Duh... Annoyances:

  • when you are talking to someone and say I forgot what I was gonna say then they keep asking you What? What were you gonna say?....obviously I forgot, seeing as I told you I did! (~*~Kryssie~*~)
  • When people say 'duh' when you know you made a mistake (Taryn)
  • When you go to spit out the window, and its shut. (Ray Hardy)
  • Why would anybody go on a complaint page just to complain about people complaining? Hypocrites! (KJ)
  • When you're wearing coloured contacts and the person you're talking to says Did you know you have purple eyes?? (Lyndzi)
  • when you have to read 40 different versions of the same annoyance! try to think of new ones people!! (iCandi)
  • Two faced people who don't have the nerve to tell you what their problem is. (QT)
  • When they call it a near miss. A near miss is a hit! (biggunr)
  • When people say WWAAAAZZZUUP! (Andrew J.)
  • When you try to look at your watch so you turn your wrist only you're holding a cup of coffee (Jade)
  • The fact that the Knicks always make it so far along in the NBA playoffs and then screw up at the end. (Cindy)
  • When people ask me if I'm related to that creep Austin Powers because my last name is Powers!!!!! (Resa)
  • When I mention that my boyfriend has a twin sister and people ask if they are identical or fraternal. (Kel)
  • Peepl hoo cant spel simpel werds like Wenzday and woter and hawt doggz (Krisamonerachu)
  • How people from other countries think Canadians live in igloos, have sled dogs, eat blubber, wear plaid...etc! (Lauren)
  • I hate it when some refers to their brain as their brains. You only have one!!!! (Sam)
  • When somebody calls your house and they have the wrong number... so they call you back 3-5 times just to make sure!! (Leah)
  • When women have contacts, breast implants, and live with their parents and tell us guys that they need a real man! (Aaron)
  • People who see my binder that's covered in frog stickers and says You like frogs? No, but I'm just MAD about penguins... (laura)
  • People who use credit cards for everything and then wonder whey they're up to their ears in debt. (victem of society)
  • People who say It's 2:00 a.m. in the morning. What do they think the a.m. is for? (Margery)
  • People who walk up to you at garage sales and ask you if your car is for sale or something. Geez, what do you think? (laura)
  • When people say ATM machines. It's redundant! Also when they say hot water heater. why would you heat up hot water? (Jenni)
  • The doorbell rings and someone asks who's at the door. How should I know, there's a door between me and them! (*~.:Sarah:.~*)
  • when a cop pulls me over and asks how fast i was going. duh! shouldn't he know! hes the one who pulled me over! (ted)
  • when people ask if they can borrow a piece of gum. duh, like they're gonna give it back anyway. (StupidPeoplePissMeOff)
  • When you grab something at the same time as someone else and they ask 'did you want that?' No I felt like grabbing it! ()
  • When you go to take a big gulp of milk only to find out that it went sour last week! (mystikal 1)
  • When I tell someone my name and they ask how to spell it.....do you know your months? (December)
  • When you're running late and the person you're supposed to meet calls you at home and asks where are you! um,you called me (Kristina)
  • When people come to my payment counter and ask if we take cash. No, we're only accepting purple jellybeans today. (Gr8tGreenEyedGal)
  • When people don't know the difference between your and you're (take a look at the other annoyances and you'll see) (JesterPoet)
  • When you tell someone you are in the military, and they say Do you know so and so? like I know all 200,000 Marines. (George)
  • when people ask my identical twin sister and I if we are sisters (duh) (Angel)
  • When your little and playing hide and go seek. No one can find you, and all of a sudden you have to go to the bathroom. (Victoria)
  • When people say " I could care less." Its "I COULDN'T care less." Get it right guys! (Emily B)
  • Winning One Dollar from Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. (Camera)
  • When people ask me did you order this weather? no I ordered a cheese burger! (shawn)
  • it REALLY annoys me when people call my house and let it ring forvever if I don't pick up!! (Candi Cane)
  • When you e-mail something to the wrong person! (*~*Alli*~*)
  • people who gossip then get mad when you won't tell them your deepest darkest secrets - duh (kati)
  • People who call 9-1-1 to ask for directions. DUH! Since when did that become an emergency? (LittleVoice)
  • When the teacher calls on someone with a raised hand and the kid says, I have a question. I mean..DUH! (~LIZ~)
  • When your hair is brown one day, blond the next, and people ask Did you color/lighten your hair? No, I got new glasses (Chippy)
  • People who ask Can I ask you a question ? (Joan Rivers)
  • when you look at your watch with a drink in that hand! (chuky)
  • When I just finish writing out my annoyance and click the 'whoops start over' button by accident! (*Missy*)
  • when you are so excited that your annoyance gets posted and then you read who made it and you realize you spelt your name wrong (~*kerry*~)
  • When people put HELLO after everything they say (Window)
  • When you are crying and look totally upset and someone comes up to you and says, Are you okay? (Cass)
  • u ask some 1 how 2 spell a word,and they tell u 2 look itup ina dictionary.how ru suposed 2 look itup if u cant spell it (Kalsie)
  • When a friend says, I have something I really want to tell you, but I can't tell you. Why say it if you can't tell? (Heather)
  • when people say stupid stuff like close your eyes and see if you can still hear me (jamie)
  • When people say, that its probably the last place you will look, well duh when I find it I'm not going to keep looking (Allison)
  • How your friends repeat everything you say on the phone, like... I'm going outside, your going outside? No I'm lying! (sarah)
  • When people tell you their order is 'to go' when they come thru the drive-thru...how dumb can we get???? (Barbara)
  • People who want to know exactly how big a 16 zo or 32 oz drink is? Go Figure! (Chynah)
  • how on the packages for curling irons and hair dryers they say don't use it in the bathtub. Like, duh! (musette)
  • When a person asks you a question over and over again even though you already gave them the answer. (Nightwaters)
  • When your walking down the hall with a friend and you're talking to them and someone opens a door and you walk into it... (Andrea (Devi) Trenary)
  • People who phone you for information and don't even have a pen ready (leigh)
  • When you know exactly what you are talking about and some idiot tries to tell you different. (David B)
  • When they put an expiration date on water, HELLO! it is WATER! (Hunnie)
  • When ever people say it took them a light year's time to do something. A Light year is DISTANCE, not TIME!! (Smfreebird)
  • When people can't stop complaining about what people say about their names! (Brian)
  • when you walk in a room to get something and instantly forget what you came in the room to get! (cooper)
  • When...oh man i forgot! (HeIkO)
  • When people ask me 'Where's Hobes?' (Calvin)
  • When people here my name and they sing Obladi Oblada or when they call me Ablagadabla and Medullaoblangata. (Abla)
  • Yes, I know my name means 'nothing' in Spanish. (Nada)
  • When people hear my name and start singing that stupid beatles song. (Michelle)
  • I'm a certified nurses aid, whenever I have to go somewhere in my uniform someone always asks me if I'm a nurse!!!! (Jeny)
  • How in cartoons and everywhere else, people spell characters screams as AIEE. Hello. . .that's NOT how people scream! (Killer Onion)
  • When people call me 'Mr. Freeze' or are you related to Mr. Freeze? I hate it! AAUGGH!! (Jeff Freeze)
  • How I can remember the entire theme song to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but not what I got up to do 10 minutes ago. (Lopo)
  • When I tell people I'm from Alaska and they ask if I know their friend from there! Yeah, it's a really small state! (Amber)
  • When someone comes up to my deli counter and asks if we have bologna. NO, we sell freakin candles, what do you think??? (Alycia)
  • Right after you drop all your bills in the mailbox toy realize you forgot to put stamps on them! (Mike Dickert)
  • When you tell people that you are Canadian and they say, "Hey, you say must 'eh' a lot, eh!" (BJ)
  • When people post an annoyance regarding THIS website just so they are certain thier post will be posted. (de no sense))
  • People that feel the need to tell you just HOW drunk they were last night and how positively funny it was. (stephanie)
  • When, on Feb. 2, my birthday, at least three idiots always ask me if I saw my shadow when I woke up. (Shaun)
  • It drives me insane when people pronouce pOtatOes as puhtatuhs! AAHHH! (Emily)
  • when you insult someone and they say yo momma what's that about? (stef)
  • I live in Finland, so everyone thinks I have polarbears and reindeers as pets and that I know Santa personally. (Heidi)
  • When you are reading the best part of a book and you drop it, loosing the page. ((SPAZ!))
  • When people say do you like hot cocoa? when i tell them my name. Grrr. (Koko)
  • When people yell I'm coming!!! when the phone is ringing. It's not like the person on the other end can hear you!! (Carlee)
  • People who start singing Dixie when I tell them my name, or ask if I know the Dixie Chicks. (Dixie)
  • The small print on sleeping tablet bottles that informs you that the contents may make you drowsey! Surely not?!!!! (Wrighty)
  • Censorship. It really sucks. I would go into a huge list about why I hate it but I can't---------------See what I mean?! (Killer Onion)
  • How people add an s onto everything-- for reals, laters, etc... (Erin Rae)
  • When they put the ingredients on water bottles and all it says is water! Duh!!!!!!!! (Mallory)
  • People that say Do you know what I mean? after almost every sentence. Duh? Nope! I have no idea what you mean....... (Sandra)
  • I hate it how on cartoons the people dress in the same clothes every single day! Don't they ever do laundry? (Janelle)
  • People who say that my panic attacks are just all in my head (Juli)
  • When people add an R to things that DON'T have an R! Ex: WaRshington, waRshing the clothes,etc. (ME)
  • You're in marching band, someone sees you in the wool uniform and askes you if you are hot (and we live in TEXAS!) (Erin)
  • When you come to school with 9 giant stiches in your forehead and people ask you, did it hurt? (~raeann~)
  • Teenagers have to pay adult prices to see movies, but can't see R rated movies because we're not considered adults (lisa)
  • People who don't know the difference between your and you're. (Dude)
  • The warning label on a blow dryer that says do not use in tub. (Kristen)
  • The directions on a shampoo bottle... (cindy)
  • When someone asks you how much a $5 gift certificate costs. (~*Raven*~)
  • When you can't get a job because you lack experience. How do they expect you to get experience if nobody will hire you? (Charlene)
  • Long Annoying Lists : ) (Regga Will)
  • When people talk about how the last time they saw you, you were under the age of three, then ask if you remember them. (Marty)
  • Hey, what's your secret... (wink, wink) (Victoria)
  • The phrase New and Improved. If it is new, it never existed before, but if it is improved, it had to exist before. (Jamie Anderson)
  • I take out my three month old son and he's dressed in blue from head to toe and people ask me if he is a boy or girl (Tracey)
  • When you stand waiting to use the pay-phone and the person using it asks if you want to use it! Of course I do! (Adam)
  • No, My name isn't short for Tiffany, My name is just unique and different. OKAY?!?!?! (Tiffin)
  • My name is Gabrielle, no i don't know the one from Xena, I never will, and will y'all stop asking? (GABRIELLE)
  • Yes, just like the city. Yes, just like the Cowboys. Yes, just like the show. I get it. Trust me. (Dallas)
  • When you leave the room to go get something, but when you get there, you forget what you were getting! (suzie)
  • When the phone company says, Call us if there's a problem (~*Amy*~)
  • My name is Christopher Robinson. No, I do not know Whinnie the Pooh or Tigger. That is Christopher Robin. (CHRISTOPHER ROBINSON)
  • When people call me Agent Scully and ask me if i've seen any UFO's recently, because i'm a female FBI agent. (Ilona)
  • Yes, my real name is Rebel, no i did not inspire a James Dean movie, no i don't have a cause, and no i'm not a gladiator (Rebel)
  • My last name is Coltrain. My name is not Roscoe P. , Ryan P. , or Roscoe. That was the sheriff on the Dukes of Hazzard (Ryan)
  • When people ask me at work if the door (the only one there) is to the outside. NO! It's the door to the 5th dimension! (Tiffany)
  • People who don't know how to say the word celtic.. it's pronounced KEL-TIK not SELL-TIK (Persy)
  • When a cop pulls me over in my DeLorean just to ask me if it really goes Back To The Future when I hit 88! (Robert)
  • When Briney Spears says that natural is the way to go, but she wears makeup and has boob implants. (HIPPOCRITE!!) (melly)
  • Yes, my last name is Walker. Yes, I live in Texas. No...I am not a Ranger. I get it already. (Brent)
  • When people order the biggest meal on the menu, super size it, then order a diet coke. What's the point? (SunSky)
  • When one finds out I'm a Caribbean girl they suddenly think I do nothing but lie on a beach all day.We go to school too! (Simone)
  • When people find out I'm from Waco, Texas and they either back away or ask if I knew David Koresh. Yeah, he was my dad. (Christina)
  • When people find out my name is Angel and ask where my wings and halo are. (Angel)
  • How you have to put those gowns on in the hospital that don't close in the back, and the nurses ask you if your are comfortable. (Carrie)
  • When people call Koalas Koala Bears. It's not slightly related to a bear (Kelli)
  • All the stupid people and companies that say the millennium starts on 2000 when it actually starts on 2001! (T. Rowand)
  • My last name is Henke, and I always hear, Can I blow my nose in you, HANKY? or HANKY PANKY! It's OLD now!!!! (Stacey Henke)
  • When people poke bruses and say does that hurt? No - I like pain! (Duh??)
  • Because I'm blonde people greet me with their dumb blonde joke. If I'm so dumb, why do I have a 92.3% average?? (Mellie)
  • When i tell people my name, and they say,like the horror movie? (Carrie)
  • When you ask for change for a dollar, and they say "4 quarters?" No, i want 100 pennies! (Shannon Marie~)
  • When you show up with a cast on your arm and someone asks you if it's broken. Nah, the cast is a fashion statement. (Titania)
  • When your in your work uniform and someone's like Going to work? NO ! I just love the Taco Bell look! DUH!! (JeWeL)
  • When people find out I live in Kansas and they ask me if I know Dorothy. Ya... and I'm best friends with Toto. (Amanda)
  • When I tell people my name and they're like, Cool! Are you related to Tyra Banks?! No, idiots, it's my FIRST name... (Tyra)
  • When you wear a Star Trek: Voyager T-shirt, and twenty people ask you, Do you like Star Trek? No, I hate it. *sigh* (Becca)
  • When I tell someone my name and they either say Is your phone number 867-5309? or they say Jennay (Forrest Gump) (Jenny)
  • My last name is Springer...I wish I had a dime for every person who asked if I was related to Jerry!!!!! (Spooky)
  • When you start a movie and your friend asks a zillion questions about it even though you've seen just as much as she has (Sipper)
  • When people say You don't know Jack! Who the hack is Jack? (Katherine)
  • I live in Australia and, NO, I don't ride on kangaroos! (krystan)
  • When people find out my name is spelled Jean Paul, they say Oh, hello, Jean like jeans instead of Jean (pronounced John) (Jean Paul)
  • When someone calls your house and says,You home yet? (ERIC)
  • When it's Saturday and you forgot to turn the alarm clock off. (Eluria)
  • Packets of chips that say you could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside. (KABIE)
  • When people watch me write and go, Your left-handed? Na, ya think? (Lissa)
  • People who come to the beach to play in the water but run for cover when it starts raining! (Dex129)
  • When I tell people my name and they ask, Oh did your parents name you after the Beach Boys song? No Wasnt born yet! (Barbaranne)
  • When people see a picture of my sister and say Wow, you guys look NOTHING alike. SHE'S so pretty. Thanks, folks. (Shannon)
  • When people type w/numbers that are supposed to represent words, ex: 2=to and 4=for. (Chels)
  • When you say, Can I have a drink of water? and someone says Why, you thirsty? No, I wanna see if my neck leaks. (~*Martine*~)
  • When people say, YO ADRIENNE! (Adia)
  • When I wear a t-shirt with my favorite band on it, and people say to me, You like them? No, it's for my health! (ML)
  • Warnings on hair dryers that state do not use in the shower. (kate)
  • My last name is Beatty.When people see my name they say are you related to Warren Beatty? (melissa)
  • When you turn a bottle upside down to read what's on the bottom only to find it reads: Do not turn upside down. (Lerbie)
  • When you get a sunburn and someone says,Did you know you have a sunburn? (Meg)
  • When people find out I'm from Waco Texas and ask me if I've ever heard of the compound. Or worse, if I'm a survivor! (The Nerd)
  • When people make fun of me for being tall. I mean, yeah, it's all my fault you're SHORT!! (Nerd)
  • When I tell people I'm from Canada & they ask if I live in an igloo & have a dog sled.. *rolls eyes* (~*Stacey Thomas*~ aka.. CanEHdianChic)
  • Waking up and getting ready for school only to find out that it is Saturday!!!! (Chelsea)
  • When someone puts mail in the chute at the post office, and then opens the door again to make sure it went down. (Heather)
  • When I wear a marching band jacket and people ask me if I'm in marching band. Naw, I just like to wear it, and pretend. (Danielle)
  • My last name is Dover and people ask me if my brothers name is Ben and if I have a sister named Eileen. GROW UP!! (Kristina)
  • When you're a twin someone asks, are you twins? YES. Then they ask, are you sisters? What do you think?? (TWINZER3)
  • When i say i'm thirsty and somebody says, oh, do you want a drink?....no i want a cookie! (deadio)
  • Messages that offer free stuff if you forward it to everyone, and the people who think they'll ACTUALLY get something! (Doug)
  • I'm Canadian. I do not live in Toronto. I do not live near Toronto. No, I do not know your friend from Toronto. (Rob Albo)
  • Peepl hoo culdnt spel too sav there livs (Amy)
  • Anyone who refers to the New Millennium as going to occur in the year 2000. Doesn't anyone know there was no year 0? (Carla)
  • When people leave a message on your answering machine and dont say the time they called, or the day, or even their name! (purplechicken)
  • When you have a really bad sunburn and people say things like You're really burnt aren't you? or does it hurt? (Erin-Emily)
  • When people say, it's always the last place you look. Well, of course it is! Who's going to keep looking after they've found it? (celeste)
  • When people ask Why are you so short?. Hmm.. It might have somthing to do with my parents being short... (Dave)
  • When I am chating online and every girl asks me if i have a girlfriend. I am a girl. (Taylor)
  • When you see something like a package of wooden spoons and the label says Wooden Spoons, it's like, DUH. (Amber)
  • People are constantly asking me where's Ken?, as if I've never heard that one before (Barbie)
  • When I tell people my name's Mackenzie, then they ask whats your first name? ... Why would I give them my last name? (Mackenzie)
  • When I tell people that I work at a Nuclear Power Plant and they ask "Do you glow in the dark?". (Mike)
  • Your baby is dressed in pink with a headband and someone asks. "Is it a boy?" (Cortney S)
  • Living in Las Vegas and having people ask you "What casino do you live in?" Like we don't have homes here. (Jacky)
  • People who have known you for about ten seconds and insist on calling you a cutsie nickname. (Megan)
  • When people say Warshington. HELLO people it's Washington. (Sara)
  • When guys try to impress us girls by walking like they have someone hanging on their leg! Whats up with that? (Candice)
  • The way companies put Nutritional Information on bottled water...IT'S WATER!!! (Ashley)
  • When you have a family get together and your boyfriend comes and you're standing there holding hands and some one asks "Is that your boyfriend?" (KAYLEE)
  • When people find out i'm a government intern they all want to know if i'm like monica. haha. you're not funny. (Anne)
  • When I tell people I'm studying to be a teacher and they ask me if I like kids- well duh?! (Kate R.)
  • People who see me with my guide dog, or using a white cane, and ask me if I'm really blind! (Bonnie)
  • People find out that I'm from Texas and they ask where my boots, cowboy hat, and horse are? (Yvette)
  • Your car breaksdown, you are standing in front of it with the hood up, and someone pulls up and asks, "Having trouble?" No, just giving the car a little extra air. (Larry Mc.)
  • When people find out the my name is Jill, they always ask where Jack is. (Jillian)
  • You're minding your own business when some self-proclaimed happiness guru tells you to "smile". (Daniel K)
  • When you get all pumped up over a game you just bought, and it turns out your system isn't powerful enough to play it. (Steve)
  • Having someone else tell you your pants are unzipped. (Rich L)
  • Those people that do the little quotations with their fingers. (Addie)
  • Going fishing and not catching anything and five minutes after you leave, someone catches a trophy fish in your fav spot. (M Stone)
  • People who have bad breath and insist on talking to you only inches from your face. (Aidan "AZA")
  • Upon hearing that I am from Dallas, people say one of two things, EVERY time: "Go Cowboys!" or "Oh, where JFK was shot." (Poliana Irizarry)
  • Personal ads that say "I like to have fun." Who doesn't? We're not a society of masochists here. (Deric)
  • People who think the traffic light changes by holding the WALK button in. (Bob)
  • Having to punch 15 different numbers at a business before you finally get to talk to a human. (Ruth Thompson)
  • You are late and you grab a pair of pants you wore yesterday, only to realize your undies are balled in the leg. (Kristen)
  • People who go to a store and it's closed, see the lights off and pull the door. It's locked, but they pull a few more times. (Shea)
  • When people take their time to page you and then when you call back the phone is busy or they are not home. (Sherry N.)
  • You ask your mom to make you a sandwich and she says "Poof! You're a sandwich!" (Jules)
  • When you're a girl thats 6'1" and people feel obliged to say "MY GOD YOU'RE TALL!" You don't say? (Angela)
  • When people don't know, when to use commas. (Dana)
  • You drive somewhere, wondering why the car is so sluggish, then you realise you had the hand brake on the whole time. (Charnelle)
  • When someone who bought you a piece of clothing keeps asking you if maybe they should have gotten a bigger size. (Whitney)
  • When people use the words, "because i said so" when they don't want to give you a real explanation. (Abby)
  • People who pronounce the word "coupon" as if it were spelled "q-pon". (Markus And Sarah)
  • When people walk up to you and say "WOW! You have really long hair!" It's like you didn't know. (Emily Calder)
  • You're moving into your new place and a passing neighbor says, "Moving in?" as you unload your bed and other boxes. (Andrea Joyce)
  • When people point to their wrist and ask you the time, it's like pointing to your crotch when you ask where the bathroom is. (Jennie)
  • People who like to use long, intelligent sounding words - and have no idea what the word means. (Lee Greenway)
  • People who say like, like, all the time, like. (KerryKaye)
  • People who use "its" and "it's" interchangably! (Cassandra)
  • Signwriters who think that EVERY 's', no matter what the context, should have an apostrophe clinging to it for dear life. (John Gow)
  • When you know the words to a song and try to tell your friend who is singing the wrong words, but they ignore you. (Krissy)
  • Whenever you are washing your car, someone comes up to you and says "You can do mine next, if you like" (Ian)
  • People who hum and whistle random songs that they seem to make up on the spot ... and do so CONSTANTLY. (Emily Dean)
  • When people say "no offense but..." and offend you. (Steph)
  • You come to school with your hair 4" shorter than the day before and people ask you if you got your hair cut. (Kristen)
  • You're the next person to use the washer after someone has washed a kleenex in their clothes. (Stepnhalf)
  • People who tell you a "funny" story about ten times and at the end of every time they say "I guess you had to be there." (Meghan G)
  • People who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" when they write. (Sooziecue)
Annoyances for all occasions!
Pet * Bathroom * Radio & TV * Restaurant * Duh... * Clothing * Parents & Kids*
* That's Life... * Public * School * Technology * Traffic * Work
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Last Updated: 06/01/00
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-99 Centre for the Easily Amused