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Quick Look Shortcut in Expose on Snow Leopard

In Expose mode in Snow Leopard, hover your mouse pointer over a window and press the Space bar to view a larger Quick Look version of that window.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



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"Decency" Act Passes Senate

"Decency" Act Passes Senate -- On 14-Jun-95, the Exon/Gorton/Coats Communications Decency Act (see TidBITS-263 and TidBITS-279) was attached to the Telecommunications Reform bill and will soon go before the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill seeks to criminalize many forms of online communications and place culpability in the hands of service providers. If passed, the legislation could have a repressive impact on American business interests on the Internet, as providers and companies take their businesses and services (and money!) overseas where such content-based restrictions don't exist. In addition, costs of insurance and litigation may well drive providers out of the country or out of business, and U.S. taxpayers could be made to support a potentially enormous government bureaucracy with regulation and enforcement responsibilities. [GD]


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