Public Annoyances:
  • When old ladys have a ton of really bad perfume on. (())
  • When people start talking to you and start leaning towards your face more and more!! TAKE A STEP BACK FOR GOD SAKE!!! (~*Just me*~)
  • When people absolutely cannot sing on key, but sing really loud anyway!! (Kit Kat)
  • When teenage boys pull into the gas station, blasting rap music(even while pumping and going in to pay). Turn it down! (Bob)
  • People who ASSUME that just because you have a physical disability, that you must be a real retard too! (Edmeister)
  • When a glass door is so clean that you walk right into it. (Jessica)
  • When you are sitting in your car in an empty section of the parking lot, and someone comes and parks right next to you. (Moshell)
  • When teenage boys spit on the ground and they're so cool. . . .Yeah. That's it. REAL cool. (Killer Onion)
  • I hate it when people chew tobacco and spit it all out into a clear container.. and then sit it in front of you! Yuck! (Leah)
  • when you are laughing really hard and then all of a sudden you toot it's so embarassing!!!!! (~*kerry*~)
  • You are singing along to a song at a school dance and the DJ bleeps the curse word and you yell it by accident (Phoenixgrl)
  • When you don't realize until you get home from dinner that your skirt has been stuck in your underwear all night! (Ange)
  • When you're in a rush, and waiting on the elevator, and when you get on, it stops at every floor. (Mavilini)
  • Women who like to go topless! Nobody needs to see that! (Firefly)
  • When you go to take a drink from the drinking fountain and it sprays really high and gets your face wet! (*CaSiE*)
  • when you're in the department store and you hold the door for someone and they dont say thanks! (Tina)
  • When you're in a bad mood and don't feel like talking, and EVERYONE wants to know whats wrong. (~Colleen~)
  • When the desired object in the vending machine gets stuck and you can't reach it. (Killer Onion)
  • People who try to get on the elevator when others are still trying to get out. If I am out, there will be room for you. (Andy)
  • people who walk up the down escalator and think they are being cute (keith)
  • When you get a private itch in a public place! (Firefly)
  • When you go to take a drink out of a drinking fountain and the water only comes out about a centimeter high!!! (Hika-duck)
  • Getting called by the doctor, just when you find an interesting article to read. (D. Lerious)
  • how librarys always send you those obnoxios overdue notices DON'T THEY THINK WE KNOW IT'S OVERDUE!!!!!!! (~*kerry*~)
  • Those little cards they stick in magazines that fall out!!! (Krista)
  • People that take small kids to a store, and allow them to run free.(Do they think employees are baby-sitters)? (Vicki)
  • when companies offer FREE GIFTS....aren't gifts free anyway? (DeVz)
  • When you wave to someone you think you know and they turn out to be a complete stranger! (NICKY)
  • three words: public display of affection... GET A ROOM! (Nicky)
  • When people see that the lights are off and the store is dark yet they still must pull on the damn door! (Doug)
  • People who push the cross walk button 20 times - do they think the more they push it the faster it will change? (Renee`)
  • That horrible sound of drilling at the dentists office. (Jenny)
  • Groups of eleven year old boys on buses. (Nora)
  • People who are really, really fat that wear speedos at the local water park and attempt to flex their muscles. (IdKid)
  • People who fart in the elevator. (Ryan)
  • People who sing along to songs and dont know the words, yet still himm everyother word while bobbing their head! (Michelle)
  • Hummer limos. Who the hell wants to go to the prom looking like they're in the army!? (Rosa Ferrer)
  • People who talk really loud to the person next to them on public transportation. Shut up!! (Rosa Ferrer)
  • When someone gets a call on their cell phone in a movie theater and sits there and chats in the middle of a movie! (Sandy)
  • When lazy people wait 10 min. for an evavator to only go up one floor. (Mike)
  • People who get to the movies 10 minutes after the movie starts and crawl over you to find a seat, after you arrive early. (Joyce Reese)
  • When you are in the bank in the queue and one cashier is serving and the rest are standing around waffling. (Kow)
  • Standing room only on the bus and someone takes up three or more seats (Jules)
  • When people always have to put heheheh after everything you say, even if it is not funny!!! (Kelly)
  • When you have to pass someone in an aisle and you both start dancing around, trying to pass each other! (pump67)
  • All I want is $20 from the ATM and the person ahead of me has 2 failed PIN attempts, 3 a/c balances, transfer funds etc. (Ace)
  • When your knickers ride up your butt in public and too many people are watching you to be able to pull them back out!!!! (Laura)
  • When 15 people are waiting for a drink and the drunk at the end of the bar takes 20 minutes to get his money out. (Tiffany)
  • When you open the door to let yourself in and 20 people push past you and no one says thankyou, let alone let you in! (Jules)
  • People who constantly quote Austin Powers (McDughf)
  • People leave their thousand dollar cars in the street and boxes full of worthless junk in the garage. (Rainie)
  • When your coat gets tangled up in the chairlift and the stupid thing drags you back around. (Lunatic)
  • When someone waves to you, you wave back and it turns out they were waving to that popular girl behind you (jodi)
  • When people hold in their sneeze, and let out a little sqeak. Let it out, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. (Tiffany)
  • People who floss their teeth while riding public transportation. NASTY!!!!!! (Smiley)
  • House complexes that name themselves after all the trees they tore down. (Jen)
  • When someone looks at you funny and you wonder......Oops! Did I think that or say it? (Cynthiz)
  • When I'm on the elevator and someone light's a ciggerate when there's a huge sign that says no smoking. (Doll)
  • i can go like 8 hours at home without using the restroom but if i go to the theater i have to pee an hour into the movie (natalie maines)
  • when you are handicapped & people park in the handicapped spot & get out & walk perfectly FINE!! U could at least LIMP! (Erica)
  • When you're on an airplane and the person in the seat ahead of you reclines ALL the way back. Have some consideration!! (David)
  • Having to sit closer to a stranger in a lecture or theater than I'd sit to someone I'm dating . (Callisto_Ursa)
  • People that sing to songs that they don't really know the words to. (Kimberly)
  • People who crack their fingers!!! (farah)
  • When your roomate locks you out of the room and you're only wearing a bathrobe. (Amanda)
  • People uh...(especially teachers) that uh... use the word uh... after every single sentence and even in the sentence!!!! (laurend18)
  • When nasty truck drivers try to pick you up by honking and hollering. (Staci)
  • People who, like, y'know, litter their speech with, like, sort of unnecessary extras, like, yeah. (nicole)
  • When I go to concerts I always manage toásit behind someone with a head the size of a football helmet. (Jane)
  • When you try so hard to open a door, then walk away as someone comes up behind you and opens the door without a struggle. (Leezrddog)
  • Running to catch a bus, missing it, having to wait three hours for another and three come along at once! (lucy)
  • People try to INTENTIONALLY piss you off. (Suzanne Bauzys)
  • When you look at your reflection in a window and make dumb faces and there's someone laughing on the other side. (Mirnen)
  • There are two double doors. One side is open. Everyone going BOTH directions insists on going through the open one. (Lauren)
  • When you have your purse over your shoulder and it gets stuck on a doorknob and you almost strangle yourself. UGH! (Crystal)
  • People who cough or sneeze and don't cover their mouths. THanks for the germs! (Jen)
  • People who think that because they are in a car that they are shielded from everyone else so they pick their noses deep! (Nancee Park)
  • When I do something stupid cause I think no ones watching but everyone turns around just in time to see me and laugh! (Carrie)
  • When people chew their gum like cows and when they crack it. (Angela Williams)
  • When you are mowing you're lawn and your neighbor says You can do mine next. (jennifer)
  • Those idiots at theaters who sit behind you and explain the movie to the person next to them. (laura)
  • When you think a door is open so you walk right into it to find that its actually closed. (shannie)
  • Rubber-tipped doorstoppers that bounce the door right back into your face. (Carey Heilman)
  • When people insist on pushing the same elevator button that you just pushed, like its going to come sooner just for them. (Or maybe they think you pushed it wrong?) (Jason)
  • When people ask if my twins are my grandkids! (sue)
  • People who take off their bandages to show you their scabs (Shannon)
  • People who talk on their cell phones during a movie (also while driving, while eating in a restaurant, standing in line, etc...) (Susie)
  • When a public place has double doors, and some goof only unlocks one side of them, and you crash into the other side. (JAY INGRAM)
  • People who stop at the bottom of the escalator. (Ella)
  • Nails clippers being used on public transportation. The sound. Everyone wants to sit in someone elses nail clippings. (George)
  • When people find it absolutely necessary to play with their beeper or cell phone during a movie. (roland)
  • When you are on a plane and a person near you gets up and goes to the bathroom every 5 seconds (Roland)
  • When your usually meek bus partner strikes up a fiendishly dull convo when you just feel like looking out the window. (angelcayk)
  • People who get on the bus and then ask where it is going. (andie cool)
  • When you stand in front of a door waving your hands in front of it, only to find that the door is not automatic!!! (Jennifer 'D')
  • Trying to get off an elevator while every idiot who is waiting for the elevator is trying to get on at the same time! (S Brown)
  • People you just met in a doctor's office who enjoy explaining their most disgusting reasons for being there to you. (Erin)
  • People with bad taste in music, but good taste in car speakers. (Violytt)
  • You've been sitting at a baseball game talking about how hot "number 4" is and in the last inning you realize that his parents are sitting right behind you. (Amanda)
  • When you are walking in a parking lot and you walk through a spider web and only you can see and feel it and no one else can see it and wonders what you are doing slapping and wiping yourself trying to get it off. (Angie L.)
  • Guys who think its "cool" to have a really loud stereo system in their loud the hood of the car actually vibrates...DUH! (Amanda)
  • When you say something embarrassing about someone and they're right in front/behind you! (Cassandra)
  • Riding in a car with a person who has the radio up just enough so that you know it's on, but can't make out what's on. (Keren Jenkins)
  • The car alarm at the parking lot that goes on for hours and the owner is nowhere to be found. (Mario)
  • You're walking on a busy sidewalk and the person directly in front of you stops suddenly. (Christine)
  • When there is a little kid sitting behind you at the movie theater that kicks your seat throughout the show. (Alma)
  • People walking in pairs down the sidewalk towards you who haven't the decency to share the space so you can by. (Kristin)
  • Sitting in an empty movie theater and the world's tallest person decides to sit right in front of you. (Starpatch4)
  • When you go to open a door and miss the handle and then walk into the closed door. (Adam)
  • Business owners who put an "e" after everything, like "donut shoppE" or "coffee stoppE" THEY MUST DIE! (Jennie)
  • Walking in a hurry down a crowded sidewalk, and getting stuck behind a large group of slow walking tourists. (Jo)
  • Merchants who think " 'n' Stuff" or " 'n' Things" are a vital part of a business name. (Nate Larson)
  • You're wearing old,torn clothes, no make-up and your hair is a mess when you run into your ex and his girl. (Suzanne)
  • When you can't think of a good comeback, until the instant the person has left. (Misty)
  • People who say "to cut a long story short" and then go on telling it for another 15 minutes. (Jim Ollerhead)
  • When someone says, "Ewww! This tastes so nasty!" and then they want you to try it. (Several people)
  • Those velvet ropes at banks and resteraunts and nobody else is in line and you still have to run all the way through. (Brittany DAutel)
  • When you tell someone that the door is locked and they try to open it anyways as if it would magically open for them. (Cara)
  • Sign writers who feel it is necessary to put quotation marks around every "special". Or they use 'n' instead of and. It is not cute, or original, and it doesn't save any sign space! (Kendra)
  • People in grocery stores that leave their carts right in the middle and hog the whole aisle. (Rita)
Annoyances for all occasions!
Pet * Bathroom * Radio & TV * Restaurant * Duh... * Clothing * Parents & Kids*
* That's Life... * Public * School * Technology * Traffic * Work
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Last Updated: 06/01/00
WebMistress: Cathie Walker
© copyright 1995-99 Centre for the Easily Amused