Programming Guide


  • AbortClone method (2156), (2223)
  • AbortRelinquishFocus method (1015), (1025), (1905), (2486)
  • abstract superclasses (442)
  • accelerators, adding (2601)
  • AcquierExtension method (2657)
  • Acquire method (1978), (1988), (2387)
  • AcquireAggregateClipShape method (2394)
  • AcquireContainingPartProperties method (2137)
  • AcquireContentTransform (919)
  • AcquireContentTransform method (702)
  • AcquireDraft method (1966)
  • AcquireExtension method (480), (1763), (1865), (1881)
  • AcquireFrame method (626), (1461), (1466), (1967), (1994)
  • AcquireFrameShape method (752)
  • AcquireFrameTransform method (703)
  • AcquireInternalTransform method (739)
  • AcquireLink method (1539), (1549)
  • AcquireLinkFromFocusedSU method (2345)
  • AcquireLinkSource method (1538), (1548)
  • AcquirePart method (1383), (1398), (2254)
  • AcquireUsedShape method (764)
  • AcquireWindow method (1141), (1147), (2636)
  • AcquireWindowContentTransform (918)
  • AcquireWindowContentTransform method (710)
  • AcquireWindowFrameTransform (711)
  • action history, undo (611)
  • ActionDone method (2279)
  • activate events (2560)
  • Activate method (2773)
  • ActivateFrame method (2775), (2806)
  • ActivateFrontWindows method (1115), (2577)
  • activation
  • of part (1002)
  • of windows (1085)
  • active shape
  • definition (766)
  • description (313)
  • in drawing (748)
  • in layout and imaging (2014)
  • relation to frame border (320)
  • relation to frame shape (318)
  • AddActionToHistory method (2689)
  • AddContainedPart method (1780)
  • AddDispatchModule method (1888)
  • AddEventMgr method (1819)
  • adding
  • a property to a storage unit (1251)
  • accelerators (2600)
  • display frame (2361)
  • embedded frames (2070)
  • embedded frames on request (590)
  • facets (628), (2367)
  • facets, response to (531)
  • items to menus (2597)
  • menus (2596)
  • new parts to a document (247)
  • part menus to base menu bar (1178)
  • pop-up menus (2612)
  • storage units (1365)
  • AddMenuBeforeEx method (1181)
  • AddMenuLastEx method (1182)
  • AddNotebookSheet method (2667)
  • AdjustBorderShape method (2383), (2392)
  • adjusting active borders (2373)
  • AdjustViewTypeShapes method (2771)
  • advantages of OpenDoc (228), (234)
  • allocating
  • objects (1952)
  • annotating, persistent objects (2166)
  • appending data at end of value (1284)
  • applications
  • compared with OpenDoc part editors (418)
  • components (compared to monolithic applications) (230)
  • disadvantages of conventional (229)
  • monolithic compared to application components (231)
  • arbitrator
  • activation (2477)
  • interaction regarding focus ownership (1901)
  • relation to document shell (1938), (2064)
  • AreByteArraysEqual function (3050)
  • ASSERT macro (3027)
  • assert messages (3025)
  • ASSERT macro (3028)
  • ASSERT_NOT_NULL macro (3040)
  • ASSERTCATALOG macro (3030)
  • ASSERTMSG macro (3032)
  • WASSERT macro (3034)
  • WASSERTCATALOG macro (3036)
  • WASSERTMSG macro (3038)
  • ASSERT_NOT_NULL macro (3039)
  • ASSERTCATALOG macro (3029)
  • ASSERTMSG macro (3031)
  • asynchronous
  • access to part content (1228)
  • display by embedded part (927)
  • displaying (2404)
  • drawing to offscreen canvas (910)
  • drawing,description of (897)
  • AttachSourceFrame method (572), (653)
  • automatic environment checking (3008)
  • auxiliary
  • controls in a separate frame (325)
  • storage unit compared to main storage unit (1343)
  • auxiliary storage units
  • compared with main storage unit (1339)
  • creating (1424)
  • reference from main storage unit (2038)
  • retrieving from main storage unit (1427)
  • avsshell utility (3182)
  • B
  • background colors (2130)
  • background tasking (1507)
  • background transparency (2133), (2148)
  • BaseContainer Part (2805)
  • BaseRemoved method (1872)
  • BASIC scripts, managing (1595)
  • BeginClone method (1329), (2154), (2221)
  • BeginRelinquishFocus method (1013), (1023), (1906), (2485), (2511)
  • behavior provided by part editor (254)
  • benefits of OpenDoc (233)
  • Bento
  • CI labs responsibility for (411)
  • container suite (2185)
  • creating (2186)
  • overview description (412)
  • bias
  • coordinate bias and platform-normal coordinates (714)
  • coordinate, definition of (716)
  • transform (720)
  • transforms (718)
  • biasCanvas parameter (724)
  • binding
  • description (1997)
  • dynamic (2725)
  • dynamic, in SOM (475)
  • information used (1998)
  • object (457)
  • of parts (1947)
  • overview (2726)
  • part editors (1939)
  • relation to OpenDoc run-time module (1934)
  • bootstrap file (2763)
  • build
  • environment (2904)
  • sample parts (2902)
  • BuildCopy (2939)
  • BuildDef macro (2940)
  • BuildDll macro (2942)
  • BuildDllWithRes macro (2943)
  • building part handler files (2750)
  • building sample parts (2899)
  • building the part handler package (2753)
  • BuildLib macro (2941)
  • bundled
  • components (237)
  • embedded frame (972)
  • frame, dragging of (1478)
  • byte arrays (3049)
  • C
  • caching scripts (1649)
  • CALib See Container Application Library
  • CanvasChanged method (901)
  • canvases
  • coordinate space (692)
  • coordinates (686)
  • creating offscreen (2450)
  • drawing (659)
  • dynamic (663)
  • offscreen updating (915)
  • onscreen and offscreen (667)
  • platform (662)
  • static (664)
  • updating an offscreen (920)
  • using (658)
  • CanvasUpdated method (925)
  • catch blocks (3005)
  • categories, part (2002)
  • ChangeActiveShape method (769)
  • ChangeClipShape method (774)
  • ChangeFrameShape method (751)
  • ChangeGeometry method (742)
  • ChangeInternalTransform method (726)
  • ChangeKind method (2721)
  • ChangeLinkStatus method (1514), (2257), (2447)
  • ChangePresentation method (811), (814)
  • ChangeUsedShape method (763)
  • ChangeViewType method (801)
  • CHECK_ENV function (2962)
  • checkboxes (1159)
  • checklist, part developer's (2104)
  • user interface guidelines (2105)
  • child classes (1644)
  • CI Labs See Component Integration Laboratories
  • class inheritance (1637)
  • class libraries
  • description of OpenDoc (421)
  • overview information (243)
  • using parts of OpenDoc (1840)
  • using to create OpenDoc software (499)
  • class registration (1638)
  • classes
  • data interchange (458)
  • drawing (463)
  • implemented (451)
  • list (1957)
  • ODCanvas (657)
  • ODRefCntObject (1961)
  • ODScriptExtension (1742)
  • SOM (474)
  • storage (456)
  • classes, child (1645)
  • classes, parents (1641)
  • classes, superclasses (1643)
  • clean rules (2944)
  • Clear method (1520)
  • Click method (1821)
  • clip shape
  • adjusting (2385)
  • description (316), (772)
  • in drawing (747)
  • in layout and imaging (2013)
  • updating (2397)
  • clipboard
  • cloning to (2278)
  • copying embedded frame to (2311)
  • copying intrinsic content to (2303)
  • cutting embedded frame to (2313)
  • cutting intrinsic content to (2306)
  • embedding part from (2318)
  • in data transfer (2033)
  • incorporating content from (2314)
  • incorporating linked content from (2354)
  • pasting data (1202)
  • relinquishing focus (2276)
  • storage of multiple formats of data (1471)
  • transfer of data (1469)
  • undoing operations (2285)
  • writing intrinsic content to (2300)
  • clipping
  • content (876)
  • controlled by containing part (783)
  • embedded facets (2407)
  • embedded frames (879)
  • illustrated in figure (317)
  • information maintained by offscreen canvases (669)
  • information obtained by part editor (2015)
  • obscured content (2389)
  • shape objects used in (749)
  • shapes (2378)
  • your content (868)
  • Clone method (1512), (1545)
  • CloneInto method (1409), (2097), (2153), (2213), (2246) , (2679), (2723)
  • cloning
  • definition of (1327)
  • destination frame (2165)
  • link content (2350)
  • mechanism (2151)
  • persistent objects (2220)
  • referenced objects (2228)
  • scoping for (2163)
  • storage units. (2150)
  • to clipboard (2277)
  • weak and strong persistent references (1326)
  • CloseAndRemove method (1098), (1126)
  • closing
  • an embedded part (1436)
  • document (2083)
  • embedded frames (616)
  • the modeless dialog box (1134)
  • windows (1096), (2619)
  • cmgrcmd utility (3184)
  • cntnt.embedding storage unit (2264)
  • code, part modification (1760)
  • code, script (1585)
  • coding events (1793)
  • coding examples
  • about (2195)
  • coding, exception handling (2949)
  • colors, scripts (1715)
  • command clicking (965)
  • commands
  • Copy (1193)
  • Cut (1192)
  • Deselect all (1208)
  • edit menu (1206)
  • handling by document shell (2058)
  • on document menu (364)
  • Paste (1194)
  • Paste as (1199)
  • Select all (1203)
  • Show Frame Outline (731)
  • CommitRelinquishFocus method (1021), (1024), (1037), (1907), (2487) , (2512)
  • CommonInit method (2591), (2609), (2777)
  • communication through OpenDoc extensions (405)
  • compiler options (2905)
  • compiling scripts (1650)
  • CompleteMoveOperation method (2808)
  • CompleteResizeOperation method (2810)
  • component access interface (1838)
  • Component Integration Laboratories (224)
  • about
  • address for (417)
  • and cross platform consistency (408)
  • defining part categories (288)
  • interfaces for extensions (1874)
  • responsibilities (409)
  • component manager (1834)
  • component registry (1835)
  • component requirements, flags (1756)
  • compound documents
  • and part editors (256)
  • displayed in windows (343)
  • fundamentals (279)
  • overview description (235)
  • relationship to drafts and parts (1344)
  • connectable part (1814)
  • constructor, event notification (1833)
  • constructors (428)
  • container
  • application requirements (2320)
  • creating (2184)
  • in storage system (1235)
  • protocol (2140)
  • root (2145)
  • suites (2019)
  • Container Application Library (223)
  • container parts
  • creating (439)
  • definition (275)
  • embedding frames (582)
  • pop-up menu actions (1219)
  • writing editor for (490)
  • containing part responsibilities (2400)
  • ContainingPartPropertiesUpdated method (2135), (2141)
  • ContainsPoint method (725)
  • content
  • centered scripting (overview) (397)
  • clipping (874)
  • clipping obscured (2390)
  • cloning linked (2351)
  • extent (719)
  • hit-testing shape (2471)
  • incorporating from clipboard (2315)
  • incorporating linked from clipboard (2355)
  • link association with (2337)
  • model (2089)
  • model (overview) (398)
  • object (overview) (399)
  • representations (1355)
  • scrolling (875)
  • storage (2090)
  • storage units (2197), (2199)
  • transform (699)
  • update notification (2408)
  • ContentUpdate method (2410)
  • ContentUpdated method (1530)
  • context
  • in drawing (2011)
  • of a part and selection boundaries (1075)
  • of document, part manipulation within (249)
  • provided by surrounding document (236)
  • selection (1165)
  • sensitivity of OpenDoc controls (1154)
  • controls
  • constructing (1153)
  • design issues (1151)
  • displaying in parts (1152)
  • event handling (1150)
  • rulers, tool bars, status bars, etc. (1156)
  • standard controls to include in parts (1155)
  • using PM (2704)
  • conventions (2)
  • conversion from SOM IDL (1619)
  • conversion to Lotus Script (1618)
  • converting
  • conventional application to part editor (491)
  • to coordinates of a containing part (684)
  • coordinate space
  • canvas (690), (694)
  • content (680)
  • frame (678)
  • frame to content conversion (683)
  • window (691), (695)
  • coordinates
  • bias (715)
  • canvas (688)
  • canvas, converting to (696)
  • window (689)
  • window, converting to (697)
  • copy
  • in drag-drop operations (1479)
  • copy (on Edit menu) (1196)
  • CopyBaseMenuBar method (1179), (2592)
  • CopyBasePopup method (2610)
  • CopyByteArray function (3052)
  • CopyByteArrayStruct function (3054)
  • CopyIText function (3081)
  • CopyITextStruct function (3083)
  • CopySelection method (2812)
  • compliance, definition of (424)
  • CORBA data types (1602)
  • CORBA sequences (1605)
  • CORBA string data type (1633)
  • CountProperties method (1295)
  • CreateByteArray function (3056)
  • CreateByteArrayStruct function (3058)
  • CreateCanvas method (2452)
  • CreateDraft method (1970)
  • CreateEmbeddedFacet method (629), (836), (2068)
  • CreateEmbeddedFramesIterator method (2091)
  • CreateEmptyByteArray function (3060)
  • CreateEmptyByteArrayStruct function (3062)
  • CreateFrame method (585), (593), (1971), (2426), (2430)
  • CreateFrameFacetIterator method (898)
  • CreateFramePartInfo method (2779)
  • CreateFramesIterator method (2417)
  • CreateIcons method (2781)
  • CreateIText function (3085)
  • CreateITextClear function (3087)
  • CreateITextCString function (3089)
  • CreateITextFromCharPtr function (3091)
  • CreateITextPString function (3093)
  • CreateLinkSpec method (1444)
  • CreateOwnerIterator method (1919)
  • CreatePart method (1382)
  • CreatePlatformCanvas method (2453)
  • CreateStorageUnit method (1420)
  • creating
  • a link (at source) (1500)
  • a link (destination) (1499)
  • a part editor from a conventional application (493)
  • a part's display frames (515)
  • additional storage references (1423)
  • base pop-up (1174)
  • bento file container (2187)
  • container (2183)
  • desktop stationery (2681)
  • embedded frames (587), (2266)
  • embedded frames iterator (2416)
  • facet (2073)
  • frame groups (640)
  • icon file (2674)
  • new documents from stationery (1943)
  • objects (1948)
  • offscreen canvases (2449)
  • reference counted objects (1965)
  • settings extension (1880), (2662)
  • unique persistent references (1322)
  • window (2527)
  • windows (2622)
  • cross platform consistency (410)
  • ctypelib utility (3186)
  • CtypelibCmdLineArgsFile macro (2922)
  • CtypelibDir macro (2921)
  • CtypelibIDL macro (2920)
  • cursor
  • storage unit (1266)
  • tracking (1080)
  • cut (on Edit menu) (1197)
  • CutSelection method (2814)
  • D
  • data interchange
  • and storage units (385)
  • basics (2190)
  • classes (460)
  • implementing (2188)
  • mechanisms (2196)
  • using recipes (2189)
  • data transfer
  • classes (461)
  • features (389)
  • objects used (2030), (2031)
  • overview (2096)
  • data type, string (1634)
  • data types, CORBA (1603)
  • data types, for sample utilities (3178)
  • data types, sequences (1607)
  • data types, unsigned (1609)
  • DeactivateFrame method (2274)
  • DeactivateFrontWindows method (1114), (2576)
  • deactivating
  • windows (1086)
  • debug files (2954)
  • debugging tools (3012)
  • assert messages (3026)
  • printing messages (3042)
  • warning messages (3016)
  • default fonts (2132)
  • default target in Platform.mak (2934)
  • defining part handler table of content entries (2747)
  • DeleteContents method (2884)
  • DeleteFramePartInfo method (2783)
  • DeleteSelection method (2816)
  • DeleteValue method (1287)
  • deleting
  • embedded part's frame (268)
  • DeRegister method (1750)
  • DeselectAll method (2818)
  • development scenarios (486)
  • dialog box
  • handling a movable modal (1122)
  • handling a simple modal dialog box (1111)
  • Link Destination Info (1505)
  • modal (1101)
  • modeless (1128)
  • modeless, closing of (1135)
  • modeless, hiding of (1143)
  • modeless, showing of (1132)
  • Part Info, use of settings extension (1846)
  • Paste As (1455)
  • settings, creating (1879)
  • dialog, find/replace (1722)
  • dialog, script properties (1712)
  • dialogs
  • closing (2582)
  • modal (2573)
  • modeless (2580)
  • movable modal (2578)
  • showing (2581)
  • direct scripting (1577), (1596)
  • disk events (2562)
  • Dispatch method (1891)
  • dispatch module
  • creating specialized (1850)
  • implementing (2707)
  • installing and removing (1896)
  • using as a monitor (1897)
  • dispatcher
  • handling user events (2085)
  • use of (1941)
  • display
  • changing forms (2116)
  • defining characteristics of (787)
  • forms (335)
  • frame, removing (555)
  • frame, resizing (539)
  • frame, responding to a removed (562)
  • frame, responding to added (550)
  • frames, creating (516)
  • frames, grouping (566)
  • frames, reordering (568)
  • frames, responding to closed and reconnected (518)
  • frames, synchronizing (569)
  • related events (1039)
  • display frame
  • accessing the active shape (771)
  • adding (2362)
  • requesting additional (547)
  • responding to added (554)
  • responding to closed (528)
  • responding to reconnected (524)
  • stored (1337)
  • DisplayFrameAdded method (553), (586), (2359), (2428), (2529)
  • DisplayFrameClosed method (527), (620)
  • DisplayFrameConnected method (523), (625), (2256), (2534)
  • DisplayFrameRemoved (605)
  • displaying
  • a movable modal dialog box (1121)
  • a simple modal dialog box (1110)
  • aspects of parts (323)
  • asynchronous (2405)
  • frame, requesting an additional (546)
  • parts (290)
  • parts as an icon (329)
  • parts in a frame (330)
  • pop-up menus (2614)
  • properties notebook (2645)
  • DisposeActionState method (612), (1574), (2099), (2292)
  • DisposeByteArray function (3064)
  • DisposeByteArrayStruct function (3066)
  • DisposeIText function (3095)
  • DisposeITextStruct macro (3097)
  • distributed dispatching (426)
  • DllTargets macro (2918)
  • docshell utility (3188)
  • document
  • closing (2082)
  • opening (2065)
  • saving (2076)
  • storage (375), (377), (2017)
  • types (1935)
  • windows and part windows (344)
  • document menu
  • choices (365)
  • document shell handling of commands (1186)
  • figure (374)
  • overview of (368)
  • document shell
  • basic responsibilities (1937)
  • description (2054)
  • handling commands from Document menu (2057)
  • operations (2056)
  • plug-ins (498)
  • relation to OpenDoc run-time module (1933)
  • responsibilities (2055), (2060)
  • use of by component (1936)
  • document window
  • description of (347)
  • differences with part windows (356)
  • relation to part window (351)
  • documentation conventions (3)
  • documents
  • definition of (240)
  • draft history
  • dialog box (387)
  • DraftClosing method (2322)
  • drafts
  • data stored in (1369)
  • definition of (1345)
  • document, description of (386)
  • multiple within a document (1346)
  • objects (2022)
  • reverting (2081)
  • DraftSaved method (2321)
  • drag
  • destinations (1489)
  • initiating (1481)
  • use of storage unit objects (2027)
  • drag and drop
  • embedding (581)
  • in data transfer (391)
  • overview (1473)
  • promising (2328)
  • selection options (2118)
  • user interaction (1474)
  • dragging
  • entering a part's facet (1490)
  • framed part to desktop (393)
  • leaving a part's facet (1492)
  • while within a part's facet (1491)
  • windows (1094), (1100)
  • Draw method (824), (831), (1049), (2556)
  • DrawChildren method (924), (1054)
  • DrawChildrenAlways method (1055)
  • DrawContents method (2820)
  • DrawFrame method (2785)
  • DrawIcon method (2787)
  • drawing
  • asynchronous (896), (904)
  • basic functions for (821)
  • canvas (295)
  • canvases (661)
  • classes (462)
  • directly to the window (882)
  • event handling (1041)
  • facets requested by document shell (2074)
  • offscreen (905)
  • on opening a window (835)
  • overview (784)
  • part editor responsibilities (786)
  • selected parts (860)
  • steps to draw a part (825)
  • structures (294)
  • to an offscreen canvas (907)
  • when a part is scrolled (854)
  • when a window is scrolled (842)
  • with multiple frames or facets (928)
  • with scroll bars (864)
  • within a frame (269)
  • DrawnIn method (900), (909)
  • DrawSelectionBorder method (2822)
  • drop
  • use of storage unit objects (2026)
  • Drop method (1495)
  • DropContainedPart method (1782)
  • dropping
  • within a facet. (1493)
  • dynamic
  • binding of SOM objects (476)
  • dynamic canvas
  • use of (665)
  • dynamic linking
  • of part editors (255)
  • E
  • edit menu
  • choices (1210)
  • example (1190)
  • figure (373)
  • LSE (1668)
  • menu items (1187)
  • options (1191)
  • overview of (369)
  • Show Frame Outline command (732)
  • editing
  • in place (348)
  • menu (367), (1205)
  • editing scripts (1670)
  • EditInLink method (1560)
  • EditInLinkAttempted method (1562)
  • editors
  • part, purpose of (260)
  • embedded frames
  • active borders (2377)
  • adding on request (589)
  • clipping (878)
  • copying to clipboard (2310)
  • creating (588), (2267)
  • creating iterators (2419)
  • cutting to clipboard (2312)
  • management (2094)
  • persistent references to (1311)
  • positioning (743)
  • reconnecting (615)
  • releasing (614)
  • removing (601)
  • removing facet (638)
  • resizing (596)
  • storing and retrieving (1432)
  • synchronizing (651)
  • undoing cut (2289)
  • undoing paste (2290)
  • working with (575)
  • z-ordering (780)
  • embedded parts
  • and frames (273)
  • drawing (1051)
  • in documents (265)
  • removing (1434)
  • responsibilities (2401)
  • selecting multiple (2117)
  • EmbeddedFrameSpec method (2102)
  • EmbeddedFrameUpdated method (1526), (1532), (2414)
  • embedding
  • part from clipboard (2319)
  • checklist (2088)
  • frames (579)
  • relationship of parts (263)
  • embedding parts
  • development of (488)
  • encapsulation
  • of menu behavior by OpenDoc (361)
  • EndClone method (1330), (2155), (2222), (2255)
  • EndScripting method (1776)
  • enhancing part editors (1844)
  • environment checking, automatic (3007)
  • environment variables
  • macros (2929)
  • ODBASE (2729), (2735), (3208)
  • ODCFG (2732), (3205)
  • ODPARTS (2730), (3206)
  • ODSRC (2731), (2743)
  • SOMBASE (3209)
  • TMP (3207)
  • environment, build (2903)
  • ErrorCode macro (2986)
  • ErrorMessage macro (2988)
  • event
  • filters (1108)
  • handling in scroll bars in separate frames (1072)
  • event coding (1792)
  • event consumer (1816)
  • event handling (2095)
  • basics (2536)
  • controls (1149)
  • hierarchy (947)
  • messages (981)
  • within a frame (270)
  • event notification (1812)
  • event notification, constructor (1832)
  • event registration failure (1614)
  • event source (1815)
  • event types
  • custom (1883)
  • kODEvtActivate (991)
  • kODEvtKeyActivate (2545)
  • kODEvtKeyDown (975), (2543)
  • kODEvtKeyUp (976), (2544)
  • kODEvtMenu (983), (2546)
  • kODEvtMouseDown (2547)
  • kODEvtMouseDownBorder (968)
  • kODEvtMouseDownEmbedded (966)
  • kODEvtMouseUp (2548)
  • kODEvtMouseUpEmbedded (967)
  • kODEvtWindow (987)
  • event, OD_HELP (2684)
  • EventManager list (1818)
  • events
  • activate (2559)
  • activate and deactivate (1084)
  • activation (990)
  • and windows (1082)
  • disk (2561)
  • display-related (1040)
  • handling in scroll bars within your frame (1061)
  • handling menu (2599)
  • in control, handling of (1167)
  • keyboard (974), (2551)
  • menu (980), (2563)
  • mouse (2550)
  • mouse-up (950)
  • mouse, in embedded frames (962)
  • mouse=down (951)
  • propagating (996), (2571)
  • update (994), (2553)
  • window (986), (2642)
  • events return types (1610)
  • events, semantic (1586)
  • exception handling (2946)
  • coding guidelines (2950)
  • environment checking (3009)
  • programming tools (2967)
  • SOM methods (3006)
  • exception handling, coding guidelines (2947)
  • debug header file (2955)
  • new header files (2952)
  • obsolete services (2953)
  • exception values, getting (2999)
  • exception values, setting (2998)
  • exporting scripts (1663)
  • extensions
  • coordination of standards by CI Labs (414)
  • implementation by part editors (1873)
  • interfaces for OpenDoc (1852)
  • interfaces, publishing of by CI Labs (1875)
  • objects (1843), (1854)
  • of subclasses of ODObject (1856)
  • overview (2040)
  • overview of (404)
  • parts and services communication (407)
  • settings (402), (1876)
  • settings programming (2651)
  • to enhance part editor capability (1841)
  • using (1862)
  • Externalize method (1410), (1534), (1766), (2245), (2347) , (2717)
  • ExternalizeKinds method (1413), (2719)
  • ExtraCompileOptions macro (2910)
  • ExtraLinkOptions macro (2911)
  • ExtraSOMCompileOptions macro (2909)
  • F
  • FacetAdded method (533), (631), (2071), (2365), (2456)
  • FacetRemoved method (536), (2369)
  • facets
  • adding (627), (2368)
  • and frame hierarchies (504)
  • and frame hierarchies in a document (507), (656)
  • and frames in drawing (305)
  • definition (301)
  • drawing requested by document shell (2075)
  • drawing with multiple (930)
  • hierarchy (511)
  • multiple (932)
  • of an embedded frame, removing (634)
  • querying window handle (2693)
  • removing (2372)
  • responding to add (530)
  • responding to remove (535)
  • specifying the PS for windows (2696)
  • working with (517), (576)
  • factory methods
  • creation of reference-counted object (1964)
  • description of (1953)
  • list of OpenDoc classes (1956)
  • factory objects (427)
  • failure, event registration (1615)
  • fHasFoci flag (2524)
  • fHasRequiredFoci flag (1033)
  • fidelity
  • of content representations (1356)
  • of values (1359)
  • part kind (1458), (1465)
  • part kinds (1393), (1406)
  • file format, part handler package (2761)
  • File menu (1657)
  • exit (1667)
  • export (1662)
  • export all parts (1666)
  • export section (1665)
  • import (1659)
  • file, bootstrap (2764)
  • file, table of contents (2766)
  • filters
  • dialog (1109)
  • find/replace dialog (1723)
  • FireEvent method (1827)
  • flags
  • dirty (1395)
  • doesPropagateEvents (2502)
  • fHasFoci (2526)
  • fHasRequiredFoci (1034)
  • fNeedsFoci (2525)
  • fNeedsFoci flag (2523)
  • focus
  • -module and dispatch-module interfaces (395)
  • activation (2476)
  • modal (955), (2565)
  • modal dialog (2509)
  • modal, acquiring and relinquishing of (1103)
  • mouse (957), (2569)
  • nonexclusive (1904)
  • relinquishing (2508)
  • requesting (1012), (2506)
  • scrolling (2504)
  • transferring (1004)
  • types (1005)
  • Focus method (1259), (1293), (1298), (1305)
  • focus modules
  • allowing nonexclusive (1925)
  • creating specialized (1851)
  • defining (2710)
  • implementing (2709)
  • installing (2711)
  • Focus types
  • custom (1898)
  • FocusAcquired method (1029), (2495)
  • focusing
  • a storage unit (1257)
  • by specifying property and indexed position (1261)
  • by specifying property and value (1260)
  • by specifying relative positions of property and value (1262)
  • by specifying storage unit cursor of property and value (1263)
  • storage unit on value (1273)
  • FocusLib Utility (3045)
  • FocusLost method (1030), (1035), (2496), (2515)
  • fonts, scripts (1717)
  • ForceRegistry rule (2937)
  • foreground colors (2131)
  • format of the part handler package file (2762)
  • formatting scripts (1714)
  • forms of display (342)
  • frame negotiation
  • description (574)
  • frame shape
  • description (315)
  • in content coordinates of containing part (685)
  • relation to embedded part and containing part (750)
  • FrameClosed method (2513)
  • FrameRemoved method (2514)
  • frames
  • accessing the frame shape (756)
  • activating (2583)
  • and facet hierarchies (503)
  • and facet hierarchies in a document (506), (655)
  • and facets (302)
  • and facets in drawing (306)
  • and wrapper relationships (292)
  • border (319)
  • changing shape of (849)
  • coordinate space (677)
  • data stored in (1370)
  • deactivating (2584)
  • definition of (241)
  • display (514)
  • display, removing (556)
  • display, responding to a removed (563)
  • display, responding to added (551)
  • dragging (1475)
  • drawing with multiple (929)
  • dropping (1477)
  • embedded iterator (577)
  • embedding (578)
  • interpreting mouse events within (1063)
  • moving (1476)
  • multiple (276), (931)
  • negotiation (357)
  • parts displayed in (264)
  • persistent references to (1312)
  • placing scroll bars in separate frame (881)
  • placing scroll bars within (867)
  • redrawing (848)
  • relation to parts (510)
  • resizing (543), (597)
  • scrolling (735)
  • scrolling your part in (730)
  • sequenced (2120)
  • setting the frame shape (755)
  • shape, definition of (312)
  • shape, using content shape within (1067)
  • sizing (2115)
  • storing and retrieving embedded (1431)
  • synchronizing with source frame (2364)
  • transform (704)
  • FrameShapeChanged method (850)
  • FreeResModule method (2789)
  • FulfillPromise method (2217), (2251)
  • functions
  • AreByteArraysEqual (3051)
  • CHECK_ENV (2961)
  • CopyByteArray (3053)
  • CopyByteArrayStruct (3055)
  • CopyIText (3082)
  • CopyITextStruct (3084)
  • CreateByteArray (3057)
  • CreateByteArrayStruct (3059)
  • CreateEmpryByteArrayStruct (3063)
  • CreateEmptyByteArray (3061)
  • CreateIText (3086)
  • CreateITextClear (3088)
  • CreateITextCString (3090)
  • CreateITextFromCharPtr (3092)
  • CreateITextPString (3094)
  • DisposeByteArray (3065)
  • DisposeByteArrayStruct (3067)
  • DisposeIText (3096)
  • GetCStringFromIText (3100)
  • GetITextCString (3106)
  • GetITextLangCode (3108)
  • GetITextPString (3110)
  • GetITextPStringFromIText (3112)
  • GetITextPtr (3114)
  • GetITextScriptCode (3102)
  • GetITextStringLength (3116)
  • GetPStringFromIText (3104)
  • ODByteArray (2123)
  • ODFirstBit (3133)
  • ODFixedDivide (3135)
  • ODFixedMultiply (3139)
  • ODFractDivide (3149)
  • ODFractMultiply (3151)
  • ODFractSinCos (3153)
  • ODFractToFloat (3157)
  • ODWideAdd (3161)
  • ODWideCompare (3163)
  • ODWideDivide (3165)
  • ODWideMultiply (3169)
  • ODWideNegate (3171)
  • ODWideShift (3173)
  • ODWideSquareRoot (3175)
  • ODWideSubtract (3177)
  • SetITextBufferSize (3118)
  • SetITextCString (3120)
  • SetITextLangCode (3124)
  • SetITextPString (3126)
  • SetITextScriptCode (3122)
  • SetITextStringLength (3128)
  • SetITextText (3130)
  • StorageUnitGetValue (3069)
  • StorageUnitViewGetValue (3075)
  • UseByteArray (3079)
  • G
  • gencat utility (3190)
  • general use macros (2932)
  • geometric
  • interrelationships among parts (overview) (403)
  • relationships of frame content (303)
  • GeometryChanged (1092)
  • GeometryChanged method (2402)
  • GetActiveShape method (770)
  • GetAggregateClipShape (895)
  • GetArbitrator method (2478)
  • GetBackgroundColor method (2824)
  • GetChangeTime method (1517)
  • GetClipShape method (773)
  • GetContentExtent method (722)
  • GetContentObjectFromObjType method (2826)
  • GetContentStorageUnit method (1442), (1510)
  • GetContentTransform (891)
  • GetContentTransform method (872)
  • GetCStringFromIText function (3099)
  • GetDisplayFrames method (2828)
  • GetEmbeddedObjects method (2830)
  • GetFacetHWND method (2695)
  • GetFocusOwner method (1113), (1915)
  • GetFrameGroup (646)
  • GetFrameGroup method (2434)
  • GetFrameTransform (893)
  • GetFrameTransform method (873)
  • GetID method (2635)
  • GetIDFromStorageUnitRef method (2230)
  • GetInfo method (2650)
  • GetISOTypeFromPlatformType method (2237)
  • GetITextCString function (3105)
  • GetITextLangCode function (3107)
  • GetITextPString function (3109)
  • GetITextPStringFromIText function (3111)
  • GetITextPtr function (3113)
  • GetITextScriptCode function (3101)
  • GetITextStringLength function (3115)
  • GetMenuBar method (2791), (2832)
  • GetPartInfo method (819)
  • GetPlatformPrintJob method (940)
  • GetPopupMenu method (2793)
  • GetPresentation method (812)
  • GetPrintResolution method (2424)
  • GetPS method (2698)
  • GetPStringFromIText function (3103)
  • GetRefCount (1981)
  • GetSelectedObjects method (2834)
  • GetSequenceNumber method (645), (2436)
  • GetStrongStorageUnitRef method (1318), (1333), (1421), (2233)
  • getting exception values (2996)
  • GetUpdateID method (1516), (2280)
  • GetValue method (1281)
  • GetViewType method (799)
  • GetWeakStorageUnitRef method (1319), (1334), (2234)
  • GetWindow method (1140)
  • GetWindowAggregateClipShape (894)
  • GetWindowContentTransform (890)
  • GetWindowFrameTransform (892)
  • GetWindowState method (2627)
  • graphics
  • related classes (464)
  • group ID
  • in creating frame groups (641)
  • grouping display frames (567)
  • guidelines, debugging tools (3014)
  • guidelines, exception handling (2948)
  • guidelines, parts naming (2757)
  • H
  • HandleColorChange method (2836)
  • HandleEvent method (945), (1139), (2459), (2473), (2555) , (2567)
  • HandleMenuEvent method (2795), (2838)
  • HandleMouseClick method (2840)
  • HandleMouseDown method (2842)
  • HandleMouseMotionEnd method (2846)
  • HandleMouseMotionLBDown method (2844)
  • HandleMouseMotionStart method (2848)
  • HandleMouseMove method (2850)
  • HandleMouseUp method (2852)
  • handling, background transparency (2147)
  • HasExtension method (481), (1762), (1864), (2656)
  • HasPlatformPrintJob method (939)
  • HdrTargets macro (2914)
  • header files (2334), (2951)
  • Help menu (1706)
  • about (1709)
  • contents (1708)
  • example (1214)
  • overview of (371)
  • hiding
  • a modeless dialog box (1144)
  • hierarchical
  • arrangement of parts (262)
  • embedding (in frame negotiation) (358)
  • references to storage units (384)
  • hierarchy
  • class (433), (435)
  • event handling (946)
  • frame (2129)
  • frame and facet (505)
  • highlighting
  • a part (863)
  • and hit testing (1044)
  • event handling (1042)
  • hit testing
  • and transforms (713)
  • content shape (2470)
  • description (1043)
  • I
  • IConnectionPoint interface (1830)
  • IConnectionPointContainer interface (1829)
  • icons
  • creating file (2675)
  • displaying part as (332)
  • sizing (2113)
  • small (337)
  • standard (336)
  • thumbnail (338)
  • identity transform (676)
  • IDL See Interface Definition Language
  • IDL annotation (1795)
  • IDL modification (1785)
  • IDL modifiers (1796)
  • ODdefault (1798)
  • ODdual (1800)
  • ODevent (1803)
  • ODGuid (1805)
  • ODhelpfile (1807)
  • ODhelpstring (1809)
  • ODid (1811)
  • IdlTargets macro (2913)
  • imaging (2464)
  • implemented classes (450)
  • implementing script extensions (1740)
  • importing scripts (1660)
  • in-place editing (346)
  • incorporation
  • content from clipboard (2316)
  • linked content from clipboard (2352)
  • of data versus embedding (1472)
  • inference rules (2926)
  • inheritance
  • single, capability of SOM (437)
  • InitDispatchModule method (1890)
  • InitEditor method (1772)
  • InitEmbeddedFramesIterator method (2421)
  • Initialize method (2854)
  • initializing events (1600)
  • InitPart method (1380), (1387), (2589), (2607), (2713)
  • InitPartFromStorage method (1381), (1397), (1768), (2339), (2608) , (2715)
  • InitPartFromStorageMethod (2590)
  • InitPersistentObject (1402)
  • InitPersistentObject method (1389)
  • InitScriptExtension method (1753)
  • InitSettingsExtension method (2666)
  • inout parameter (1624)
  • InsertPresentationPage method (2671)
  • inside-out activation
  • in mouse event handling (958)
  • installation of OpenDoc software (2728)
  • installing sample source code (2742)
  • InstallMenuItems method (2856)
  • InstallMenus method (2797)
  • Interactive Development Environment (1591)
  • Interface Definition Language (225)
  • developing with (472)
  • overview (422)
  • syntax overview (477)
  • Interface Repository (1790)
  • internalization, lazy (622)
  • international text (3080)
  • intrinsic content
  • clipping (2391)
  • clipping when obscured by (2380)
  • copying to clipboard (2302)
  • cutting to clipboard (2305)
  • definition (280)
  • promising (2241)
  • writing to clipboard (2299)
  • IntToODFixed macro (3158)
  • Invalidate method (829), (840), (845), (859), (913) , (1046)
  • IsEqual method (2125)
  • IsFocusExclusive method (1918)
  • IsInLimbo method (2293)
  • ISO strings
  • definition (285)
  • IsShown method (1148)
  • IsValidID method (1544), (1552)
  • IsValidStorageUnitRef method (1536), (2229), (2340)
  • iterators
  • accessing objects through (1996)
  • creating for embedded frames (2420)
  • K
  • keyboard
  • events (973), (2552)
  • navigation (2501)
  • kODClipboardFocus (1011)
  • kODCloneCopy value (2207)
  • kODCloneCut value (2206)
  • kODCloneToLink value (2208)
  • kODEvtActivate event type (992)
  • kODEvtKeyActivate type (2539)
  • kODEvtKeyDown event type (977)
  • kODEvtKeyDown type (2537)
  • kODEvtKeyUp event type (978)
  • kODEvtKeyUp type (2538)
  • kODEvtMenu event type (984)
  • kODEvtMenu type (2540)
  • kODEvtMouseDown type (2541)
  • kODEvtMouseDownBorder event type (971)
  • kODEvtMouseDownEmbedded event type (969)
  • kODEvtMouseUp type (2542)
  • kODEvtMouseUpEmbedded event type (970)
  • kODEvtWindow event type (988)
  • kODKeyFocus (1006)
  • kODMenuFocus (1007)
  • kODModalFocus (1009)
  • kODPasteAsEmbed value (2270)
  • kODPasteAsEmbedOnly value (2272)
  • kODPasteAsMerge value (2271)
  • kODPropCloneKindUsed property (2209), (2215)
  • kODPropContentFrame property (2219), (2250), (2265)
  • kODPropContents property (1342), (1358), (1392), (1396), (1403) , (1412), (1453), (2203), (2204), (2205) , (2242)
  • kODPropLinkSpec property (2211)
  • kODPropMouseDownOffset property (1484), (2212)
  • kODPropPartName property (2244)
  • kODPropPreferredKind property (1394), (1405), (1459)
  • kODPropSuggestedFrameShape property (1446), (2210), (2243)
  • kODScrollingFocus (1010)
  • kODSelectionFocus (1008)
  • L
  • languages, scripting (1579)
  • lazy internalization (621)
  • libraries
  • class (242)
  • LibTargets macro (2917)
  • lifecyle, object (1630)
  • Link Destination Info dialog box (1504)
  • link specification (2356)
  • linking
  • associating with content (2336)
  • cloning content (2349)
  • header files (2333)
  • in data transfer (392)
  • incorporating content from clipboard (2353)
  • objects in data transfer (2034)
  • persistent representation (2338)
  • recipes (2332)
  • selection options (2121)
  • use of storage unit objects (2029)
  • LinkStatusChanged method (2445)
  • LinkUpdated method (1501), (1524)
  • list of OpenDoc classes (1955)
  • LoadIconsFromModule method (2799)
  • Lock method (1508), (1522)
  • Lotus Script (1581), (1588), (1593)
  • Lotus Script considerations (1646)
  • Lotus Script engine (1627)
  • Lotus Script equivalents (1604)
  • Lotus Script Interactive Development Environment (1590)
  • edit menu (1669)
  • file menu (1658)
  • help menu (1707)
  • menu bar (1656)
  • run menu (1691)
  • script menu (1684)
  • script properties dialog (1710)
  • Lotus Script, modifications (1654)
  • Lotus Scripting (1620)
  • parameter modifiers (1621)
  • LS IDE (1592)
  • M
  • m flag (2959)
  • macro definitions (2908)
  • macros
  • DisposeITextStruct (3098)
  • IntToODFixed (3159)
  • ODFixedRound (3137)
  • ODFixedToFloat (3141)
  • ODFixedToFract (3143)
  • ODFloatToFixed (3145)
  • ODFloatToFract (3147)
  • ODFractToFixed (3155)
  • ODWideIsLong (3167)
  • StorageUnitSetPromiseValue (3071)
  • StorageUnitSetValue (3073)
  • StorageUnitViewSetValue (3077)
  • macros, general use (2933)
  • magic cookie (2691)
  • main storage unit (1338), (1428)
  • makefile (2901), (2906)
  • makefile, definitions (2907)
  • MakeWindow method (2803), (2858)
  • management.embedded frame (2093)
  • managing BASIC scripts (1594)
  • managing menus (1771)
  • managing SOM exceptions (2983)
  • manipulation, storage unit (2178)
  • math routines (3131)
  • mchkexcept flag (2957), (3010)
  • memory management (2965)
  • menu bar (1655)
  • menu management (1770)
  • menus
  • adding (2594)
  • adding items (2595)
  • adding part menus to base menu bar (1177)
  • and menu commands (1168)
  • document (363), (1185), (2109)
  • edit (366), (1188), (1189), (2110)
  • editing commands (1207)
  • events (979), (2086), (2564)
  • getting menu bar (2593)
  • handling by OpenDoc (362)
  • handling events (2598)
  • handling of document menu (2087)
  • help (2112)
  • Help (1213)
  • options (2108)
  • pop-up (1217), (2602)
  • view (2111)
  • View (1211)
  • working with (1170)
  • methods
  • AbortClone (2161), (2226)
  • AbortRelinquishFocus (1018), (1910), (2491)
  • AcquierContainingPartProperties (2138)
  • Acquire (1976), (1987), (2388)
  • AcquireAggregateClipShape (2395)
  • AcquireContentTransform (700), (917)
  • AcquireDraft (1968)
  • AcquireExtension (483), (1765), (1866), (1882), (2654)
  • AcquireFrame (624), (1463), (1467), (1969), (1991)
  • AcquireFrameShape (754)
  • AcquireFrameTransform (701)
  • AcquireInternalTransform (737)
  • AcquireLink (1541), (1551)
  • AcquireLinkFromFocusedSU (2346)
  • AcquireLinkSource (1540), (1550)
  • AcquirePart (1385), (1400), (2259)
  • AcquireUsedShape (760)
  • AcquireWindow (1138), (1145), (2634)
  • AcquireWindowContentTransform (708), (916)
  • AcquireWindowFrameTransform (709)
  • ActionDone (2282)
  • Activate (2774)
  • ActivateFrame (2776), (2807)
  • ActivateFrontWindows (1119), (2575)
  • AddActionToHistory (2690)
  • AddContainerPart (1781)
  • AddDispatchModule (1892)
  • AddMenuBeforeEx (1183)
  • AddMenuLastEx (1184)
  • AddNotebookSheet (2665)
  • AdjustBorderShape (2384), (2393)
  • AdjustViewTypeShapes (2772)
  • AttachSourceFrame (573), (654)
  • BaseRemoved (1869)
  • BeginClone (1331), (2159), (2224)
  • BeginRelinquishFocus (1014), (1026), (1107), (1911), (2490) , (2516)
  • CanvasChanged (903)
  • CanvasUpdated (926)
  • ChangeActiveShape (767)
  • ChangeClipShape (776)
  • ChangeFrameShape (753)
  • ChangeGeometry (741)
  • ChangeInternalTransform (728)
  • ChangeKind (2722)
  • ChangeLinkStatue (2448)
  • ChangeLinkStatus (1515), (2262)
  • ChangePresentation (807)
  • ChangeUsedShape (759)
  • ChangeViewType (797)
  • Clear (1521)
  • Clone (1513), (1547)
  • CloneInto (2098), (2158), (2214), (2248), (2680) , (2724)
  • CloseAndRemove (1097), (1127)
  • CommitRelinquishFocus (1022), (1027), (1912), (2492), (2517)
  • CommonInit (2587), (2605), (2778)
  • CompleteMoveOperation (2809)
  • CompleteResizeOperation (2811)
  • ContaingPartPropertiesUpdated (2143)
  • ContainingPartPropertiesUpdated (2136)
  • ContainsPoint (727)
  • ContentUpdate (2411)
  • ContentUpdated (1531)
  • CopyBaseMenuBar (1180), (2588)
  • CopyBasePopup (2606)
  • CopySelection (2813)
  • CountProperties (1296)
  • CreateCanvas (2454)
  • CreateDraft (1972)
  • CreateEmbeddedFacet (630), (837), (2069)
  • CreateEmbeddedFramesIterator (2092)
  • CreateFrame (583), (592), (1973), (2427), (2433)
  • CreateFrameFacetIterator (899)
  • CreateFramePartInfo (2780)
  • CreateFramesIterator (2418)
  • CreateIcons (2782)
  • CreateLinkSpec (1445)
  • CreateOwnerIterator (1924)
  • CreatePart (1384)
  • CreatePlatformCanvas (2455)
  • CreateStorageUnit (1417)
  • CutSelection (2815)
  • DeactivateFrame (2275)
  • DeactivateFrontWindows (1118), (2574)
  • DeleteContents (2885)
  • DeleteFramePartInfo (2784)
  • DeleteSelection (2817)
  • DeleteValue (1286)
  • DeRegister (1751)
  • DeselectAll (2819)
  • Dispatch (1895)
  • DisplayFrameAdded (552), (584), (2360), (2431), (2530)
  • DisplayFrameClosed (529), (619)
  • DisplayFrameConnected (522), (623), (2261), (2535)
  • DisplayFrameRemoved (559), (604)
  • DisposeActionState (613), (1575), (2100), (2295)
  • DraftClosing (2324)
  • Draw (823), (832), (995), (1050), (2558)
  • DrawChildren (923), (1052)
  • DrawChildrenAlways (1053)
  • DrawContents (2821)
  • DrawFrame (2786)
  • DrawIcon (2788)
  • DrawnIn (902), (908)
  • DrawSelectionBorder (2823)
  • Drop (1494)
  • DropContainedPart (1783)
  • EditInLink (1561)
  • EditInLinkAttempted (1563)
  • EmbeddedFrameSpec (2103)
  • EmbeddedFrameUpdated (1527), (1533), (2415)
  • EndClone (1332), (2160), (2225), (2260)
  • EndScripting (1777)
  • Externalize (1411), (1535), (1767), (2247), (2348) , (2718)
  • ExternalizeKinds (1414), (2720)
  • FacetAdded (532), (632), (2072), (2366), (2457)
  • FacetRemoved (537), (637), (2370)
  • Focus (1258), (1294), (1299), (1304)
  • FocusAcquired (1031), (2499)
  • FocusLost (1032), (2500), (2520)
  • FrameClosed (2518)
  • FrameRemoved (2519)
  • FrameShapeChanged (852)
  • FreeResModule (2790)
  • FulfillPromise (2218), (2252)
  • Geometry Changed (2403)
  • GeometryChanged (1091)
  • GetActiveShape (768)
  • GetAggregateClipShape (889)
  • GetArbitrator (2480)
  • GetBackgroundColor (2825)
  • GetChangeTime (1519)
  • GetClipShape (775)
  • GetContentExtent (721)
  • GetContentObjectFromObjType (2827)
  • GetContentStorageUnit (1443), (1483), (1511)
  • GetContentTransform (870), (885)
  • GetDisplayFrames (2829)
  • GetDragAndDrop (1482)
  • GetEmbeddedObjects (2831)
  • GetFacetHWND (2694)
  • GetFocusOwner (1117), (1920)
  • GetFrameGroup (649), (2439)
  • GetFrameTransform (871), (887)
  • GetID (2633)
  • GetIDFromStorageUnitRef (2232)
  • GetInfo (2648)
  • GetISOTypeFromPlatformType (2238)
  • GetMenuBar (2792), (2833)
  • GetPartInfo (817)
  • GetPlatformPrintJob (938)
  • GetPopupMenu (2794)
  • GetPresentation (808)
  • GetPrintResolution (2425)
  • GetPS (2701)
  • GetRefCount (1980)
  • GetSelectedObjects (2835)
  • GetSequenceNumber (650), (2441)
  • GetStrongStorageUnitRef (1316), (1335), (1418), (2235)
  • GetUpdateID (1518), (2283)
  • GetValue (1279)
  • GetViewType (795)
  • GetWeakStorageUnitRef (1317), (1336), (2236)
  • GetWindow (1137)
  • GetWindowAggregateClipShape (888)
  • GetWindowContentTransform (884)
  • GetWindowFrameTransform (886)
  • GetWindowState (2625)
  • HandleColorChange (2837)
  • HandleEvent (944), (963), (982), (998), (1000) , (1136), (1169), (2474), (2557), (2568)
  • HandleMenuEvent (2796), (2839)
  • HandleMouseClick (2841)
  • HandleMouseDown (2843)
  • HandleMouseMotionEnd (2847)
  • HandleMouseMotionStart (2849)
  • HandleMouseMove (2851)
  • HandleMouseUp (2853)
  • HanldeMouseMotionLBDown (2845)
  • HasExtension (484), (1764), (1863), (2653)
  • HasPlatformPrintJob (937)
  • InitDispatchModule (1894)
  • InitEditor (1773)
  • InitEmbeddedFramesIterator (2422)
  • Initialize (2855)
  • InitParFromStorage (1379)
  • InitPart (1378), (1388), (2585), (2603), (2714)
  • InitPartFromStorage (1399), (1769), (2341), (2586), (2604) , (2716)
  • InitPersistentObject (1401)
  • InitScriptExtension (1754)
  • InitSettingsExtension (2664)
  • InsertPresentationPage (2669)
  • InstallMenuItems (2857)
  • InstallMenus (2798)
  • Invalidate (830), (841), (846), (858), (912) , (1045)
  • IsDynamic (936)
  • IsEqual (2126)
  • IsFocusExclusive (1923)
  • IsInLimbo (2296)
  • IsShown (1146)
  • IsValidID (1546), (1553)
  • IsValidStorageUnitRef (1537), (2231), (2342)
  • LinkStatusChanged (2446)
  • LinkUpdated (1502), (1525)
  • LoadIconsFromModule (2800)
  • Lock (1509), (1523)
  • MakeWindow (2804), (2859)
  • MoveBefore (781)
  • MoveBehind (782)
  • MoveBy (738), (2887)
  • MoveSelectionToBack (2861)
  • MoveSelectionToFront (2863)
  • MoveToBack (2889)
  • MoveToFront (2891)
  • Open (2630), (2640)
  • PasteSelection (2865)
  • PasteSelectionAs (2867)
  • PresentationChanged (810), (2668)
  • ReadActionState (2685)
  • ReadContents (2869), (2893)
  • ReadKindInfo (2871)
  • Register (1744), (1775)
  • RegisterDependent (1543)
  • RegisterFocus (1913)
  • RegisterWindow (1124), (2626)
  • Release (609), (1867), (1975), (1992)
  • ReleaseAll (1438), (2298)
  • ReleaseExtension (485), (1868), (2655)
  • ReleasePart (1990)
  • ReleasePS (2703)
  • Remove (560), (607), (1435), (2144)
  • RemoveDispatchModule (1893)
  • RemoveEmbeddedFrame (602)
  • RemoveFacet (636), (839), (2308)
  • RequestEmbeddedFrame (548), (591), (2444), (2467)
  • RequestFocus (1019), (2488)
  • RequestFocusSet (1020), (2489)
  • RequestFrameShape (542), (599), (804), (2432)
  • Resize (2895)
  • RevealFrame (1557), (1559)
  • SelectAll (2873)
  • SelectContentObject (2875)
  • SetBackgroundColor (2877)
  • SetBaseMenuBar (1172)
  • SetBasePopup (1175)
  • SetChangedFromPrev (1569), (1573)
  • SetContainingFrame (1464), (2258)
  • SetDragging (1486)
  • SetDroppable (526)
  • SetFocusOwner (1921)
  • SetFrameGroup (648), (2440)
  • SetInternalTransform (855)
  • SetOffset (1268), (1278), (1288)
  • SetPartInfo (818)
  • SetPresentation (809)
  • SetPromiseValue (1451)
  • SetPS (2702)
  • SetSequenceNumber (647), (2442)
  • SetSourcePart (1555), (1567), (2344)
  • SetValue (1274), (1419)
  • SetViewType (796)
  • SetViewTypeRect (2802)
  • ShowPartFrameInfo (2647)
  • ShowPasteAsDialog (1200), (1457), (2269)
  • ShowSourceContent (1565)
  • somInit (1929)
  • somUninit (1439), (1930)
  • StartDrag (1488)
  • Tokenize (791), (2481)
  • TransferFocus (1120), (2497)
  • TransferFocusSet (2498)
  • UndoAction (2294)
  • UniqueChangeID (1529)
  • UniqueUpdateID (2284), (2413)
  • UnregisterDependent (1571)
  • UnregisterFocus (1914)
  • UnsetFocusOwnership (1922)
  • Update (1047)
  • UsedShape (2399)
  • UsedShapeChanged (761), (853)
  • Validate (834), (911)
  • ViewTypeChanged (798)
  • WeakClone (2162)
  • WriteActionState (2686)
  • WriteContents (2879), (2897)
  • WriteIconToSU (2881)
  • WriteKindInfo (2883)
  • mkcatdef utility (3192)
  • modal
  • dialog box, handling of movable (1123)
  • dialog box, handling of simple (1112)
  • dialog boxes (1102)
  • dialogs (2572)
  • focus (954), (2510), (2566)
  • focus, acquiring and relinquishing of (1104)
  • movable dialogs (2579)
  • modeless dialog boxes
  • closing the dialog box (1133)
  • hiding (1142)
  • overview (1129)
  • showing the dialog box (1130)
  • modifying IDL (1784)
  • modifying part code (1761)
  • monolithic application
  • versus application components (232)
  • mouse
  • activation (2507)
  • buttons (953)
  • events (2549)
  • focus (956), (2570)
  • handling events (2706)
  • messages (952)
  • mouse-down tracking (1074)
  • mouse-up tracking (1079)
  • tracking position of (959)
  • mouse events
  • handling (943)
  • in embedded frames (961)
  • interpreting within a frame (1070)
  • interpreting within your frame (1062)
  • redirection of (960)
  • mouse-down events (949)
  • mouse-up events (948)
  • move
  • in drag-drop operations (1480)
  • MoveBy method (740), (2886)
  • MoveSelectionToBack method (2860)
  • MoveSelectionToFront method (2862)
  • MoveToBack method (2888)
  • MoveToFront method (2890)
  • moving
  • embedded part's frame (266)
  • windows (1088)
  • msgdisp utility (3194)
  • MsgTargets macro (2916)
  • multiple
  • data streams in single document (382)
  • N
  • name resolver
  • overview information (2050)
  • naming guidelines, parts (2758)
  • negotiation
  • frame, definition of (359)
  • frame, example of (360)
  • nonexclusive focuses (1926)
  • notebook
  • displaying properties (2646)
  • properties (2044), (2051), (2644)
  • settings extension (2663)
  • notices (3236)
  • notification of content update (2409)
  • notification, event (1813)
  • O
  • object lifecycle (1629)
  • Object Linking and Embedding (226)
  • overview (415)
  • Object Management Group (OMG) (425)
  • object-oriented
  • class libraries (246)
  • system design (420)
  • objects
  • binding (454)
  • creating (1950)
  • delegation (436)
  • draft (2021)
  • extension (1842), (1855)
  • extension object (2041)
  • linking and embedding (CI Labs support) (416)
  • message interface (2052)
  • reference-counted (1959)
  • relationships among (2005)
  • relationships, document (2018)
  • relationships, general embedding (2008)
  • relationships, layout and imaging (2009)
  • relationships, part storage (2035)
  • relationships, window related (2007)
  • releasing (1951)
  • session (452), (2020), (2053)
  • shape (1985)
  • specifiers (2049)
  • storage (455)
  • transform (1986)
  • used in data transfer (2032)
  • window state (2062)
  • OD_HELP event (2683)
  • OD_PRINT event (2458)
  • ODByteArray function (2122)
  • ODCloneKind value (2216), (2227)
  • ODdefault modifier (1797)
  • odDeRgPt utility (3196)
  • oddesk utility (3200)
  • ODDS types (1836)
  • ODDSConnection class (1817)
  • ODdual modifier (1799)
  • odDumpRg utility (3198)
  • ODevent modifier (1788), (1802)
  • ODFirstBit function (3132)
  • ODFixedDivide function (3134)
  • ODFixedMultiply function (3138)
  • ODFixedRound macro (3136)
  • ODFixedToFloat macro (3140)
  • ODFixedToFract macro (3142)
  • ODFloatToFixed macro (3144)
  • ODFloatToFract macro (3146)
  • ODFocusModule superclass (1899)
  • ODFocusType data type (2482)
  • ODFractDivide function (3148)
  • ODFractMultiply function (3150)
  • ODFractSinCos function (3152)
  • ODFractToFixed macro (3154)
  • ODFractToFloat function (3156)
  • ODGetSOMException macro (3000)
  • ODguid modifier (1820)
  • ODGuid modifier (1804)
  • ODhelpfile modifier (1806)
  • ODhelpstring modifier (1808)
  • ODid modifier (1786), (1810)
  • odinst utility (3202)
  • odmkSampleTree utility (3210)
  • odRegPrt utility (3212)
  • ODScriptCode data type (3179)
  • ODScriptExtension class (1741)
  • DeRegister (1752)
  • InitScriptExtention (1755)
  • Register (1745)
  • odsetenv utility (3214)
  • ODSetSOMException macro (3002)
  • odsomxh utility (3216)
  • ODStorageUnitRef type (1323)
  • ODTradITextData data type (3181)
  • ODTradITextDataHeader data type (3180)
  • oduninst utility (3218)
  • ODWideAdd function (3160)
  • ODWideCompare function (3162)
  • ODWideDivide function (3164)
  • ODWideIsLong macro (3166)
  • ODWideMultiply function (3168)
  • ODWideNegate function (3170)
  • ODWideShift function (3172)
  • ODWideSquareRoot function (3174)
  • ODWideSubtract function (3176)
  • odz files (2745), (3204)
  • offscreen canvas, updating (922)
  • offscreen canvases (2451)
  • offscreen drawing (906)
  • OLE See Object Linking and Embedding
  • OLE automation (1801)
  • oleshell utility (3220)
  • Open method (2631), (2639)
  • OpenDoc scripting (1597)
  • OpenDoc software, installation (2727)
  • opening
  • a document (2066)
  • windows (2620)
  • OSA types (1837)
  • out parameter (1623)
  • overriding
  • methods of ODPart (479)
  • overview of opendoc (238)
  • ownership, parts (1636)
  • P
  • packaging OpenDoc parts (2746)
  • building part handler files (2752)
  • building part handler package (2755)
  • naming guidelines (2759)
  • table of content entries (2749)
  • page layout, printing (2463)
  • palettes (1163), (1166)
  • parameter modifiers (1622)
  • inout (1626)
  • out (1625)
  • parent classes (1640)
  • part
  • activation (1001)
  • binding (1946)
  • categories supported by an editor (2001)
  • closing (1437)
  • data stored in (1371)
  • document storage organization (2036)
  • embedding from clipboard (2317)
  • extension relationships (2043)
  • framed opened up into part window (354)
  • info data field (815)
  • info field (1069)
  • info property (327)
  • properties (2128)
  • response to events (999)
  • settings, changing (2045)
  • storage units (2202)
  • part category
  • definition (286)
  • part code, modification (1759)
  • part development, scriptable (1736)
  • part editors
  • binding (1940)
  • compared with conventional applications (419)
  • creating from a conventional application (492)
  • creating specific properties for (1878)
  • design and implementation of (470)
  • development of (1931)
  • development with SOM and IDL (473)
  • Draw method (822)
  • drawing responsibilities (785)
  • enhancing capabilities of (1839)
  • framework, using (429)
  • function (258)
  • overview of creating (431)
  • replacing (250)
  • responsibilities (252)
  • updating source code (2677)
  • part extensions
  • overview (502)
  • part handler files, building (2751)
  • part handler package file format (2760)
  • part handler package, building (2754)
  • part kind
  • definition (283)
  • part ownership (1635)
  • part registration (1778), (2768)
  • part scope (1724)
  • part viewers
  • creating (500)
  • function (257)
  • part windows
  • description (345)
  • differences with document windows (355)
  • viewing a part separately (350)
  • PartMeister utility (2898)
  • parts
  • and services communicating through extensions (406)
  • definition of (239)
  • displaying (289)
  • drawing selected (861)
  • execution in document shell process (2059)
  • in an OpenDoc document (272)
  • inactive and active states of (1003)
  • new, adding to document (248)
  • persistent references (1313)
  • persistent references among (1225)
  • reading (1373)
  • relation to frames (509)
  • requirements for storage (1351)
  • selection (2114)
  • sharing data with other objects (1349)
  • storage units of (1348)
  • with multiple frames (277)
  • writing (1374)
  • parts handler file directory (2737)
  • parts naming guidelines (2756)
  • parts, scriptable (1583)
  • paste (on Edit menu) (1195)
  • Paste as (on Edit menu) (1198)
  • Paste As dialog box (1454)
  • PasteSelection method (2864)
  • PasteSelectionAs method (2866)
  • peristent references (2170)
  • persistent object annotation (2167)
  • persistent references
  • among parts (1224)
  • creating (1314)
  • creating unique (1321)
  • definition (1308)
  • ODStorageUnitRef type (1320)
  • strong versus weak (1315), (1328)
  • uses of by OpenDoc (1310)
  • persistent storage
  • for parts (379)
  • mechanism, overview of (1223)
  • writing a part to (1408)
  • Pkg rule (2938)
  • platform independence for part editors (293)
  • platform kinds, specifying (2239)
  • Platform.mak, general concepts (2928)
  • platform.mak, include of (2924)
  • playing
  • movies (1229)
  • sound (1230)
  • plug-ins
  • document shell (497)
  • extension to document shell (1847)
  • pmeister utility (3222)
  • pmprintf Utility (3224)
  • popup menu
  • actions provided (1218)
  • adding (2613)
  • adjusting (2616)
  • displaying (2615)
  • getting (2611)
  • OpenDoc menu handling (372)
  • position codes (1264)
  • prefedit utility (3226)
  • PrepareEventFiring method (1826)
  • presentation
  • definition (324), (777), (789)
  • examples of (790)
  • examples of for individual parts (326)
  • getting (805)
  • of parts (321)
  • setting (806)
  • type (331)
  • presentation page (2672)
  • PresentationChanged method (2670)
  • PressKey method (1822)
  • print job management (2462)
  • PRINT macro (3043)
  • printing
  • a document (933)
  • imanging to a canvas (2465)
  • part handler support (2461)
  • resolution (2423)
  • root part responsibilities (934)
  • printing messages (3041)
  • PRINT macro (3044)
  • programming tools (2966)
  • ErrorCode macro (2987)
  • ErrorMessage macro (2989)
  • handling SOM exceptions (2985)
  • ODGetSOMException macro (3001)
  • ODSetSOMException macro (3003)
  • raise exception (2970)
  • SetErrorCode macro (2993)
  • SetErrorCodeEv macro (2995)
  • SetErrorMessage macro (2991)
  • THROW macro (2972)
  • THROW_IF_ERROR macro (2974)
  • THROW_IF_ERROR_M macro (2980)
  • THROW_IF_NULL macro (2976)
  • THROW_IF_NULL_M macro (2982)
  • THROW_M macro (2978)
  • programming, settings extension (2659)
  • promises
  • drag and drop (2329)
  • in clipboard transfer (1448)
  • in drag/drop (1447)
  • intrinsic content (2240)
  • putting out (1449)
  • writing (2249)
  • propagating events (997)
  • propagation (1497)
  • automatic and manual in linking (1498)
  • properties
  • accessing values of (1247)
  • adding custom (1254)
  • adding to storage unit (1253)
  • and storage units (1233)
  • creating (1249)
  • definition (2024)
  • definition of (1238)
  • for parts (1227)
  • kODPropContents (1452)
  • kODPropPreferredKind (1460)
  • multiple (1366)
  • names (1357)
  • notebook (1848), (2643)
  • ODWindow (2629)
  • of storage unit, examining (1292)
  • part (2127)
  • part contents (1361)
  • removing from storage unit (1300)
  • removing value (1306)
  • standard (1244)
  • protocols
  • cloning (2152)
  • container (2139)
  • drag and drop (2326)
  • extensions (1853)
  • for OpenDoc (478)
  • non-container part (2134)
  • push buttons (1157)
  • Q
  • querying an extensible object (1860)
  • R
  • radio buttons (1158)
  • raise exception tools (2968)
  • RcTargets macro (2915)
  • ReadActionState method (2687)
  • ReadContents method (2868), (2892)
  • reading
  • a part from storage (1377)
  • data at current offset in value (1282)
  • data at particular position in a value (1277)
  • data of a value (1269)
  • your part (1375)
  • ReadKindInfo method (2870)
  • recipe
  • basic (2191)
  • clipboard (2192), (2273)
  • clipping embedded facets (2406)
  • container suite (2182)
  • drag and drop (2193), (2325)
  • examples (2331)
  • imaging (2357)
  • layout (2358)
  • linking (2194), (2330)
  • part persistency (2712)
  • promises (2327)
  • reference counting (2169)
  • storage unit (2181)
  • reconnected display frames (519)
  • reconnecting
  • embedded frames (618)
  • recordability
  • redrawing
  • frame when it changes (847)
  • part's content (828)
  • reentrant code, part editor (1945)
  • reference count
  • and ODRefCntObject class (448)
  • incrementing/decrementing (1979)
  • object creation through factory method (1963)
  • recipe (2168)
  • reliability (2386)
  • storage (1982)
  • value (1960)
  • reference counted objects
  • creating (1989)
  • creating through factory method (1962)
  • definition of (1958)
  • list of classes (1974)
  • references
  • facets and embedded facets (512)
  • facets by part object (513)
  • inter-object (508)
  • object comparison (2124)
  • persistent (1226), (2171)
  • persistent, definition (1309)
  • storage, strong (2177)
  • storage, weak (2176)
  • Reg* and Files* macros (2923)
  • RegeditTarget macro (2919)
  • Register method (1743), (1774)
  • RegisterDependent method (1542)
  • RegisterFocus method (1908)
  • registering a part (2767)
  • registering parts (1779)
  • registering, windows (2623)
  • RegisterWindow method (1125), (2628)
  • registration failure, event (1616)
  • registration with script engine (1631)
  • registration, classes (1639)
  • registration, script component (1748)
  • registration, scriptable parts (1746)
  • reg1part utility (3228)
  • Release method (608), (1870), (1977), (1995)
  • ReleaseAll method (2297)
  • ReleaseExtension method (482), (1871), (2658)
  • ReleasePart method (1993)
  • ReleasePS method (2700)
  • releasing
  • embedded frames (617)
  • objects (1949)
  • remaining rules (2936)
  • Remove method (561), (606), (2142)
  • RemoveDispatchModule method (1889)
  • RemoveEmbeddedFrame method (603)
  • RemoveFacet method (635), (838), (2307)
  • removing
  • a facet of an embedded frame (633)
  • a representation from a part's storage unit (1353)
  • an embedded frame (600)
  • an embedded part (1433)
  • data from a value (1271)
  • data from particular position in value (1285)
  • display frame (557)
  • display frame, responding to a removed (564)
  • facets (2371)
  • facets, response to (534)
  • properties from storage unit (1302)
  • property value (1307)
  • value from a property in a storage unit (1303)
  • replacing
  • part editors (251)
  • RequestEmbeddedFrame method (549), (594), (2443), (2466)
  • RequestFocus method (1016), (2483)
  • RequestFocusSet method (1017), (2484)
  • RequestFrameShape method (544), (598), (803), (2429)
  • requesting a new frame size (540)
  • Resize method (2894)
  • resizing
  • a display frame (538)
  • a frame, steps for (541)
  • an embedded frame (595)
  • windows (1090)
  • resources
  • sharing (245)
  • use of by parts (1363)
  • using OpenDoc (2692)
  • responding to closed display frames (520)
  • responding to reconnected display frames (521)
  • retrieving
  • auxiliary storage unit from main storage unit (1425)
  • embedded frames (1430)
  • return types, events (1611)
  • RevealFrame method (1556), (1558)
  • reverting
  • draft, definition of (2080)
  • root containers (2146)
  • root part
  • definition (271)
  • rotation support (674)
  • rulers (1164)
  • rules (2935)
  • rules, clean (2945)
  • rules, simplified inference (2927)
  • Run menu (1690)
  • breakpoints (1705)
  • clear breakpoint (1699)
  • clear breakpoints (1702)
  • disable breakpoint (1701)
  • disable breakpoints (1704)
  • enable breakpoint (1700)
  • enable breakpoints (1703)
  • go (1692)
  • set breakpoint (1698)
  • step (1695)
  • step exit (1697)
  • step over (1696)
  • stop (1693)
  • test (1694)
  • RunApp utility (3230)
  • runcat utility (3232)
  • runtime
  • process model for OpenDoc (1932)
  • relationships among OpenDoc objects (2004)
  • relationships of session object (2006)
  • runtime consideration, LS IDE (1647)
  • runtime file directory (2733)
  • S
  • sample parts, building (2900)
  • sample source code, installing (2741)
  • saving
  • document (2078)
  • stationery document (2077)
  • windows (2533)
  • scaling
  • factor in transform structure (304)
  • support by transform object in scrolling (1057)
  • support in transforms (672)
  • scenarios, development (487)
  • scoping for cloning (2164)
  • ScrCompFlags attribute (1757)
  • ScrCompFlagsMask attribute (1758)
  • screens, splash (2107)
  • script code (1584)
  • script component (1580), (1794)
  • script component, registration (1749)
  • script engine (1628)
  • script engine, registration with (1632)
  • script extensions, implementation (1739)
  • Script menu (1683)
  • check script syntax (1687)
  • new function (1688)
  • new sub (1689)
  • run this script (1686)
  • script properties (1685)
  • script properties dialog (1711)
  • script, formatting (1713)
  • scriptable parts (1582)
  • scriptable parts, registration (1747)
  • scripting
  • classes related to (466)
  • overview information (2042)
  • overview of support (396)
  • scripting languages (1578)
  • scripting support (2101)
  • scripting, direct (1576)
  • part development (1738)
  • scripting, part development (1737)
  • scripting, Visual Basic (1726)
  • scriptrg command (1735)
  • scriptrg utility (3234)
  • scripts, caching (1652)
  • scripts, color (1716)
  • scripts, compiling (1651)
  • scripts, editing (1671)
  • scripts, exporting (1664)
  • scripts, fonts (1718)
  • scripts, importing (1661)
  • scripts, version numbers (1653)
  • scroll bars (1160)
  • creating within your frame (1065)
  • drawing with (865)
  • event handling in (1060)
  • manipulation in frame (1068)
  • placing in a separate frame (1071)
  • placing in separate frame (880)
  • placing within your frame (866)
  • use of (734)
  • scrolled
  • content, handling of (1064)
  • position of part's contents (1058)
  • scrolling (843)
  • by use of arrow keys (733)
  • content (877)
  • drawing while part is (856)
  • event handling (1056)
  • focus (2503)
  • partial (2469)
  • selection options (2119)
  • simple (2468)
  • steps for (736)
  • ways for your part editor to support (1059)
  • your content (869)
  • your part in a frame (729)
  • searching text (1720)
  • section scope (1725)
  • Select all choice (1209)
  • Select all command (1204)
  • SelectAll method (2872)
  • SelectContentObject method (2874)
  • selecting
  • embedded part's frame (267)
  • selection
  • and mouse-down tracking (1076)
  • semantic events (1587)
  • overview (2039)
  • overview information (2048)
  • sequence number of frame in group (642)
  • sequences, mapping (1606)
  • service classes (468)
  • session
  • object (453)
  • object, instantiation of (2067)
  • SetBackgroundColor method (2876)
  • SetBaseMenuBar method (1173)
  • SetBasePopup method (1176)
  • SetChangedFromPrev method (1568), (1572)
  • SetContainingFrame method (1462), (2253)
  • SetDragging method (1485)
  • SetDroppable method (525)
  • SetErrorCode macro (2992)
  • SetErrorCodeEv macro (2994)
  • SetErrorMessage macro (2990)
  • SetFocusOwner method (1916)
  • SetFrameGroup method (644), (2435)
  • SetInternalTransform method (857)
  • SetITextBufferSize function (3117)
  • SetITextCString function (3119)
  • SetITextLangCode function (3123)
  • SetITextPString function (3125)
  • SetITextScriptCode function (3121)
  • SetITextStringLength function (3127)
  • SetITextText function (3129)
  • SetOffset method (1275), (1280), (1289)
  • SetPartInfo method (820)
  • SetPresentation method (813)
  • SetPromiseValue method (1450)
  • SetPS method (2699)
  • SetSequenceNumber method (643), (2437)
  • SetSourcePart method (1554), (1566), (2343)
  • setting exception values (2997)
  • settings ex/possible (401)
  • settings extension
  • creating (1877), (2660)
  • notebook (2661)
  • object, overview of (2047)
  • programming (2652)
  • subclass of ODExtension (2046)
  • use of (1845)
  • SetValue method (1276), (1422)
  • SetViewType method (800)
  • SetViewTypeRect method (2801)
  • shapes
  • active, definition of (311)
  • adjusting border (2382)
  • clip, definition of (310)
  • clipping (2379)
  • drawing structure (298)
  • frame, definition of (309)
  • objects, reference counting of (1983)
  • update (827)
  • used, definition of (308)
  • using content shape within frame shape (1066)
  • using in drawing (745)
  • using to position and clip embedded parts (670)
  • sharing
  • data between parts and other objects (1350)
  • single document file by part editors (380)
  • user interface resources (244)
  • shell plug-ins (1849)
  • shift clicking (964)
  • showing
  • the modeless dialog box (1131)
  • ShowPartFrameInfo method (2649)
  • ShowPasteAsDialog method (1201), (1456), (2268)
  • ShowSourceContent method (1564)
  • sibling frames, managing facet clip shapes for (778)
  • sibling relationships (2438)
  • SimplePart (2770)
  • simplified inference rules (2925)
  • sink object (1831)
  • sliders (1161)
  • small icon (340)
  • SOM See System Object Model
  • SOM compiler flags (2956)
  • -m flag (2960)
  • -mchkexcept flag (2958), (3011)
  • SOM exception, handling (2984)
  • SOM IDL conversion (1617)
  • SOM Interface Repository (1648), (1791)
  • SOM usage bindings (1599), (1613)
  • SOMFree method (2964)
  • somInit method (1386), (1927)
  • SOMMalloc method (2963)
  • somUninit method (1440), (1928)
  • source code, updating part editor (2678)
  • source sandbox file directory (2739)
  • splash screens (2106)
  • standard icon (339)
  • StartDrag method (1487)
  • state information and part data (253)
  • static canvas
  • definition (297)
  • use of (666)
  • stationery
  • creating desktop (2682)
  • creating new documents from (1944)
  • description of (388)
  • support for OS/2 (2673)
  • status bars (1162)
  • StopFiring method (1828)
  • storage
  • and data transfer (1221), (1441)
  • basics of (378)
  • capabilities of OpenDoc (2016)
  • model for parts (1347)
  • objects, run-time relationships of (1237)
  • of documents (376)
  • organization (2037)
  • stream (381)
  • system for OpenDoc (1222)
  • system object (1232)
  • unit, description of (383)
  • storage unit
  • accessing a particular value in (1242)
  • accessing values of property of (1248)
  • adding (1364)
  • adding a property to (1252)
  • clonging (2149)
  • content (2198), (2200)
  • creating additional (1416)
  • cursor (1265)
  • data stored in (1372)
  • examining each of the properties in a (1291)
  • example of (1240)
  • extracting a representation from (1354)
  • focusing a (1256)
  • in drafts (2023)
  • inspectable (1245)
  • iterating through (1290)
  • manipulation (2179)
  • objects (1231)
  • organization (1236)
  • part info storage in (816)
  • recipes (2180)
  • retrieving auxiliary from main (1426)
  • strong reference (2175)
  • unfocused (1297)
  • use of by data-interchange classes (459)
  • weak reference (2174)
  • StorageUnitGetValue function (3068)
  • StorageUnitSetPromiseValue macro (3070)
  • StorageUnitSetValue macro (3072)
  • StorageUnitViewGetValue function (3074)
  • StorageUnitViewSetValue macro (3076)
  • storing
  • data as content (1362)
  • embedded frames (1429)
  • multiple representations of part content (1352)
  • part content (1360)
  • strings, tokenized (2000)
  • strong persistent references (1324)
  • strong, storage reference (2173)
  • stunti.embedding content storage (2263)
  • subclasses
  • of ODObject, extension of (1857)
  • subclassing
  • ODDispatchModule (1885)
  • ODFocusModule (1903)
  • ODFocusModule for new types of focus ownership (1902)
  • ODObject (447)
  • ODObject, ODRefCntObject, ODPersistentObject (444)
  • ODPersistentObject (445)
  • ODRefCntObject (446)
  • to create part editor (438)
  • Subdirs macro (2912)
  • superclasses (1391), (1642)
  • ODDispatchModule (1884)
  • ODExtension (1861)
  • ODFocusModule (1900)
  • superclasses, abstract (443)
  • synchronizing
  • display frames (570)
  • embedded frames (652)
  • transferred data with its source (1496)
  • views of parts in separate frames (571)
  • with source frame (2363)
  • System Object Model (227)
  • classes (1954)
  • constructor (1886)
  • destructor (1887)
  • developing with (471)
  • overview (423)
  • overview description (413)
  • T
  • table of content entries, part handler (2748)
  • table of contents file (2765)
  • TempObjs (3047)
  • Temporary References and Objects (3046)
  • TempRefs (3048)
  • terminating events (1601)
  • text search (1721)
  • THROW macro (2971)
  • THROW_IF_ERROR macro (2973)
  • THROW_IF_ERROR_M macro (2979)
  • THROW_IF_NULL macro (2975)
  • THROW_IF_NULL_M macro (2981)
  • THROW_M macro (2977)
  • thumbnail icon (341)
  • Tokenize method (793), (2479)
  • tokenized strings (1999)
  • tokens
  • and part categories (287)
  • and part kinds (284)
  • converting presentation types (792)
  • tools, debugging (3013)
  • tools, raise exception (2969)
  • tracking
  • mouse pointer (1073)
  • trademarks (3237)
  • transfer
  • clipboard (1468)
  • TransferFocus method (1116), (2493)
  • TransferFocusSet method (2494)
  • transforms
  • and hit-testing (712)
  • bias (717), (723)
  • content (698)
  • drawing structure (299)
  • external (682)
  • frame (705)
  • identity (675)
  • in layout and imaging (2012)
  • internal (681)
  • internal, frame's (307)
  • objects, reference counting of (1984)
  • using to position and clip embedded parts (671)
  • window-content (706)
  • window-frame (707)
  • TriggerClick method (1824)
  • TriggerKeyPress method (1825)
  • try blocks (3004)
  • TYPELIB (1823)
  • U
  • undo
  • action history (610)
  • clipboard operations (2286)
  • cut of embedded frame (2287)
  • paste of embedded frame (2288)
  • undo (1220)
  • UndoAction method (2291)
  • UniqueChangeID method (1528)
  • UniqueUpdateID method (2281), (2412)
  • UnregisterDependent method (1570)
  • UnregisterFocus method (1909)
  • UnsetFocusOwnership method (1917)
  • unsigned data types (1608)
  • update
  • events (993), (2554)
  • part editor source code (2676)
  • shape (826)
  • Update method (935)
  • Update method (1048)
  • updating
  • as background task (1506)
  • clip shapes (2396)
  • information for offscreen canvases (668)
  • Link Destination Info dialog (1503)
  • offscreen canvases (921)
  • usage bindings, SOM (1598), (1612)
  • UseByteArray function (3078)
  • used shape
  • description (314)
  • description of (757)
  • example (758)
  • in drawing (746)
  • in drawing selected parts (862)
  • in resizing a display frame (545)
  • methods (765)
  • UsedShape method (2398)
  • UsedShapeChanged method (762), (851)
  • user events
  • classes related to (465)
  • handling (942)
  • handling by document shell (2063), (2084)
  • overview of handling (941)
  • processing of (1942)
  • user strings (2003)
  • utilities
  • avsshell (3183)
  • cmgrcmd (3185)
  • ctypelib (3187)
  • docshell (3189)
  • document-interchange (1415)
  • gencat (3191)
  • mkcatdef (3193)
  • msgdisp (3195)
  • odDeRgPt (3197)
  • oddesk (3201)
  • odDumpRg (3199)
  • odinst (3203)
  • odmkSampleTree (3211)
  • odRegPrt (3213)
  • odsetenv (3215)
  • odsomxh (3217)
  • oduninst (3219)
  • oleshell (3221)
  • pmeister (3223)
  • pmprintf (3225)
  • prefedit (3227)
  • reg1part (3229)
  • RunApp (3231)
  • runcat (3233)
  • scriptrg (3235)
  • V
  • Validate method (833), (914)
  • values
  • accessing in storage unit (1243)
  • accessing using storage unit methods (1246)
  • adding your own types (1255)
  • creating (1250)
  • definition (2025)
  • definition of (1239)
  • examples of types of (1241)
  • manipulating data in a (1267)
  • multiple (1367)
  • relation to storage units and properties (1234)
  • removing from property in a storage unit (1301)
  • view menu
  • example (1212)
  • overview of (370)
  • view type
  • definition (328), (788)
  • examples (333)
  • overview (794)
  • part (334)
  • viewers
  • part, description of (501)
  • part, purpose of (259)
  • views
  • a part (349)
  • contents of parts (322)
  • ViewTypeChanged method (802)
  • Visual Basic (1589), (1727)
  • accessing properties (1732)
  • calling methods (1733)
  • creating objects (1730)
  • embedding parts (1728)
  • event handling (1734)
  • setting objects (1731)
  • writing part access programs (1729)
  • W
  • WARN_CATALOG macro (3021)
  • WARN_INDEX macro (3023)
  • warning messages (3015)
  • WARN_CATALOG macro (3022)
  • WARN_INDEX macro (3024)
  • WARNMSG macro (3018)
  • WARNMSG_DEBUG macro (3020)
  • WARNMSG macro (3017)
  • WARNMSG_DEBUG macro (3019)
  • WASSERT macro (3033)
  • WASSERTCATALOG macro (3035)
  • WASSERTMSG macro (3037)
  • weak persistent references (1325)
  • weak, storage reference (2172)
  • WeakClone method (2157)
  • windows
  • activating and deactivating (1083)
  • closing (1095), (2618)
  • coordinate space (693)
  • coordinates (687)
  • creating (2621)
  • document (353)
  • dragging (1093), (1099)
  • drawing directly to (883)
  • events (985), (2641)
  • identifiers (2632)
  • moving (1087)
  • opening (2617)
  • opening parts into (2638)
  • part (352)
  • receiving events in (1081)
  • registering (2624)
  • resizing (1089)
  • scrolling (844)
  • specifying a PS for facets (2697)
  • state (2079)
  • state object (2061)
  • wrappers
  • and frame relationships (291)
  • examples of (300)
  • ODCanvas class (660)
  • transforms (673)
  • WriteActionState method (2688)
  • WriteContents method (2878), (2896)
  • WriteIconToSU method (2880)
  • WriteKindInfo method (2882)
  • writing
  • data at current offset in value (1283)
  • data of a value (1270)
  • document shell plug-ins (496)
  • editor for container part (489)
  • intrinsic content to clipboard (2301)
  • OpenDoc software (469)
  • part services (495)
  • part to persistent storage (1407)
  • part viewers (494)
  • your part (1376)
  • Z
  • z-ordering (2705)
  • monitors (2708)
  • z-ordering of embedded frames for a part (779)

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