Windows Report Tool Deployment Software Development Kit (WinRep SDK)NEW

The Windows Report Tool (Winrep.exe) is an Internet-based problem reporting tool that is installed with Microsoft® Windows® 2000. Windows Report Tool collects information about a client computer that can be used by technical support personnel to diagnose and troubleshoot problems.

The Windows Report Tool Deployment Software Development Kit (WinRep SDK) is a collection of files consisting of documentation, sample Web pages, and tools necessary for extending the WinRep solution into a corporate or OEM environment. WinRep SDK allows customers to have a fast and efficient way of submitting requests for product support.

For more information, see Winrepsdk15.doc, which is located in the <cdroot>\Apps\Winrep directory of the Windows 2000 Resource Kit companion CD.

Files Required

The Windows Report Tool Deployment Software Development Kit is not installed during the standard Windows 2000 Resource Kit installation. The files are located in the <cdroot>\Apps\Winrep directory of the Windows 2000 Resource Kit companion CD.