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Copy Excel Selection as a Picture

Want to show someone a chunk of an Excel spreadsheet via email or iChat? You could take a screenshot, but if you want to show just a portion of the Excel window and you don't use a utility like Snapz Pro, you can do this right from within Excel 2008. Make a selection, hold down the Shift key, and choose Copy Picture from the Edit menu. You can select whether the selection will be rendered as though it was shown on screen or as though it was printed. Then just switch to your desired destination and paste.



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Phone Disk Browses iOS Devices for Free Through 1 December 2010

For those who want direct access to their iOS device's filesystem, Macroplant is making their Phone Disk utility available for free through 1 December 2010. Phone Disk lets you mount your device like any other disk and copy files to and from it, without any need for jailbreaking. You can even copy files into app directories by clicking the Phone Disk menu bar icon and choosing the desired app from the Change Connection Root submenu.favicon follow link


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Dennis B. Swaney2010-08-25 13:52
Warning! Macroplant lists false system requirements! I went and read what they posted on their website and decided to get the software. It would not launch on my iMac running Mac OS 10.5.8 so I contacted them. They had me delete the application, re-download, and re-install. After reporting the error message they replied that it was because I had a PPC Mac not an ICBM; the software requires an ICBM.
Since this was not mentioned in their system requirements, I consider it false advertising. Don't buy from Macroplant!
Adam Engst2010-08-25 14:48
Considering that they're giving the program away for free, and they spent non-zero amounts of time (and thus money) helping you for free, I think it's a little harsh to accuse them of false advertising.

Yes, they should state that the software requires an Intel-based Mac, and since you have a dialog started with them, you could ask them (nicely!) if they could update their Web site with accurate system requirements so other customers aren't confused. Then everyone wins.
Dennis B. Swaney2010-08-30 16:12
I think that vendors seem to think either 1. all computers, be they Mac or PC only use Intel chips, or 2. Mac OS 10.4 and up require Intel chips. I just ran across the latter with Google and their new "Call from GMail" feature.