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Set Per-Folder Views in the Finder

Tired of navigating to a particular folder and having to switch to List View every time? With Finder in Leopard, you can set viewing preference for each individual folder. Just navigate to it, and set the view the way you want (Column, List, Icon, or Cover Flow). Then choose View > Show View Options (Command-J) and in the window that appears, select the Always Open In... checkbox.



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Fission 1.6.9

Rogue Amoeba has updated its audio editing software Fission to version 1.6.9. The minor update reduces CPU usage during playback, adds proper support for 24-bit mono files, and updates the LAME MP3 engine (which is used when pasting files into an MP3 file) to version 3.98.4. Other fixes in the new version include correcting a long hang which could sometimes occur when closing large documents, a crash related to a QuickTime file extensions bug, a glitch when fading to the end of a file, and a bug with waveform appearance at certain zoom levels. ($32 new, free update, 3.7 MB)


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