Clothing Annoyances:
  • When you are wearing the same thing as someone else (())
  • Teenage girls on TV that wear clothes that openly display certain parts of their body (i.e., cleavage, belly button) (Adam the Great)
  • all the pre anorexia stikfigures on my soccer team who are always like oh-my-god look at this flab (*~kiss~the~cat~*)
  • how people judge you by your looks.....what's important is what's inside..... (Rustychicka)
  • Women who wear tight tops and tight short skirts and then complain about being stared at by guys (you ask for it) (Nick)
  • Women that say they are fat when they are not (Spaz)
  • People who wear Oakley's. (Laura)
  • When someone wears an absolutely BEAUTIFUL, fancy skirt and then accesorizes with running sneakers. (laura)
  • The way lipgloss wands and fingernail polish brushes never reach to the bottom of the bottle/tube. (Ashley)
  • Boys who try to act cool by wearing pants 10 sizes to big! Duh you guys, get a grip!! (Pinky)
  • When you go to try something on in the dressing room the shirt or whatever has a huge nasty stain or is ripped-UGHHHH! (Melissa)
  • When people wear pants that are way too tight and they have huge pantylines!!!! Thats Gross!!!!!!! (~Yam the Ham~)
  • Women who have big orange lines on the edges of their face because they can't blend their foundation. (Glory)
  • When you have a hole in your sock or stockings and you spend the whole day trying to keep your toe from sticking out! (LittleVoice)
  • It never fails: As soon as you get your hair EXACTLY the way you want it, the wind decides to blow at 85mph, wrecking it (Killer Onion)
  • Those old guys at the beach that wear REALLY brief speedos. (Killer Onion)
  • Toe socks! (Heather)
  • Just one sentence: Spandex is a priviledge, not a right!!!!!! (Firefly)
  • the stupid clothes the girls wear on the babysitters club,it was made in the 80's !! fashion pile up on the t.v (sarah)
  • when you can't seem to get that way cute tank top off in the dressing room and have to have the sales lady help you. (sarah)
  • People who think that they are at the height of fashion when they wear black pants, shirt, and shoes with WHITE socks!! (Lisa)
  • When people's tags stick up (grr. I just wanna cut them off) (*Alli*)
  • Men who complain about ties. Trying wearing pantyhose, high heels AND a bra, then talk to me about constricting! (Amy)
  • When people where socks with sandals in the middle of the summer!!!! (Toni Donofrio)
  • When guys don't know how to tie ties! It's like DUH! We know how to put on high heels! (Kit)
  • fat people wearing really tight clothes (yuck) (sam)
  • Finding out Casual dress was changed to Formal wear, the hard way! (Tendervittles2)
  • The necktie. It must have been invented by a woman. No man would ever inflict that kind of torture. (Mychael)
  • When your Girlfriend asks questions with no right answer.. example : Does this make me look fat?... Whats up with that! (Shawn)
  • People who think wearing a whole bunch of makeup makes them look natural (Ange)
  • When people ask you if you've had your hair cut! NO it just shrank! (Zara)
  • When you dye your hair a drastic colour and everyone ALWAYS asks, Did you dye your hair? (*Jules*)
  • Having to pay ten times more for a shirt which a company plastered their logo across. (laura)
  • When clothes fit inthe store, but not when you get home and get ready to wear them! (Rebecca)
  • When your at a clothing store, and you see something you like, and buy it, and later you see some loser wearing it. (Aaron)
  • When your underwear get stuck up your butt, and you try to get it out when nobody is looking, but someone always sees you. (Britney)
  • When girls' bras are a completely different color then their tank top. (laura)
  • Clogs that won't stay on your feet when you cross your legs. (Kelly)
  • When you wear a pokemon T-shirt to school and someone stares at your shirt for forever and says you like pokemon? (Bunni)
  • Expensive stores who will remain nameless (OK, Abecrombie, the Limited, etc) who charge $60 for jeans! Plain jeans! (laura)
  • Those disgusting wannabe cool guys who wear their pants hanging halfway down their butts like we wanna see their boxers (Stephanie)
  • When girls shave off their eyebrows and then draw them in! Ugh! (Meagan)
  • People who obviously never heard the saying Just because they make it in your size doesn't mean you should wear it. (Kamille)
  • Every brand of clothes has a different size 6...WHY CAN'T WE HAVE STANDARD SIZES! (jennie)
  • You spend a very long time doing your hair, and its such a nice day, but as soon as you walk out the door, it rains (Carrie)
  • Black knee socks - all the way to the knee - white shoes (or sandals), and SHORTS!! ew! (dynomitedot)
  • When I'm wearing my homemade bellbottoms and someone asks if I made them... no, you can get bells with trolls at Datons. (Kate)
  • When your underwear rides up on you every 5 MINUTES and you walk crooked the whole day. (Natalie :))
  • Lipstick names such as Strike a Pose Rose and any name that uses the word Mocha. (Lissa)
  • Those grotesque plumes on band hats! Not to mention the suspenders.... Okay! Band Uniforms in general! (CodyW.-Mr.Trumpet)
  • Platform sneakers or the sneakers with heels. (laume)
  • When people wear really fancy spaghetti strap dresses with a normal bra underneath them! (Manda)
  • When your pierced belly button gets caught on your jeans. (Jennie(dixie))
  • When you wear your coat for days, and swelter as it gets hotter and then decide to leave it at home, then it rains all day. (chris colegate)
  • 4 words : ONE SIZE FITS ALL (they lie) (Pam)
  • The way a pair of pants either fit around my waist but are too short or there perfect in length but don't fit my waist! (Carrie)
  • People who wear shorts and have their socks pulled up to their knees! (Nikki Girl)
  • Realizing your zipper is down and spending the rest of the day wondering if anybody saw you. (Templeton Peck)
  • When the underwire of your bra comes out and pokes you and you try to fix it without anyone knowing (Mallory)
  • After brushing your whole jacket with a lint brush the last stroke is the wrong way, and all the lint goes right back on your jacket. (Geo z)
  • How models never smile. They are skinny and make a lot of money, so why aren't they smiling? (Jennifer)
  • When you get ready to leave and realize you have deodorant on your shirt. (Amy)
  • You wear something special to impress someone at school/work, and then they don't come that day (Tuuli)
  • The only time you wear that sock with a hole is the time your friends decide to eat in a Japanese restaurant. (Reyann)
  • When girls wear racer-back tanks with noraml bras and you can see the straps! (Very tacky)
  • You cut the scratchy tag out of your shirt, then forget it isn't dryable and shrink it to Barbie size. (Kimberly)
  • Feminine products "with wings" that stick more to your thighs than your undergarments (KT)
  • Your new sandals posess the precise arc in the sole required to make the arch of your foot fart when you walk. (Reen Keth-Haptin)
  • When you pull a loose string on your brand new sweater, and the whole thing falls apart. (Emily)
  • When socks only come in one size and not everyone is size 9-11, and you end up with way more FOOT than SOCK. (Susan)
  • You've just been swimming and you can't get your shorts on over your wet legs. (Hazel)
  • Pull up your pants!! I don't care to see your underwear. What's the deal with that anyway? (Jon Rossi)
  • At a dance or major social event a person you REALLY loathe is the one to notice that your dress is tucked in your hose. (Julie Sager)
  • You pay $6 for a nice pair of pantyhose, then put a fingernail through them as you pull them on. (Nella)
  • People that wear black or dark or patterned underwear or bras under white or light colored clothing. NO CLASS! (Kelly)
  • When men let their butt crack hang out--what's so hard about buying a belt? (Anne-marie)
  • Your new athletic shoes have such great traction that they stick to carpet and make you fall on your face. (Patti Dutton)
  • You bend down and tie your left shoelace, only to get up and trip over the right one which magicallly came undone. (Joanna Babinska)
Annoyances for all occasions!
Pet * Bathroom * Radio & TV * Restaurant * Duh... * Clothing * Parents & Kids*
* That's Life... * Public * School * Technology * Traffic * Work
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Last Updated: 06/01/00
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
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