Programming Guide

ctypelib Utility


This utility works only on the Windows platforms.

This utility creates the TYPELIB file required for OLE scripting.

ctypelib -g guid -t type_lib_name -p parts_names -l locale_id
         -v version -s help_string

This fields for this version of the utility are:

-g guid

Where guid represents the globally unique identifier of the TYPELIB. The guide should be in the format:

Where each X represents a hexadecimal value.

-t type_lib_name

Where type_lib_name represents the name of the TYPELIB file your are creating. A TYPELIB file is generated in the current directory with the TLB extension. Use the full path name of the TYPELIB file. For example, C:\mypath\part1.tpl\. You must include the .tpl extension.

-p parts_names

Where parts_names represents a list of names. Each name can be an OpenDoc part class name or a SOM Interface Repository module name with a related OpenDoc part class name. A module name and the related part class name are separated by a colon. Part class names are separated by a comma. For example:


-l locale_id

Where locale_id is the locale identifier for the TYPELIB. The default value is en_US.

-v version

Where version represents the version number for the TYPELIB. The default value is 1.0.

-s help_string

Where help_string represents the TYPELIB help string surrounded by double quotes. The default is NULL.

You can specify arguments in a separate file that is called when you run the ctypelib utility. If you create a file for your arguments, specify the command as follows:

ctypelib -f cmd_line_arg_file_name
-f cmd_line_arg_file_name cmd_line_arg_file_name is the name file where the command line arguments are stored.

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