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Avoid Long Hierarchical Menus

If you right-click (or Control-click) on some item, such as a file in the Finder, and one of the sub-menus has many options (Open With is a frequent culprit), it may take several seconds to open, even on a fast machine, which is annoying if you did not actually want that sub-menu.

The trick is to not pull the cursor through the menu, but in a curve around it, so the cursor does not touch any menu items until lower on the list where you wanted to go.

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Eolake Stobblehouse



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New York Times Info-Graphic on Facebook Privacy Options

The brouhaha surrounding privacy on Facebook continues to expand, with the New York Times producing a fascinating info-graphic that shows just how complex Facebook has made the topic, with 50 settings containing over 170 options. And the Facebook privacy policy? It's longer than the U.S. Constitution.favicon follow link


Comments about New York Times Info-Graphic on Facebook Privacy Options

It's a bit like the User Agreement for iTunes. I tried to download an app from my iPhone but before I could proceed I need to agree to the updated user agreement, which was approximately 70 pages of fine print - thankfully there was an option to have it emailed to my account instead!
Adam Engst2010-05-25 08:03
Yeah, maybe there should be a requirement that end-user agreements must have a plain English version that's no more than X words.