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Expose Shortcut for Arrange All Windows

In Expose in Snow Leopard, with all windows visible, press F9 (or the Expose key [F3] on recent Mac laptops), then press Command-1 to arrange the windows by name or press Command-2 to arrange them by application.

Submitted by
Doug McLean



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

Yojimbo 2.2

Bare Bones Software has released Yojimbo 2.2, an interesting update to the company's information organizer that's designed to hold text, images, PDFs, serial numbers, passwords, and nearly anything else you can think of. New in 2.2 is a feature called Sidekick that exports Yojimbo data with user-selected tags to a constantly updated collection of Web pages built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so the data can be browsed or searched in any Web browser. (Bare Bones even added HTML5 code that enables the data to be cached locally by an HTML5-savvy browser; unfortunately, current Web browsers are inconsistent in their support for this feature.) Once exported, the data can be served by Personal Web Sharing, uploaded to another Web site, shared among devices via Dropbox, or anything else that can be done with Web pages. The goal of Sidekick is to give users the capability to view their Yojimbo data anywhere, such on an iPhone, iPad, Windows-based PC, or someone else's Mac. Of course, it's worth putting some thought into what you export and how you'll limit access to that data if some of it is confidential; Sidekick only exports password items if you've entered a Sidekick password in Yojimbo and viewing password items requires entering that password on the resulting Web pages. Along with Sidekick, Yojimbo 2.2 provides a number of minor bug fixes and behavior changes; see the full release notes. ($39 new, free update, 6.8 MB)


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Comments about Yojimbo 2.2

Scott Rose2010-06-06 07:50
Weird. These guys seem to have lost their way. I'm sticking with Evernote.
indeed, Evernote is the way to go
Adam Engst2010-06-07 06:57
Evernote relies on a different mindset from Yojimbo. It's easy to see how some people would be extremely concerned about storing sensitive information in a program that has an online component that's managed for you (and thus out of your control).

Just depends on what sort of data you're storing, and your comfort level with storing that data with a third-party.
When you create an notebook in evernote you have the choice if you'd like that notebook to sync to their servers or not, so if you want privacy it's there.
I'm very disappointed. It seems more like a hack than anything else. But what saddens me the most is I always thought eventually they'd come out with an iphone version, or a yojimbo lite. Now, with this, it's clear thats not going to happen. So off to evernote I go, even though I much prefer yojimbo.
FYI, you might want to take a look at DEVONthink, which is a full competitor to Yojimbo, fuller in some ways, and whose developers said in their blog that they're now coding and testing an iPhone/iPad app that syncs data.
Thanks Soren. I've used devonthink before. I'm a fan, it was simply too much for my needs. But I'll keep my eye on it, especially when the iphone app is released.
Adam Engst2010-06-08 05:26
It's a bit too involved to be considered a hack - as Bare Bones explained it to me, it's the sort of feature that only they could do, and that by doing it, they enable users to do a wide variety of interesting things well beyond just creating an iPhone or iPad app.

And on that topic, my bet is that we'll see an iPad app at some point, but not an iPhone app. But who knows!