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VMware Fusion 3.1.1

VMware Fusion, which lets you run Windows and other operating systems on your Intel-powered Mac, has been updated to version 3.1.1. The maintenance-focused update now supports VMware vSphere 4.1 as a guest operating system, enabling you to run ESX without needing spare hardware - though this feature is currently labeled as experimental and the company warns against using it in production environments. The update also addresses an issue with some iSight cameras, removes an incorrect disk error message after a host crash, and corrects an issue where audio recording worked only at 44.1 kHz. VMware Fusion requires Mac OS X 10.4.11 or higher, and of course a copy of Windows if you plan to install that operating system. The download is accessible from within VMware Fusion itself, or from the VMware Web site. ($79.95 new, free upgrade, 434 MB)


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