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ChronoSync Secret Menubar Shortcut

For a quick way to run a ChronoSync document without opening it, use the ChronoSync menu in the menubar. Select "Show ChronoSync menu in menubar" in ChronoSync's General Preferences window to activate the menu bar menu. Once activated, you'll see the ChronoSync circling arrows icon in the menu bar, at the top right of your screen.

You can open any scheduled ChronoSync document directly from the menu bar. If you hold down the Option key while selecting a ChronoSync document, the synchronization will run immediately without the ChronoSync document opening.

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Interarchy 10.0.2

Nolobe's file transfer client Interarchy, which recently saw a major revision to 10.0, has now been bumped to version 10.0.2 to fix more bugs discovered after the main release. The latest bug fixes address various issues with Net Disks, and also correct problems with dragging and editing bookmarks, installing the Interarchy command line tool, and using the Open menu items. Also included in the latest upgrade are numerous improvements to Interarchy's Amazon S3 support. Note that this release also disables SSH ControlMaster, which the developer says was causing performance issues; a hidden preferences key can be used to turn it back on. See Nolobe's blog for full release notes. ($49.95 new, free update, 6.5 MB)


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