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Find Graphics in TextEdit .rtfd Files

Want to find the graphics in a TextEdit document in the .rtfd format? The document is actually a package - a special kind of folder that looks like a file. To see and extract just the graphics, Control-click the document and choose Show Package Contents. A new window opens showing you just the embedded images, along with a TXT.RTF file that contains the text of the file.



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The Future of Books Discussed on MacNotables

It's a topic that many of us are struggling with these days - where and how should we acquire the books that entertain, educate, and enliven our worlds? In this MacNotables podcast, Andy Ihnatko and Adam range widely across the pros and cons of the many possibilities, bemoaning the loss of small bookstores and library budgets while simultaneously acknowledging the many advantages of ebooks. No hard and fast answers, sorry, but we think you'll enjoy the conversation.favicon follow link


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