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Keyboard Shortcuts in Stacks

You aren't limited to using the mouse or trackpad to select items within a stack. Once you've clicked a stack to open it, you can type a letter to jump to the first file starting with that letter, or press either the Tab or arrow keys to move among the stack's contents. Press Return to open the selected item.

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Cyberduck 3.6.1

The open-source file transfer utility Cyberduck has been updated to version 3.6.1. Cyberduck 3.6 unleashed a torrent of new features, including the capability to connect to Google Storage. (That's in addition to the software's existing capability to connect to FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Rackspace Cloud Files, Google Docs, and Amazon S3.) It also lets you edit Access Control Lists (ACLs) for S3, Google Storage, and Google Docs; adds a slew of S3-specific file control features; introduces the capability to import bookmarks from other file transfer utilities; shows the number of active file transfers on the Dock icon; and more. Cyberduck 3.6 also corrected bugs with Eucalyptus Walrus, Dunkel Cloud Storage, and Akamai NetStorage interoperability, and the quick 3.6.1 release corrects two minor FTP and SFTP bugs introduced with 3.6. You'll find plenty more fixes and additions in the full release notes. (Free, 19.2 MB)


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