New Tools

The following tools are new for the Windows 2000 Resource Kit:

topicAddiag.exe: Application Deployment Diagnosis

topicAppsec.exe: Application Security

topicAtmarp.exe: Windows ATM ARP Server Information Tool

topicAtmlane.exe: Windows ATM LAN Emulation Client Information

topicCachemov.exe: Offline Files Cache Mover

topicCconnect.exe: Con-Current Connection Limiter

topicCkymunge.dll: Cookie Munger

topicCla.msc: Cybersafe Log Analyst


topicClusrest.exe: Cluster Quorum Restore Utility


topicClustool.exe: Microsoft Cluster Tool

topicConfmgr.htm: IP Multicast Conference Management Tool

topicCopslpm.exe: Common Open Policy Service Local Policy Module

topicCusrmgr.exe: Console User Manager

topicDelrp.exe: Delete File and Reparse Points

topicDhcmp.exe: DH Compare

topicDHCP Objects (Dhcpobjs.exe)

topicDiskpar.exe: Disk Alignment Tool

topicDmdiag.exe: Disk Manager Diagnostics

topicDrmapsrv.exe: Drive Share

topicDsstore.exe: Directory Services Store

topicDumpcfg.exe: Dump Configuration

topicDumpfsmos.cmd: Dump FSMO Roles

topicDupfinder.exe (Duplicate File Finder)

topicDureg.exe: Registry Size Estimator

topicEfsinfo.exe: Encrypting File System Information

topicElogdmp.exe: Event Log Query Tool

topicEnumprop.exe: Enumerate Properties

Expand.exeExpand.exe: File Expansion Utility

topicExploration Air

topicExtract.exe: Extract Cabinet

topicFilespy.exe: File Spy


HTML HelpGp.chm: Windows 2000 Group Policy Reference

topicGpolmig.exe: Group Policy Migration

topicGpotool.exe: Group Policy Verification Tool

topicGpresult.exe: Group Policy Results

topicGuid2obj.exe: GUID to Object

topicHTMLTextFilter.exe: HTML Text Filter

topicHttpcmd.exe: HTTP Command

topicHttpmon.exe: HTTP Monitoring Tool

topicIasparse.exe: IAS Parse Tool

topicIe5ntwa.exe: Internet Explorer Web Accessories

topicIerk5.chm: Internet Explorer 5 Resource Kit

topicIfilttst.exe: IFilter Test Suite

topicIIS Migration Support Documents

topicIIS Permissions Wizard Template Maker

topicIishostsvc.exe: IIS Host Helper Service

topicIisv5migrationutility_x86.exe: IIS Migration Wizard

topicIntfiltr.exe: Interrupt Filter

topicInternet Explorer Administration Kit

topicInternet Scanner

topicInuse.exe: File-In-Use Replace Utility


topicJavareg.exe: Java/COM Registration Utility

topicKerbtray.exe (Kerberos Tray)

topicKlist.exe: Kerberos List

topicLbridge.cmd: L-Bridge



topicLsreport.exe: Terminal Services Licensing Reporter

topicLsview.exe: Terminal Services License Server Viewer


topicMcopy.exe: Multiple Copy

topicMetaedit.exe: Metabase Editor

topicMoveuser.exe: Move Users

topicMscep.dll: Certificate Enrollment Module for Routers

topicMsinfosetup.exe: Microsoft System Information Extensions

topicMSMQ Triggers

topicMtc.exe: Multiple Tree Copy

topicMtfcheck.exe: Microsoft Tape Format Verification Tool

topicOidgen.exe: OID Generator

topicPerfcheck.dll: Performance Counter Check

topicPerfmon4.exe: Performance Monitor 4


topicPrnadmin.dll: Printer Administration Objects

topicPtree.exe: Process Tree

topicQgrep.exe: Quick Grep

QSliceQuickres.exe: Quick Resolution Changer

topicRassrvmon.exe: RAS Server Monitor

topicRdpclip.exe: File Copy

topicReducer.exe: Reduce Trace Data

topicRemapkey.exe: Remap Windows Keyboard Layout

topicRemote Administration Scripts

topicRPC Ping: RPC Connectivity Verification Tool

topicRpcdump.exe: RPC Dump

topicRsm_dbic.exe: Removeable Storage Integrity Checker

topicRsm_dbutil.exe: Removeable Storage Database Utility

topicRsmconfg.exe: Removable Storage Manual Configuration Wizard

topicSecurity Configuration IIS Templates

topicSendfile.exe: SendFile Test Suite

topicSetspn.exe: Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts

topicShowperf.exe: Performance Data Block Dump Utility

topicShowpriv.exe: Show Privilege

InternetSupport Online Web site

topicSvcacls.exe: Service ACL Editor


topicSysscansetup.exe: System Scanner


topicTcmon.exe: Traffic Control Monitor

topicTerminal Server Capacity Planning Tools

topicTimestmp.sys: QoS Time Stamp

topicTracedmp.exe: Trace Dump



topicTru Access Manager Limited Edition

topicTsreg.exe: Terminal Services Client Registry Editory

topicTsver.exe: Terminal Services Version Limiter

topicUnattend.doc: Unattended Setup Parameters Guide


topicVadump.exe: Virtual Address Dump

topicVfi.exe: Visual File Information

topicW3Who.dll: Browser Client Context Viewer

topicWeb Application Stress Tool

topicWhere.exe: File Locator

topicWindows NT 4.0 OEM Support Tools

topicWinrpsdk15.doc: Windows Report Tool Deployment Software Development Kit

topicWins.dll: WINS Replication Network Monitor Parser

topicWinsta.exe: WinStation Monitor

topicWlbs_hb.dll and Wlbs_rc.dll: Windows Load Balancing Server Network Monitor Parsers

topicWmloadsimulator.exe: Windows Media Load Simulator