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Sharon Zardetto



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90 Percent of $1,000 Computers Are Macs

Joe Wilcox on Betanews reports on numbers gathered from research firm NPD showing that 9 out of every 10 computers priced at over $1,000 sold in Q4 2009 were Macs. This is evidence of Apple's success in positioning the Mac as a premium brand, but NPD also points out that most of the growth in the PC market is at the under-$500 price point. With Apple posting record sales and profits quarter after quarter, we don't see the company worrying about the low end of the market.favicon follow link


Comments about 90 Percent of $1,000 Computers Are Macs

What's the percentage for > $2000, > $3000?
Adam Engst2010-02-03 05:32
NPD hasn't said, but I'll bet it's even higher. :-)
Yes, and what does that tell us?