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Dragging between Spaces

Juggling various applications within multiple Spaces? If you drag an application window to the edge of your screen and pause for a moment, Mac OS X will move the window into the space that lives in that direction.

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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Bill Dickson

Bill Dickson <> writes in regard to On The Road and CPU (TidBITS #203): CPU 2.0.1c will automatically switch to a "docked" set if it senses that a Duo is connected to a dock, and then back to the previously-used set when the machine is restarted outside the dock. Unfortunately, if the undocked set is configured to slow the Mac down to 16 MHz when the Mac is on battery power, and then you re-dock the Duo and restart, you'll find that the machine is still running at 16 MHz. You must go into the PowerBook Control Panel's options, set the speed back to normal, and restart.


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