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Avoid Long Hierarchical Menus

If you right-click (or Control-click) on some item, such as a file in the Finder, and one of the sub-menus has many options (Open With is a frequent culprit), it may take several seconds to open, even on a fast machine, which is annoying if you did not actually want that sub-menu.

The trick is to not pull the cursor through the menu, but in a curve around it, so the cursor does not touch any menu items until lower on the list where you wanted to go.

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Submitted by
Eolake Stobblehouse



Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

SpamSieve 2.8.1

Spam started to get you down again? It's a constant battle, but the good guys keep working too, and if you're seeing more spam than you'd like, check out SpamSieve 2.8.1, the latest version of C-Command's powerful Bayesian spam filter, which works with a variety of email clients. Along with changes to keep up with the latest spammer tricks, SpamSieve 2.8.1 resolves several crashing bugs and clarifies certain parts of the documentation. Most other changes revolve around integration with Apple Mail, most notably:

  • The Train as Good command now works harder to move selected messages to an appropriate account's inbox.
  • SpamSieve is now launched sooner by Apple Mail in order to speed up processing of the first received messages. Another bug fix prevents some of these initial messages from being skipped when running in Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
  • Support for server-side spam mailboxes has been improved.
  • SpamSieve now warns if its Apple Mail plug-in has been damaged by an application slimming utility, in order to avoid constant incompatibility alerts from Apple Mail.
  • SpamSieve now alerts the user if the Apple Mail plug-in has been installed in an incorrect folder (which could happen in manual installations, though not when using SpamSieve's installer).

Other minor changes include improvements to the Software Update window and code, a fix where a newly added rule might not be auto-selected, and the removal of some out-of-date localizations. ($30, free update, 6.4 MB)


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Comments about SpamSieve 2.8.1

Andrew Leonard2010-04-02 15:37
I've been using spamsieve for about 3 years and it's saved me hours of hassle trawling through endless garbage every week. Just check your spam folder every few days to check you've not missed something you want to have.