Programming Guide

mkcatdef Utility


CatalogFile The name of the catalog file to be created or modified.
SourceFile A list of 0 or more message source file names from which the catalog is to be created or updated. Each source file name must be separated by at least one space.
This utility works on only the Windows and OS/2 platforms.

This utility preprocesses a message source file. This program should only be invoked through the runcat utility.

This utility is provided as a temporary work-around until the VisualAge compiler provides this function. When the compiler is available, this utility will be removed.

mkcatdef CatalogName SourceFile ... [-h]
CatalogName The file name to be used when you build the .h message file.
SourceFile A list of 1 or more message source file names. These message files contain symbolic identifiers from which the SymbolName.h file is generated. Each source file name must be separated by at least one space.
-h This flag suppresses the generation of a SymbolName.h file. This flag must be the last argument of the mkcatdef command.

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