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Mysteriously Moving Margins in Word

In Microsoft Word 2008 (and older versions), if you put your cursor in a paragraph and then move a tab or indent marker in the ruler, the change applies to just that paragraph. If your markers are closely spaced, you may have trouble grabbing the right one, and inadvertently work with tabs when you want to work with indents, or vice-versa. The solution is to hover your mouse over the marker until a yellow tooltip confirms which element you're about to drag.

I recently came to appreciate the importance of waiting for those tooltips: a document mysteriously reset its margins several times while I was under deadline pressure, causing a variety of problems. After several hours of puzzlement, I had my "doh!" moment: I had been dragging a margin marker when I thought I was dragging an indent marker.

When it comes to moving markers in the Word ruler, the moral of the story is always to hover, read, and only then drag.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Price Drops

Technical Support Coordinator, BAKA Computers

For those of you following the steady decline in Macintosh system prices, word from Apple last week is that prices of several systems are being reduced. As usual, some reductions are in suggested retail price, some actually affect purchase prices, and a few items show reductions in both.

The PowerBook 165c is among the computers whose retail prices are staying the same but whose dealer prices (which are typically reflected in end-user purchase prices) are coming down. Chances are, this change makes way for the expected introduction this summer of an active-matrix color PowerBook.

Other computers whose retail prices are staying put but whose dealer prices are being reduced include the PowerBook Duo 210, the Color Classic, and the various models of the Centris 610. The revised Centris 610 pricing isn't far above current LC III prices.

In the higher education markets, where the LC II is still available, the retail and reseller prices alike for the various LC II models have been reduced.

Also of interest are price reductions in several printer models. The Personal LaserWriter LS retail price has dropped by more than $200 to $725, and end-user prices should drop somewhat as well (perhaps not as dramatically). Even more dramatic is the fall of almost $500 in the Personal LaserWriter NTR's retail price, to $1179 (accompanied most likely by a somewhat more sedate reduction in acquisition prices). The beleaguered Apple Color Printer loses thirty percent of its retail price, and reseller prices are dropping as well.

-- Information from:
Apple propaganda


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