and test our products against international safety standards. Our aim is to meet or exceed all safety regulations in every country where we do business.

Recently, questions about the possible health effects of prolonged exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) have been raised. The issue encompasses not only computer monitors, but also all other EMF sources such as electrical wiring, televisions, and household appliances.

Because Apple values highly our customers' trust, we take seriously any question of product safety. We have reviewed the scientific reports and sought the counsel of government regulatory agencies and respected health organizations. Based on the prevailing evidence and opinions, Apple believes that the electric and magnetic fields produced by computer monitors do not pose a health risk. We are actively encouraging further research so that we can continue to ensure the health and safety of our customers and employees.

Although the body of scientific research has not defined a health problem or established safety limits, Apple offers a variety of lower-emission products for customers who want to reduce their exposure to EMF.

Apple has announced the Macintosh 21" Color Display and has recently begun shipping new versions of the Macintosh 12" RGB Display and the AppleColor High-Resolution RGB Monitor. These products join the Macintosh Classic and Macintosh 12" Monochrome Display in offering customers display products magnetic-field emission levels below the Swedish MPR-2 guidelines.

Apple products with magnetic-field emission levels below the Swedish MPR-2 guidelines are listed below:

     PRODUCT                                    PART NUMBER
     Macintosh Classic                          all configurations
     Macintosh Classic II                       all configurations
     Macintosh 12" Monochrome Display           M0298LL/A
     Macintosh 12" RGB Display                  M0297LL/C
     AppleColor Hi-Resolution RGB Monitor       M0401LL/B
     Macintosh 21" Color Display                M5812LL/A

More information - including information on the Swedish MPR-2 Guideline, Apple's ongoing testing activities, and a list of other documents regarding display emissions that are posted to AppleLink - is included in a document entitled Apple Displays Have Lower Magnetic Emissions, posted on AppleLink -> Apple Sales & Mktg -> Apple Programs -> Health and Safety Information.

Information from:
Apple propaganda


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