Technology Annoyances:

  • When a site says it'll be down for a week, but a month later it STILL isn't up! (laura)
  • When someone sends you an e-mail with an attachment and you can't open it (cheeze)
  • When you record a movie: finding out later that you recorded it at the wrong time. (tv guy)
  • When people abbreviate EVERYTHING! Does it really take that much effort to type out the word you ? (AngelEllisande)
  • When it takes a website 4ever to load and ends up being the wrong one or something dumb u didn't expect!~! (spicy212000)
  • When you forget a password on a site and it takes 2 days for them to e-mail it to you (MuFFinKaKeS)
  • Web sites with spelling and grammatical errors. (Kathie)
  • When the lettering is too small to read the bumper sticker without hitting the car it's on! (Bunnie)
  • When you see a date like 7/6/00 and you don't know if it was June or July.... (Mark the Whale)
  • When you go to use the camcorder, but the person who last used it didn't recharge the batteries! (laura)
  • When you start to download something and it gets to 99 percent then says that there has been a transfer error! :o( (fade2gray)
  • Who Wants To Be A Millionare (Amber)
  • When you ABSOLUTLY can't remember your password. (sweetsparkle)
  • When people who can't spell post their often poorly-formulated thoughts to be posted on websites. (Jim)
  • When you finnaly found a perfect site for you and you don't have the right modem. (Stacy)
  • When you find the CD case that you were looking for. . but there's no CD in it!!!!!! (Killer Onion)
  • When people type letters or annoyances and they don't run a spell check. (mystikal 1)
  • when you try and get an email address and someone has nicked your name, so you end up with a stupid one (gem)
  • When you try to register on a website, you put your country as the UK and it still says you have to put your state. (Nora)
  • When people forward you a story on email that has been forwarded fifteen times before, and has all those spaces, returns, brackets, and so on and so on and so... (bobojen)
  • People who stop the microwave with 3 seconds left but don't clear the screen so you can't read the time (J-Man)
  • How the Yahoo! people added a Bulk Mail Folder for anyone with a mail account. HELLO! No one likes spam! (laura)
  • You just finish typing a REALLY long email, and after pressing send, it says cannot find page... hence the email is lost forever (Timio)
  • When people come into the chat room and say: Does anyone wanna chat? Nah, its a chat room but we just want to watch... (Alexia)
  • Not being able to dowloading something because you lack a certain program. (the possesor of the ALL POWERFUL CRYSTAL)
  • links that don't work (Uma Nut)
  • when you're playing a game on the web, then you click on the ad banner and everything deletes (Jackie)
  • When one goes to a site, and it has annoying music, which can't be turned off unless the sound is. (D. Lerious)
  • When people think that, because its the Internet, they can abandon every grammar rule they've learned since 1st grade. (Harper)
  • when you are down-loading a site at 90% and someone calls and knocks you off line (San Marcos)
  • when you need to reach someone in an emergency and their cell phone is out of range!!! (andrea)
  • When you send a really funny e-mail to all your friends and half of them send it back to you. (*Jules*)
  • MOBILE PHONES!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Dan)
  • Bored webmasters that make an interactive list of things that annoy you. (The Head)
  • Being told that you can find anything you want on the net and not being able to find a single thing that I'm looking for (ishtar)
  • When you forgot that the caps lock is on and you make the first letter lowercase and the rest uppercase. (Mandi)
  • when you try to go to a web site but a VISIT OUR SPONSER window appears in front and you cant figure out what happened (Renee`)
  • Two words: Illegal Operation. When you haven't done anything & then you get kicked off the 'net!! (Rosey)
  • The wrapping on a new vcr tape..its IMPOSSIBLE to get off!!!!!! (Linda)
  • E-mail chain letters (Kelly)
  • The plastic wrapping on brand new cds, it's impossible to remove. (Carrianne)
  • Reading all of these little annoyances-there's just so many! (You don't know the half of it. ed) (Irish babe)
  • When you go online and find that not even ONE of your 105 buddies from all over america aren't signed on. (echo)
  • When the power goes out when your're almost finished burning that CDR. (HeLLRAiSeR)
  • Car alarms. (Window)
  • C.D.'s that come in a cardboard case instead of the plastic jewel case (steve)
  • C.D.'s that don't include the song lyrics or any pictures of the band/musician (steve)
  • The way the numbers on phones and keyboards are arranged different. (Kelly)
  • when you are on-line playing cribbage with someone (and I am wining for once) and the dude I am playing w/ logs off!!! (whitney)
  • Watching people only type with one finger. (Whitney)
  • When your sister hogs the computer so you can't get to! (The fiend! Call the police the next time it happens. ed) (Donna)
  • When people don't use correct punctuation (or any at all) so that when you read it it sounds like a run-on sentence. (BSBROX325)
  • I hate it when people insult you and then sign off before you can think of a comeback. (The one & ONLY Allison)
  • That uh-oh sound ICQ makes when you get a message. (DanDan)
  • Men who giggle at me when I tell them I'm a network engineer... (Kelly)
  • The change return on pop machines is so small you can barely get your change out of it. (Andy)
  • When a telemarketer calls and you pick up only to have a message - Please hold, your call is important to us. Grr!!!! (If it is so important, why couldn't a real, living human being make the call?) (Angl)
  • When you're trying to replace the ink cartridge in your printer, you open the new one, and it explodes all over you. (dulcinea)
  • Getting a REALLY long answering machine message when I'm calling from a mobile. (Bug Dave)
  • When you are trying to type an annoyance and gets to the end of the line so you squashwordstogethertogetittofitbutyourunoutofroomanywa (annoyed of sending annoying annoyances)
  • You only have a little ink in your printer cartidge, and you realize you forgot spell check after your paper is printed (Sarah)
  • People who put those computer smiley faces at the end of every sentence!!! (laura)
  • When the power is out--no for at least an hour! (Lisa)
  • People who won't leaves messages on answering machines; instead they keep calling and leaving 100 hangups on the machine (Monique)
  • The guy who sold me my printer never bothered to tell me the cable to hook it up wasn't included! (Kakila)
  • How the teenagers on TV shows skip classes, get bad grades, and don't do homework, but never get held back. (laura)
  • Expensive things (the car, the microwave, etc.) break or stop working only when you're broke and they are out of the warranty period. (Jen)
  • When people touch the computer screen and leave finger prints. It really is annoying. (Testify)
  • When the whole world in on-line and all I can get is a busy signal! I just want to check my mail!!!!!!! (Kimmie)
  • When the back of the cd case doesnt have the numbers by the songs and you have to count down the list to find your song. (Amanda)
  • Relatives that get email, then forward you cyberhoaxes and junkmail constantly. (Jen)
  • When someone subscribes to a web site and mistypes their email, which turns out to be yours, and you get all their SPAM! (Tendervittles2)
  • When you start your computer with the keyboard disconnected and you get a message, keyboard error press F1 to continue (CC99)
  • How superglue doesn't stick to anything but your fingers (cabmeister)
  • When people type everything in *stars* just to be *cutesy* (Jaine)
  • When you computer pops up an error message, all you can click is ok. What if i'm not ok with it? (Susie)
  • Eject buttons on remote controls. (Kevin Hunt)
  • When you get 5000 pieces of spam in your E-mail every day! (pat)
  • Sites with things marked 'New!' or 'Updated!' that haven't been so for months. (Jen)
  • When people page me, and when i call them back, the phone is busy, or they are not home (heathen74)
  • People who use 'words' like ppl, ne1, l8r and pls. How hard is it to write the whole thing, really?!? (Dave)
  • People that send you instant messages all the time and you have to go into hide mode (Kelly)
  • Having the phone ring every 5 minutes because some MORON accidentally put YOUR number on their fax machine's autodialer! (Dean Mayo)
  • peepl hoo kant spel or tipe ! (Christina)
  • When AOL kicks you offline or freezes up. (shawn adams)
  • When my friends with a brand new computers call me up because they can't find that dang any key... (Titania)
  • When you click on any site with your Mum hanging over your shoulder and it happens to be a sick kinky site. (Kelli)
  • People who have NO idea how to work a computer, yet insist that I fix their problems for them over the phone (Kristy)
  • Waiting on hold on the phone for an hour only having to listen to that ANNOYING music (Willow)
  • Everyone talks incessantly about this great web site, then you go to load it, and there's a loading error (Ashley Ruby)
  • When the ads on a web page take longer to load then the actual page. (Jen)
  • When you get the error message No keyboard detected. Press any key to continue. (Ladybug)
  • When you accidentally hit the 'Whoops' button and clear the annoyance you just carefully composed. (Jen)
  • That computers do what you tell them to do, not what you want them to do. (ntf)
  • Pens that don't work when you're trying to write with them, but start as soon as you do a massive 'test'scribble. (Melissa)
  • I hate it when I forget to check caller ID before answering the phone,and it's someone I don't wanna talk to. (Amanda)
  • When my annoyances didn't get posted. (Happy now ? d.) (Kate79)
  • You spend hours downloading a game from the net but once it is done it does not load, no matter what you do. Arrgghh... (Barnaby Partridge)
  • Any TV ad, drama, or promo where the person whispers. Eccch! e.g.'Nikita'-Drives me nuts! Kill whispering on TV! (Bobby in the Hamptons)
  • That no matter how I try to word it, my annoyance takes up more space than provided. (Roadlesstravelledby)
  • People who think the new millennium begins on Jan 1, 2000, instead of 2001. (Also, all of those people who don't realize that the year 2k would actually be 2048...dave) (Bruce MacKinnon)
  • When you're assemblening something, and you follow the instructions and still have three screws left over. (IK)
  • When people put their annoyance in the wrong catagory! (Amy)
  • You get a new CD, and when you take it out of the case, you accidentally drop it and scratch it, so now it skips. (Heather)
  • People who write or type with shortcuts, just for the sake of it. Is it 2 much 4 u or ne1 to rite the whole word? (Dana)
  • Error messages, etc. -easily written, hard to understand; full of acronyms, abbreviations and otherwise misleading. (Ted)
  • When you type a an essay and edit it over and over, then when you print it up you realize you mispelled your name. (BoB)
  • That the Help on your computer doesn't help. (Daire)
  • You find the perfect person of your dreams...... and they live across the whole COUNTRY! (internet always does that!) (Lee)
  • People who dont pull up to the 1st gas pump, which makes you have to manuever your car in front of them. (lin lin shao)
  • When every clock in the house reads a different time. (shannon)
  • When you think you've FINALLY caught up to computer technology, they release a NEW version of Windows! Ugh! (Mary)
  • Pop-up advertisements EVERY time you hit your back button! (How E. Kafka)
  • People who figure that if they try a wrong phone number 10 times it will magically turn into the right one. (Kelly)
  • When People Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word. (Jessica)
  • When people keep on looking for the tv remote, when all they have to do is go up to the tv and turn it on! (Paige)
  • when people write entire sentences without ever capitalizing anything or using any punctuation (Logan)
  • When you spend 3 hours programming your VCR and a storm knocks out the power. (Roger)
  • When someone has there cellular phone in the music setting instead of the regular ring setting and you have to listen to their little computerized song whever they get a call. (George)
  • People who think the world is going to end on Jan. 1 2000. Please - better stock up on that canned beef! (teresa)
  • Poorly done perforations in paper that cause us to tear postage stamps or coupons in half. (Jenny)
Annoyances for all occasions!
Pet * Bathroom * Radio & TV * Restaurant * Duh... * Clothing * Parents & Kids*
* That's Life... * Public * School * Technology * Traffic * Work
* But wait! THEY GET WORSE! * Tell us what annoys you! *
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Last Updated: 06/01/00
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
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