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Use Expose to Open Files Quickly

Looking for an easy way to drag a file into a hidden application? First enter Expose's All Windows mode by hitting F9, then hover over an application's window while dragging your file, pause for a moment (or press the Space bar) and that window will spring to the foreground enabling you to open the file within that application.

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iPhone Executive Leaves Apple

The Wall Street Journal has an article about the departure of Mark Papermaster, Apple's senior vice president for mobile devices. Although there is much speculation that Papermaster was forced out as a result of the iPhone 4 antenna debacle, he wasn't part of the iPhone 4 public launch, and others have suggested that Papermaster's tenure at IBM left him ill-prepared for Apple's corporate culture under Steve Jobs. He will be replaced by Bob Mansfield, Apple's senior vice president of computer engineering.favicon follow link


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