Programming Guide

Display-Related Events


Your part editor needs to respond to events that select or change the position or visibility of your intrinsic content, by highlighting or preparing to move or redraw the content. This section discusses general event-handling issues related to drawing and highlighting. Display concepts are described more completely in "Frames and Facets".

Just as with intrinsic content, your part editor is responsible for knowing what embedded frames look like and when they become visible or invisible. When update events or events related to scrolling or editing cause an embedded frame to become visible, your part is responsible for creating facets for those frames. If events cause an embedded facet to move, your part must modify the facet's external transform to reflect the move. If the embedded facet moves so as to become no longer visible, your part is responsible for deleting the embedded facet from its containing facet (or marking it purge-able).



Hit-testing is the interpretation of mouse events in terms of content elements within a frame. For example, when the user clicks the mouse somewhere within your part's content area to select an item or to set an insertion point, you must use the click location to decide which item has been selected or which characters correspond to the insertion point. You can then highlight the proper item or draw the text caret at the proper location.

Coordinate conversion is necessary to assign content locations to hit-testing events; in that sense, hit-testing is the inverse of drawing. Coordinate conversion and the application of transforms during drawing is discussed in "Transforms and Coordinate Spaces".

If a mouse click occurs in a facet of your embedded part's frame, OpenDoc applies the inverse of all external transforms from the canvas facet to your facet, passing to you the mouse event in your part's frame coordinates. These coordinates are stored in the ODPoint field of the EventInfo structure. It is then your responsibility to apply the inverse of your own internal transform to the event location to convert it to the content coordinates of your part.

If the entire content of your part's frame is scrolled, the application of your frame's internal transform yields the correct location for everything within the frame. If, however, your part has drawn scroll bars or other nonscrolling items within the frame, it is important not to apply the internal transform to events over those items. See "Scrolling" for more information.

Invalidating and Updating


When keystroke or mouse events involved with editing have changed the visible content of your part, you should invalidate the affected areas (by calling your frame's Invalidate method), so that an update event will be generated to force a redraw. If the same presentation of your part is displayed in more than one frame (see "Synchronizing Display Frames"), you are responsible for invalidating those frames as well, if necessary.

If a portion of a window needs to be redrawn due to invalidation by actions taken by the documents's parts or by the system (as when a window is uncovered), the document shell receives notification of that fact and passes an update event to the dispatcher, which calls the Update method of the window.     The window in turn calls the Update method of its root facet.

The root facet's Update method examines all of the root facet's embedded facets (and their embedded facets, and so on) and marks each one that intersects the area that must be updated. Then, each facet that needs to be redrawn calls the Draw method of its frame's part, passing it the appropriate shape that represents its portion of the area to be updated.    

  Your part can, if desired, modify the order in which embedded parts draw their content, by making explicit calls to the Draw, DrawChildren, and DrawChildrenAlways methods of an embedded facet.         See "Draw Method of Your Part Editor" and "Asynchronous Drawing" for more information.



The scrolled position of a part's contents within a frame is controlled by the frame's internal transform. (The transform object can also support scaling, translation, rotation, and perspective transformations of a frame's contents. See Figure 27 for an example.

In general, the user specifies the amount of scrolling to apply to a frame. The part editor then modifies the offset specified in the frame's internal transform. Depending on the new scrolled position of the part's contents, the part editor might also have to add or remove facets for embedded frames that have become visible or obscured by the scrolling.  

There are a number of ways for your part editor to support scrolling:

Each of these methods requires different event handling by your part to achieve the same result: a modified internal transform for the frame. Your part then draws the scrolled display as described in "Scrolling Your Part in a Frame".

Event-Handling in Scroll Bars within Your Frame


You can create scroll bars for your content inside the margins of your frame. One approach to handling events in those scroll bars is to create an extra, private "content shape" within your frame. The content shape is the same as the frame shape, except that it does not include the areas of the scroll bars.

When interpreting mouse events within your frame, it is important that the current scrolled position of your content be taken into account for content editing but not for scroll-bar manipulation. Thus, for points that fall within your content shape, you apply the inverse of the frame's internal transform to mouse events, whereas outside of it (in the scroll bar area) you do not. See   Figure 51.

Figure 51. Using a Content Shape within a Frame Shape to Handle Events

View figure.


Mouse events within the scroll bar area specify how to set the frame's internal transform; based on the transform's new value, you then redraw your part's content (and the scroll bar slider). Mouse events within the area of the content shape specify how to select or edit the appropriately scrolled content.      

Event Handling in Scroll Bars in Separate Frames


If you place scroll bars or adornments in completely separate frames from your content, (see "Placing Scroll Bars in a Separate Frame"), you avoid having to define a separate content shape. Your part has one display frame that encloses both the scroll bars and the content; you draw the scroll bars directly in this frame, and you draw the content in a sub-frame. Only the sub-frame's internal transform changes.

When a mouse event occurs in the nonscrolling frame, your part interprets it and sets the internal transform of the scrolling sub-frame accordingly.

Mouse-Down Tracking and Selection


A selection exists only in the context of a particular part. The boundary of a selection cannot span part boundaries; all of its margins must be in the same part. However, a selection can include any number of embedded frames (which themselves can be considered to include any number of more deeply embedded frames).  

Selections are typically created by mouse events, or keyboard-modified mouse events, within an already active frame or a frame that has been made potentially active by an initial mouse-down event within its area. When a mouse-down event occurs, OpenDoc passes the pointer location, in the frame coordinates of the most deeply imbedded frame enclosing the event location, to the part displayed in that frame. If a drag-selection occurs (that is, if a drag-and-drop operation does not occur), the subsequent mouse-up event location is passed in the same coordinates to the same part. Thus, the active frame is not changed simply because the cursor passes across a frame boundary while making a selection.

The selection actions your part takes during mouse-down tracking depend on your content model. You should provide feedback to the user while the dragging is in progress.

Your part editor should support extending selections through Shift-clicking, Ctrl-clicking and Alt-clicking. Note that, because selection is possible only within one part at a time, a part editor can extend a selection outside of its display frame boundary only to items within another of its own display frames.

If your part is a containing part and allows the user to drag selected content, including embedded frames, dragging may lead to frame negotiation. If an embedded frame is clipped by the edge of a page, for example, you may need to change its size.

Selected frames should be highlighted appropriately, as described in "Drawing Selections".

Mouse-Up Tracking


OpenDoc calls your part's HandleEvent method whenever the mouse pointer enters, moves within, or leaves a facet of a display frame of your part and the mouse button is up (not pressed). Your part can use this method call to display a custom cursor while the pointer is within your part's frames. Your part is responsible for providing the appropriate cursor appearances as defined by OpenDoc.

Mouse-Up Feedback while Drawing

In certain modal situations, such as when drawing polygons or connected line segments, the user typically draws by clicking the mouse button once for each successive vertex or joint. (The user might complete the polygon and exit the mode by double-clicking or by clicking in the menu bar or another window). During the drawing operation, while the mouse button is up, the part editor must provide feedback to the user, showing a potential line segment extending from the last vertex to the current mouse position.

Your part can support this kind of drawing feedback by requesting the mouse focus (kODMouseFocus) when the user clicks to make the first vertex after selecting the appropriate drawing mode (perhaps from a tool palette that you maintain). Your part then receives events when the mouse moves, regardless of which facet the cursor travels over; the facet passed to your HandleEvent method is the one in which the initial mouse-down event occurred. Receiving these events allows you to provide visual feedback regardless of where the user moves the mouse pointer.

On the OS/2 platform, in order to receive mouse-up events which occur outside of an OpenDoc window, your part must also request the MouseUpOutside focus.

Your part also receives all mouse-down and mouse-up events until it relinquishes the focus. In addition, as long as your part holds the mouse focus, OpenDoc sends no mouse events to any facet.

When the user completes the drawing operation, relinquish the mouse focus.

If the user clicks on the desktop or on another document's window, your part receives a suspend event and should exit the mode (relinquish the mouse focus). Also, if the user clicks in the menu bar, you must relinquish the mouse focus and redispatch the event if you want the menu to appear.

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