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Recent TidBITS Talk Discussions

BusyCal 1.1.2

Those with long-standing birthday events in BusyMac's BusyCal will appreciate version 1.1.2, which now calculates birthdays before 1940 correctly when running in 32-bit mode. That's obscure, as is changing the Decade date range in List View to 2001-2010, but more welcome are fixes for crashing bugs that could bite when resizing events in the Week view, if an edit and conflict occurred at the same time, and if a calendar didn't have a name. Also improved is BusyCal's handling of deleted Google calendar feeds. ($40 new, free update, 6 MB)


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Comments about BusyCal 1.1.2

Busy Cal is a superior software when compared to iCal. But the latter does give you the option of showing the month's calendar. Busy Cal doesn't but it has a lot of vacant screen space in the lower left corner. How hard can that be to correct this omission when you closet competitor is so far behind!!
William Conable2010-01-11 18:02
Busy Cal does too give you the option of showing month calendars in the lower left in the latest versions. Click the little calendar icon at the lower left.