Programming Guide

IBM OpenDoc
Programming Guide

Version 1.1

11 Nov 1996

Table of Contents



About Component Integration Laboratories

About This Book

  • Who Should Read This Book
  • How This Book Is Organized
  • Documentation Conventions
  • Note on Code Presentation
  • Related Publications
  • Introduction

  • Why OpenDoc?
  • Overview of OpenDoc
  • Parts
  • Documents, Parts, and Embedding
  • Parts and the User
  • Part Editors
  • Other Software Components
  • Frames and Embedding
  • Part Data Types
  • Part Kind
  • Part Category
  • Embedding Compared to Incorporating
  • Changing Part Editors
  • Displaying Parts
  • Drawing Structures
  • Presentation
  • View Type
  • Document Windows and Part Windows
  • Frame Negotiation
  • Event Handling
  • The Document Shell and the Dispatcher
  • Handling User Commands
  • Activation and Selection
  • Menus
  • Undo
  • Storage and Data Transfer
  • Storage Basics
  • Document Drafts
  • Stationery
  • Data Transfer
  • Clipboard
  • Drag and Drop
  • Linking
  • Extensibility
  • Scripting Support
  • Settings Extension
  • Other Extensions
  • Cross-Platform Consistency and CI Labs
  • Development Overview

  • The OpenDoc Class Library
  • A Set of Classes, Not a Framework
  • Classes You Must Subclass
  • Classes for Extending OpenDoc
  • Classes You Can Use
  • Abstract Superclasses
  • Implemented Classes
  • Service Classes
  • Writing OpenDoc Software
  • Developing with SOM and IDL
  • OpenDoc Protocols
  • Participatation in Protocols
  • Overriding the Methods of ODPart
  • Development Scenarios
  • Writing an Editor for NonContainer Parts
  • Writing an Editor for Container Parts
  • Converting a Conventional Application to a Part Editor
  • Writing Other Types of Component Software
  • Frames and Facets

  • Frame and Facet Hierarchies
  • Frames and Parts
  • Facets
  • Working with Your Display Frames and Facets
  • Responding to Reconnected and Closed Display Frames
  • Responding to Added or Removed Facets
  • Resizing a Display Frame
  • Requesting an Additional Display Frame
  • Responding to an Added Display Frame
  • Removing a Display Frame
  • Responding to a Removed Display Frame
  • Grouping Display Frames
  • Synchronizing Display Frames
  • Adopting Container Properties
  • Frame Negotiation
  • Working with Embedded Frames and Facets
  • Providing an Embedded-Frames Iterator
  • Creating a New Embedded Frame
  • Adding an Embedded Frame on Request
  • Resizing an Embedded Frame
  • Removing an Embedded Frame
  • Reconnecting and Releasing Embedded Frames
  • Adding a Facet
  • Removing a Facet
  • Creating Frame Groups
  • Synchronizing Embedded Frames
  • Transmitting Your Container Properties to Embedded Parts
  • Drawing

  • Canvases
  • Platform Canvases
  • Canvas Features
  • Adding and Removing Canvases
  • Transforms and Shapes
  • Transforms and Coordinate Spaces
  • Frame Coordinate Space
  • Content Coordinate Space
  • Converting to the Coordinates of a Containing Part
  • Canvas Coordinates and Window Coordinates
  • Coordinate Bias and Platform-Normal Coordinates
  • Using Transforms
  • Scrolling Your Part in a Frame
  • Transforming the Image of Your Part
  • Positioning an Embedded Frame
  • Transforming the Image of an Embedded Part
  • Using Drawing-Related Shapes
  • Frame Shape
  • Used Shape
  • Active Shape
  • Clip Shape
  • Managing Facet Clip Shapes
  • Maintaining a List of Embedded Facets
  • Calculating the Clip Shapes
  • Embedded-Part Responsibilities
  • Managing the Active Frame Border
  • Drawing
  • Defining General Display Characteristics
  • View Type
  • Presentation
  • Part Info Data Field
  • Basic Drawing
  • Draw Method of Your Part Editor
  • Invalidating and Validating your Content
  • Drawing on Opening a Window
  • Drawing When a Window Is Scrolled
  • Redrawing a Frame When It Changes
  • Drawing When a Part Is Scrolled
  • Drawing Selections
  • Drawing with Scroll Bars
  • Placing Scroll Bars within Your Frame
  • Placing Scroll Bars in a Separate Frame
  • Drawing Directly to the Window
  • Asynchronous Drawing
  • Offscreen Drawing
  • Drawing to an Offscreen Canvas
  • Updating an Offscreen Canvas
  • Drawing with Multiple Frames or Facets
  • Using Multiple Frames
  • Using Multiple Facets
  • Printing
  • Root-Part Responsibilities
  • Choosing a Frame for Printing
  • Printing the Document
  • Embedded-Part Responsibilities
  • Engaging in Frame Negotiation
  • Responding to GetPrintResolution
  • Issues for All Parts
  • User Events

  • User Event Handling
  • Types of User Events
  • Mouse Events
  • Mouse Events in Embedded Frames
  • Keystroke Events
  • Menu Events
  • Window Events
  • Activate Events
  • Update Events
  • Propagating Events
  • HandleEvent Method of Your Part Editor
  • Mouse Events, Activation, and Dragging
  • How Part Activation Occurs
  • Handling Mouse Events
  • Handling Activate Events
  • Focus Transfer
  • Focus Types
  • Arbitrating Focus Transfers
  • Requesting Focuses
  • Relinquishing Focuses
  • Transferring Focus without Negotiation
  • Recording Focus Transfers
  • Frame Activation
  • Window Activation
  • On Closing and Reopening Documents
  • Display-Related Events
  • Hit-Testing
  • Invalidating and Updating
  • Scrolling
  • Event-Handling in Scroll Bars within Your Frame
  • Event Handling in Scroll Bars in Separate Frames
  • Mouse-Down Tracking and Selection
  • Mouse-Up Tracking
  • Mouse-Up Feedback while Drawing
  • Windows and Menus

  • Windows
  • Creating and Using Windows
  • Window State Object
  • Creating and Registering a Window
  • Opening a Window
  • Window IDs
  • Closing a Window
  • Storing and Retrieving Window Characteristics
  • Open Method of Your Part Editor
  • Handling Window Events
  • Resizing
  • Closing
  • Dragging
  • Modal Dialog Boxes
  • Acquiring and Relinquishing the Modal Focus
  • Event Filters
  • Handling a Simple Modal Dialog Box
  • Handling a Movable Modal Dialog Box
  • Modeless Dialog Boxes
  • Showing the Dialog Box
  • Closing the Dialog Box
  • Hiding a Dialog Box when Deactivating a Frame
  • Controls
  • Design Issues for Controls
  • Handling Events in Controls
  • Sharing Palettes and Utility Windows
  • Using a Tool Palette to Embed Parts
  • Menus
  • Setting Up Menus
  • Base Menu Bar
  • Base Pop-Up Menu
  • Adding Part Menus to the Base Menu Bar
  • Menu IDs
  • Obtaining the Menu Focus
  • Enabling and Disabling Menus and Commands
  • Menus and Read-Only Documents
  • Menus and the Root Part
  • Document Menu
  • Page Setup and Print document
  • Edit Menu
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Create
  • Cut, Copy, and Paste
  • Paste as...
  • Links
  • Delete selection
  • Select all
  • Deselect all
  • Selection properties
  • Open selection
  • View Menu
  • Properties
  • Show as
  • View in window
  • Help Menu
  • Help index
  • Using help
  • General help
  • OpenDoc information
  • Help Menu with Part Help
  • MyPart help index
  • MyPart help
  • MyPart information
  • Pop-Up Menu
  • Accelerator Table Sharing
  • Undo
  • Multilevel, Cross-Document Capability
  • Implementing Undo
  • WriteActionState and ReadActionState
  • Adding an Action to the Undo History
  • Adding Multistage Actions
  • Menu Strings and Two-Stage Actions
  • Creating an Action Subhistory
  • Undoing an Action
  • Redoing an Action
  • Clearing the Action History
  • Undo and Embedded Frames
  • Storage

  • OpenDoc Storage System
  • Storage Units, Properties, and Values
  • Storage-Unit Organization
  • Standard Properties
  • Creating Properties and Values
  • Focusing a Storage Unit
  • Manipulating the Data in a Value
  • Iterating through a Storage Unit
  • Removing Properties and Values
  • Storage-Unit IDs
  • Persistent References
  • Main and Auxiliary Storage Units
  • Prefocused Access with Storage-Unit Views
  • Documents, Drafts, and Parts
  • Drafts
  • Storage Model for Parts
  • What a Draft Contains
  • Info Properties
  • Container Properties
  • Creating a New Document
  • Reading and Writing Your Part
  • Initializing and Reading a Part from Storage
  • The somInit Method
  • The InitPart Method
  • The InitPartFromStorage Method
  • Writing a Part to Storage
  • The Externalize Method
  • The ExternalizeKinds Method
  • Creating Additional Storage Units
  • Storing and Retrieving Display Frames
  • Storing and Retrieving Embedded Frames
  • Reading and Writing Part Info Data
  • Changing Your Part's Content
  • Adding an Embedded Part
  • Removing an Embedded Part
  • Making Content Changes Known
  • Closing Your Part
  • The ReleaseAll Method
  • The somUninit Method
  • Data Transfer

  • Storage Issues for Data Transfer
  • Data Configuration
  • Annotations
  • Link Specification
  • Frame Shape or Frame Annotation
  • Proxy Content
  • Cloning-Kind Annotation
  • Mouse-Down Offset Annotation
  • Drag and Drop Annotations (For OS/2)
  • Clonable Data Annotation Prefix
  • Cloning
  • Cloning Sequence
  • Scope of a Clone Operation
  • CloneInto Method of Your Part Editor
  • ClonePartInfo Method of Your Part Editor
  • Promises
  • Writing a Promise
  • Getting Data from a Value Containing a Promise
  • Fulfilling a Promise
  • Handling Cut Data
  • Handling Pasted or Dropped Data
  • Default Conventions
  • Handling the Paste As Dialog Box
  • Writing to a Data-Transfer Object
  • Writing Intrinsic Content
  • Writing a Single Embedded Frame
  • Reading from a Data-Transfer Object
  • Incorporating Intrinsic Content
  • Embedding a Single Part
  • Clipboard Transfer
  • Clipboard Concepts
  • Acquiring and Relinquishing the Clipboard Focus
  • Clipboard Update ID
  • Removing a Link Specification from the Clipboard
  • Undo for Clipboard
  • Copying or Cutting to the Clipboard
  • Pasting from the Clipboard
  • Drag and Drop
  • Drag and Drop Concepts
  • User Interaction
  • Move and Copy
  • Droppable Frames
  • Undo for Drag and Drop
  • Initiating a Drag
  • Operations While a Drag Is in Progress
  • Entering a Part's Facet
  • Within a Part's Facet
  • Leaving a Part's Facet
  • Dropping
  • Drag Attributes and the Drop Method
  • Accepting Non-OpenDoc Data
  • Completion of StartDrag
  • Linking
  • Link Concepts
  • Link Update ID
  • Automatic and Manual Propagation of Updates
  • Automatic and Manual Updating of Link Source Content
  • Frame Link Status
  • Content Changes in Embedded Frames
  • Link Borders
  • Link Info
  • Linking and Undo
  • Manipulating Links
  • Creating a Link at the Destination
  • Creating a Link at the Source
  • Updating a Link at the Destination
  • Updating a Link at the Source
  • Writing Linked Content to Storage
  • Reading Linked Content from Storage
  • Revealing the Source of a Link
  • Editing a Link Destination
  • Breaking and Cutting Links
  • Transfer Rules for Links and Link Sources
  • Direct Scripting

  • Direct Scripting
  • Scripting
  • Considerations for the Application Developer
  • Lotus Script Scripting
  • Creating OpenDoc References
  • Initializing and Terminating Events
  • Programming Considerations
  • Supported Event Return Types
  • SOM IDL Conversion to Lotus Script
  • Object Lifecycle
  • Inheritance Considerations
  • Runtime Considerations
  • Modifications to the Lotus Script IDE
  • Visual Basic Scripting
  • Embedding an OpenDoc Part into a Visual Basic Form
  • Writing a Visual Basic Program to Access the Part.
  • Perform Event Handling
  • Scriptable Part Development
  • Script Extension Implementation
  • Register
  • DeRegister
  • InitScriptExtension
  • Modifications for Part Coding
  • HasExtension and AcquireExtension
  • Externalize
  • InitPartFromStorage
  • Part Specific Routines
  • Menu Management
  • Part Registration
  • IDL Modifications
  • Event Coding
  • Script Component
  • Annotating the IDL
  • IDL Modifiers for OpenDoc
  • ODdefault (A O)
  • ODdual (I)
  • ODevent (I)
  • ODGuid (I)
  • ODhelpcontext (I A O)
  • ODhelpfile (I A O)
  • ODhelpstring (I A O)
  • ODid (O)
  • OpenDoc Event Notification
  • Making a Part Connectable
  • IDL Segments
  • ScriptableSimplePartInterface Code Segment
  • ScriptableSimplePartEvents IDL Segment
  • Constructor for Event Notification
  • Part Availability
  • Component Manager
  • Component Registry
  • Component Access Interface
  • Extending OpenDoc

  • OpenDoc Extension Interface
  • Extension Objects
  • Using an Extension
  • Implementing Extensions
  • The Settings Extension
  • Custom Event Types
  • Creating a Dispatch Module
  • Using a Dispatch Module as a Monitor
  • Custom Focus Types
  • Creating a Focus Module
  • Focus Modules for NonExclusive Focuses
  • Custom Transform Objects
  • Shell Plug-Ins
  • Patching OpenDoc
  • Writing a Patch
  • Installing a Patch
  • Potential Patch Conflicts
  • OpenDoc Run-Time Features

  • Run-Time Environment
  • OpenDoc Run-Time Process
  • Dynamic Linking and System Object Model
  • Dynamic Linking
  • SOM and Distributed Dispatching
  • SOM Exception Handling
  • Part-Wrapper Object
  • Name Spaces
  • Creating and Releasing Objects
  • Factory Methods
  • Reference-Counted Objects
  • Handling Byte Arrays and Other Parameters
  • Lazy Instantiation
  • Accessing Objects through Iterators
  • Binding
  • Information Used for Binding
  • Part Kinds Supported by an Editor
  • Part Kinds Stored in a Part
  • Part Categories Supported by an Editor
  • User Strings
  • Binding Process
  • When Binding Occurs
  • Binding to Preferred Editor
  • Binding to Default Editor for Kind
  • Binding to Default Editor for Category
  • Binding to Any Available Editor
  • Binding to Editor of Last Resort
  • Consequences of Changing Part Editors
  • Run-Time Object Relationships
  • Session Object
  • Session-Level Objects
  • Drawing-Related Objects
  • Window State and Windows
  • Embedding
  • Layout and Imaging
  • User-Interface Objects
  • Storage Objects
  • Document Storage
  • Part Storage
  • Extension Objects and Scripting
  • The Document Shell
  • Document Shell Operations
  • Opening a Document
  • Saving and Reverting a Document
  • Closing a Document
  • Handling User Events
  • The Document Shell and the Document Menu
  • Appendix A. Embedding Checklist

  • Content Model and Storage
  • Embedded Frame Management
  • Drawing
  • Event Handling
  • Data Transfer
  • Scripting Support
  • Appendix B. Part Developer's Checklist

  • Splash Screens
  • Menus
  • Document Menu
  • Edit Menu
  • View Menu
  • Help Menu
  • Icons
  • Part Properties
  • Part Selection
  • Resizing Frames
  • Changing Display Forms
  • Multiple Selection
  • Drag and Drop
  • Scrolling
  • Sequenced Frames
  • Linking
  • Appendix C. OpenDoc Recipes

  • Standards
  • Making Parent Method Calls
  • ODByteArray
  • Object Equality
  • Parameters and Memory in OpenDoc
  • Part Properties
  • Standard Properties
  • Non-Container Part Protocol
  • Container Protocol
  • Additional Note for Root Containers
  • Notes on Background Transparency Handling
  • Storage
  • Cloning Mechanism
  • Recipe for Clients
  • Recipe for Parts
  • Scoping for Cloning
  • Destination Frame for Cloning
  • Persistent Object Annotations
  • Reference Counting
  • Why Use ODRefCntObject?
  • What Is ODRefCntObject?
  • What Are the ODRefCntObjects in OpenDoc?
  • How Does It Work?
  • What Are the Implications on ODPersistentObjects?
  • Persistent References
  • ODStorageUnitRef
  • Strong and Weak ODStorageUnitRef
  • Sample Codes
  • Storage Unit Manipulation Recipes/Examples
  • Persistent Objects Removal
  • Alternate Container Suite Use
  • Creating a Container
  • Acquiring a Container
  • Default Container Type
  • Bento Container Suite
  • How to Create a BCS File Container?
  • How to Create a BCS In-Memory Container?
  • How to Get the FSSpec from a BCS File Container?
  • Garbage Collection
  • Data Interchange
  • Data Interchange Basics
  • About Coding Examples
  • Data Interchange Mechanisms
  • Promising Intrinsic Content
  • Writing an Embedded Frame
  • Implementing CloneInto
  • Incorporating from a Content Storage Unit
  • Embedding a Content Storage Unit
  • Clipboard Recipes
  • About Coding Examples
  • Header File
  • When Parts May Access the Clipboard
  • Determining that a Draft Can Be Modified
  • Clipboard Focus
  • Acquiring the Clipboard Focus
  • Relinquishing the Clipboard Focus
  • Cloning to the Clipboard
  • Clipboard Update IDs
  • Undoing Clipboard Operations
  • Undoing the Cut or Paste of Embedded Frames
  • Cleanup in ReleaseAll
  • Writing Intrinsic Content to the Clipboard
  • Copying Intrinsic Content to the Clipboard
  • Cutting Intrinsic Content to the Clipboard
  • Copying a Single Embedded Frame to the Clipboard
  • Cutting a Single Embedded Frame to the Clipboard
  • Incorporating Content from the Clipboard
  • Embedding a Part from the Clipboard
  • Container Application Requirements
  • Drag and Drop
  • Preparing for a Drop
  • Detecting a Drag (Handling Mouse-Down Events)
  • Initiating a Drag
  • Tracking a Drag
  • Receiving a Drop
  • Incorporating Data from a Non-OpenDoc Document
  • Embedding Data from a Non-OpenDoc Document
  • Promises
  • Putting Out a Promise
  • Getting Data from a Value with a Promise
  • Fulfilling a Promise
  • Forcing Promise Fulfillment
  • Drag and Drop - Promising Non-OpenDoc File
  • Initiating a Drag
  • Fulfilling the Promise/Creating the Non-OpenDoc File
  • Linking Recipes
  • Header Files
  • Utility Functions Used in Code Samples
  • Associating Links with Content
  • Persistent Representation of Links
  • Implementing InitPartFromStorage
  • Implementing Externalize
  • About Cloning Linked Content
  • Incorporating Linked Content from the Clipboard
  • Incorporating Linked Content the Easy Way
  • Incorporating Linked Content the Efficient Way
  • Copying a Single Embedded Frame at the Source or Destination of a Link
  • Posting a Link Specification to the Clipboard or Drag and Drop Object
  • When Not To Post a Link Specification
  • Removing a Link Specification from the Clipboard
  • Specifying Kinds Supported via nmap Resources
  • Implementing Paste with Link (Incorporating Content)
  • Implementing Paste with Link (Embedding Content)
  • Drop Result when Pasting a Link
  • Registering for Update Notification
  • Undoable Actions and Linking
  • Undoing the Paste or Drop of Linked Content
  • Accessing a Link
  • Basic Recipe for Writing to a Link
  • Implementing CreateLink
  • Better Undo Recipe for CreateLink
  • When CreateLink Is Called To Get an Existing Link
  • Updating a Link
  • Creating or Updating a Link Consisting of a Single Embedded Frame
  • Notes on Implementing FulfillPromise
  • Updating the Destination of a Link
  • Link Source Moved Across Parts
  • Update IDs
  • Links Containing Embedded Frames
  • Frame Link Status
  • Implementing LinkStatusChanged
  • Content Change Protocol
  • Implementing EmbeddedFrameUpdated
  • Calling ODFrame::ContentUpdated
  • Displaying Link Info Dialogs
  • Displaying Link Borders
  • Implementing RevealLink
  • Editing in a Link Destination
  • Implementing Linking Dialogs
  • Imaging and Layout Recipes
  • Adding a Display Frame
  • Adding and Removing Facets
  • Adding a Facet
  • Removing a Facet
  • Adjusting the Active Border
  • Adjusting the Border Shape
  • About Reference Counts
  • Clipping Obscured Content and Parts
  • Clipping Embedded Facets
  • Responsibilities
  • Sample Code
  • Content Update Notification
  • Calling ODFrame::ContentUpdated
  • Implementing EmbeddedFrameUpdated
  • Creating an Embedded Frames Iterator
  • Creating the Iterator
  • Caveats
  • Sample Code
  • Determining Print Resolution
  • Embedding a Frame
  • Frame Groups and Sequencing
  • Containing Part Perspective
  • Embedded Part Perspective
  • Frame Link Status
  • Implementing LinkStatusChanged
  • Internalizing an Embedded Frame
  • Embedding a Frame
  • Making a Frame Visible
  • Creating and Using Offscreen Canvases
  • Creating an Offscreen Canvas
  • Imaging on an Offscreen Canvas
  • Updating an Offscreen Canvas
  • Part Drawing
  • Printing
  • Managing the Print Job and Page Layout
  • Imaging Onto a Printing Canvas
  • References
  • Removing an Embedded Frame
  • RequestEmbeddedFrame
  • Scrolling
  • Coordinate Systems
  • Simple Scrolling
  • Partial Scrolling
  • Imaging
  • User Interface Interaction
  • Embedding Support
  • The Other Way
  • View Types and Presentations
  • View Type
  • Presentation
  • Frame Creation
  • Connecting Frames to Parts
  • User Interface
  • Activation
  • Key Methods
  • Requesting a Focus or Focus Set
  • Transferring a Focus or Focus Set
  • Basic Frame Activation
  • Window Activation and Frame Activation
  • Basic Event Handling
  • Standard Events
  • Special Considerations
  • Dialogs
  • Movable Modal Dialogs
  • Modeless Dialogs
  • Closing a Dialog
  • When Activating or Deactivating a Frame
  • Menus
  • Getting the Menu Bar
  • Adding Part Menus and Menu Items to the Base Menu Bar
  • Displaying the Menu Bar
  • Adjusting the Menu Bar
  • Handling Menu Events
  • Adding Accelerators
  • Pop-Up Menus
  • Getting the Pop-Up
  • Adding to the Pop-Up Menu
  • Displaying the Pop-Up Menu
  • Adjusting the Pop-Up Menu
  • Opening and Closing Windows
  • Creating a Window
  • Registering a Window
  • Opening a Window
  • Closing Windows
  • Opening a Part into a Window
  • Window Events
  • Properties Notebook
  • Displaying the Properties Notebook
  • ODSettingsExtension Programming
  • Creating ODSettingsExtension
  • Presentation Page
  • Stationery Support for the OS/2 Platform
  • Creating the Icon File
  • Updating Part Editor Source Code
  • Creating A Part's Desktop Stationery
  • Help
  • Undo
  • Using Resources in OpenDoc
  • Facet Windows
  • Querying the Facet Window Handle
  • Specifying the PS for a Facet Window
  • Using Embedded PM Controls within a Facet (OS/2)
  • Managing Clipping
  • Handling Mouse Events on OS/2
  • Implementing a Dispatch Module
  • Defining a Dispatch Module
  • Monitors
  • Implementing a Focus Module
  • Defining a Focus Module
  • Installing a Focus Module
  • Part Persistency
  • Multiple Kind Support
  • Terminologies
  • Standard Kinds
  • Coding Required
  • Resources Required
  • Multiple Kinds User Interface Description
  • Part Storage Model
  • Rules and Requirements
  • Details of the Part Storage Model
  • Questions and Answers
  • Part Init and Externalizing
  • Proper Treatment of Permissions
  • PartWrapper
  • Sample Code for Initialization
  • Sample Code for Externalization
  • Part Info 'Ternalization
  • Persistent Format
  • 'Ternalizing Part Info
  • When to Write
  • Sample Code
  • Display Frame 'Ternalization
  • Caveats
  • Methods Affected
  • Sample Code
  • Lazy Frame Internalization
  • How To Be Lazy
  • Getting Laziness to Work for You
  • Sample Code
  • Dynamic Binding
  • Binding
  • Installation of OpenDoc Software
  • The Standard File Directory Structure
  • The Runtime File Directory
  • The Part Handler File Directory
  • The Source Sandbox File Directory
  • The OpenDoc Desktop File Directory
  • Packaging Your OpenDoc Part Handler
  • The Part Handler Package File Format
  • Registering a Part Handler
  • Shell Plug-In
  • Elements
  • Installation
  • Sample Code
  • Appendix D. Sample Parts

  • Creating a Part from SimplePart
  • SimplePart Attributes
  • Overrides from ODPart for SimplePart
  • Methods Defined in SimplePart Class
  • AdjustViewTypeShapes
  • Activate
  • ActivateFrame
  • CommonInit
  • CreateFramePartInfo
  • CreateIcons
  • DeleteFramePartInfo
  • DrawFrame
  • DrawIcon
  • FreeResModule
  • GetMenuBar
  • GetPopupMenu
  • HandleMenuEvent
  • InstallMenus
  • LoadIconsFromModule
  • SetViewTypeRect
  • MakeWindow
  • Creating a Part from BaseContainer Part
  • Overrides from ODPart for BaseContainer
  • Methods Defined in BaseContainer
  • ActivateFrame
  • CompleteMoveOperation
  • CompleteResizeOperation
  • CopySelection
  • CutSelection
  • DeleteSelection
  • DeselectAll
  • DrawContents
  • DrawSelectionBorder
  • GetBackgroundColor
  • GetContentObjectFromObjType
  • GetDisplayFrames
  • GetEmbeddedObjects
  • GetMenuBar
  • GetSelectedObjects
  • HandleColorChange
  • HandleMenuEvent
  • HandleMouseClick
  • HandleMouseDown
  • HandleMouseMotionLBDown
  • HandleMouseMotionEnd
  • HandleMouseMotionStart
  • HandleMouseMove
  • HandleMouseUp
  • Initialize
  • InstallMenuItems
  • MakeWindow
  • MoveSelectionToBack
  • MoveSelectionToFront
  • PasteSelection
  • PasteSelectionAs
  • ReadContents
  • ReadKindInfo
  • SelectAll
  • SelectContentObject
  • SetBackgroundColor
  • WriteContents
  • WriteIconToSU
  • WriteKindInfo
  • The ContentObject Class
  • ContentObject Attributes
  • Methods Defined in ContentObject Class
  • DeleteContents
  • MoveBy
  • MoveToBack
  • MoveToFront
  • ReadContents
  • Resize
  • WriteContents
  • Creating a Part with PartMeister
  • Settings Notebook
  • Creating a Part
  • PartMeister Templates
  • Building Sample Parts
  • The Build Environment
  • Part Developer's Makefile
  • Macro Definitions
  • The Include of Platform.mak
  • Simplified Inference Rules
  • Platform.mak
  • Environment Variable Macros
  • General Use Macros
  • Default Target and Its Corresponding Rules
  • Remaining Rules
  • Clean Rules
  • Appendix E. Sample Utilities

  • Exception Handling
  • Guidelines for Coding Exception Handling
  • Use the New Header Files
  • Use the Debug Header Files
  • Define the _NATIVE_EXCEPTIONS_ Macro
  • Never Throw a C++ Exception out of an OpenDoc Part DLL
  • Check for SOM Exceptions
  • Use ODSetSOMException
  • Clear the SOM Exception Variable
  • SOM Compiler Flags
  • Using SOMMalloc and SOMFree
  • Programming Tools in ODExcept.h
  • Tools to Raise Exceptions
  • Tools to Manage the SOM Exception Handling Environment
  • Tools to Get and Set Exception Values
  • Obsolete Macros and Methods
  • Standard Structure for SOM Methods
  • Basic Try and Catch Model
  • Automatic Environment Checking
  • Guidelines for Using the Debugging Tools.
  • Display Warnings
  • Exceptions and Warning Based on Conditions
  • Printing Messages
  • FocusLib Utility
  • Temporary References and Objects
  • Using TempObjs and TempRefs
  • Pitfalls
  • Adding New Classes
  • Byte Arrays
  • AreByteArraysEqual
  • CopyByteArray
  • CopyByteArrayStruct
  • CreateByteArray
  • CreateByteArrayStruct
  • CreateEmptyByteArray
  • CreateEmptyByteArrayStruct
  • DisposeByteArray
  • DisposeByteArrayStruct
  • StorageUnitGetValue
  • StorageUnitSetPromiseValue
  • StorageUnitSetValue
  • StorageUnitViewGetValue
  • StorageUnitViewSetValue
  • UseByteArray
  • International Text
  • CopyIText
  • CopyITextStruct
  • CreateIText
  • CreateITextClear
  • CreateITextCString
  • CreateITextFromCharPtr
  • CreateITextPString
  • DisposeIText
  • DisposeITextStruct
  • GetCStringFromIText
  • GetITextScriptCode
  • GetPStringFromIText
  • GetITextCString
  • GetITextLangCode
  • GetITextPString
  • GetITextPStringFromIText
  • GetITextPtr
  • GetITextStringLength
  • SetITextBufferSize
  • SetITextCString
  • SetITextScriptCode
  • SetITextLangCode
  • SetITextPString
  • SetITextStringLength
  • SetITextText
  • Math Routines
  • ODFirstBit
  • ODFixedDivide
  • ODFixedRound
  • ODFixedMultiply
  • ODFixedToFloat
  • ODFixedToFract
  • ODFloatToFixed
  • ODFloatToFract
  • ODFractDivide
  • ODFractMultiply
  • ODFractSinCos
  • ODFractToFixed
  • ODFractToFloat
  • IntToODFixed
  • ODWideAdd
  • ODWideCompare
  • ODWideDivide
  • ODWideIsLong
  • ODWideMultiply
  • ODWideNegate
  • ODWideShift
  • ODWideSquareRoot
  • ODWideSubtract
  • Data Types for Sample Utilities
  • ODScriptCode
  • ODTradITextDataHeader
  • ODTradITextData
  • Appendix F. OpenDoc Executables

  • avsshell Utility
  • cmgrcmd Utility
  • ctypelib Utility
  • docshell Utility
  • gencat Utility
  • mkcatdef Utility
  • msgdisp Utility
  • odDeRgPt Utility
  • odDumpRg Utility
  • oddesk Utility
  • odinst Utility
  • odmkSampleTree Utility
  • odRegPrt Utility
  • odsetenv Utility
  • odsomxh Utility
  • oduninst Utility
  • oleshell Utility
  • pmeister Utility
  • pmprintf Utility
  • prefedit Utility
  • reg1part Utility
  • RunApp Utility
  • runcat Utility
  • scriptrg Utility
  • Appendix G. Notices

  • Trademarks
  • Appendix H. Glossary


    Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Appendix G. "Notices".

    First Edition (November 1996)

    The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.

    This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time.

    It is possible that this publication may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country.

    Requests for technical information about IBM products should be made to your IBM reseller or IBM marketing representative. © Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1995. All rights reserved.

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