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iPhone Calendar Starting on Sunday

Annoyed that the iPhone's Calendar app shows the weeks starting with Monday, although iCal (and most paper calendars) start on Sunday? Here's the answer: go to Settings > General > International and change the Region Format from English to United States.

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More Apple News

New machines certainly take spotlight, but Apple has plenty more up its collective sleeve, so we'll try to cover a bit of that here.

Discontinued... -- With the new machines coming in, Apple will drop the Macintosh Classic 4/40 from the price list, along with the SE/30 logic board upgrade (too bad, that was a good one for SE owners), the Apple ISDN NB Card (guess it wasn't selling to well without many ISDN connections available), and as Mark Anbinder reported above, the 40 MB Tape Backup Cartridges. I don't have a complete Apple price list in front of me, but unless I'm mistaken, the Classic 4/40 was the last 68000-based Mac left after Apple dropped the PowerBook 100. The 68020-based LC went away when the 68030-based LC II took its place, and one way or another, Apple clearly wants to standardize all Macs on the 68030 as a minimum. Good for them, although they could have done a bit sooner.

Serious price cuts -- Mark also passed on news of some serious cuts on the prices that Apple charges to dealers. Suggested retail prices have not changed, but dealers may be dropping prices now that they are paying less for the Macs in the first place. In case you haven't recently reviewed retail prices, here's a listing:

     Macintosh Classic II 4/40            $1699
     Macintosh Classic II 4/80            $1849
     Macintosh LC II 4/40                 $1699
     Macintosh LC II 4/80 w/512K VRAM     $1849
     Macintosh IIsi 3/40                  $2499
     Macintosh IIsi 5/80                  $2999
     Macintosh IIci 5 MB w/Cache Card     $3299
     Macintosh IIci 5/80 w/Cache Card     $3999
     Macintosh IIci 4/80 Parity           $4399
     Macintosh IIci 5/230 w/Cache Card    $4599
     Macintosh Quadra 700 4 MB            $5199
     Macintosh Quadra 700 4/80            $5899
     Macintosh Quadra 700 4/230           $6499
     Macintosh Quadra 700 4/400           $7199
     Macintosh Quadra 950 8/230           $8499
     Macintosh Quadra 950 8/400           $9199

Font Pack! -- Still with me? Good, because here's something you probably haven't heard. Apple will soon introduce a package of 25 TrueType font families, including most, if not all, of the fonts internal to the original LaserWriter Plus. Along with those fonts come a whole slew of others, including popular fonts like Garamond and Helvetica Condensed. I don't have a full list yet, but the package will include both display fonts for headlines and fonts for body text. Suggested retail price will be $99, which means that the street price will drop to around $60 or $70. The package comes, no doubt, in response to the package of TrueType fonts that Microsoft sells for Windows. One way or another, I think this package will serve as a good introduction to the world of alternate fonts for someone scared by Adobe's high prices or the fly-by-night nature of some of the other font publishers. Let's hope the quality of these fonts meets Apple's usual standards.

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