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Track Changes Dates Reset on Save As in Word 2008

If you regularly use the Save As feature to create new drafts while working in Word 2008, you might notice that with Track Changes enabled, previously time-stamped comments and edits have their times reset to the Save As date and time. Work around this by sticking with your original file, but using Save As (or just File > Duplicate in the Finder) to make backup copies.



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions


According to MacWEEK, Apple's eWorld online service is here, opening its doors today to thousands of people. TidBITS should appear on eWorld officially at some point, but despite some external efforts, Apple Online Services still has yet to send us a contract. In the meantime, you can access TidBITS through the eWorld Internet gateway, but beware that the gateway splits incoming Internet messages into 7K chunks (for compatibility with NewtonMail). The basic subscription rate for eWorld is $8.95 per month, which includes two free hours of evening or weekend use. Additional hours during evenings and weekends cost $4.95 and day time access (6 AM to 6 PM local time) costs $1.90 per hour. You can call eWorld at 9,600 bps, but you need the eWorld software, which is available free from Apple at 800/775-4556. I suppose it's too much to ask for an email address for requesting the software. [ACE]


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