MidLink Magazine: October/November, 1996

MidLink Magazine: October/November Issue

"A" through "C"   "D" through "X"

Ongoing Articles:

These articles will remain active throughout the school year.

3-D Web-olution!

You are invited to join our 3-D adventures as we share our worlds in 3-D. The first models are waiting for you along with their very own "player" to view them. You can take a 3-D "walk" through our school. This requires at least 8 MEGs of RAM.

The BALDRIGE Sets Sail!

Editors: Matt Vepraskas and Mac Young
MidLink Magazine readers from Raleigh, NC, Charleston, SC, and Libertyville, Ill.,met Craig Nelson, Captain of the BALDRIGE, in our February CU-SeeMe teleconference. WRAL, a local TV station covered the event..

You got NEW Mail! You can always find the latest news from the BALDRIGE here. What happens to the ship in a hurricane? Read your mail to find out about it.

It's time to breathe some of that fresh salt air as we set sail aboard the NOAA's largest research vessel, the MALCOLM BALDRIGE! We will be following the adventures of this *real* ship on a *real* voyage around the world. Captain Craig Nelson and his crew will be studying problems that cause the greenhouse effect and climate changes that will affect all citizens of the earth. They are also looking for new species of fish. See Where they are NOW in our color map. If you have "Forms Support" on your Web Browser, you can even write to the captain and crew to ask about their progress. And get this: your message will bounce off a satellite!

Don't miss this Mail Call from last spring ==>>> Spring Mail Call From the BALDRIGE! : Kids just like YOU have been wondering about what goes on out at sea. Has the crew seen any whales? Have they found any pollution? What kind of sea birds have they found? Read the answers to these questions and many more, and then write Captain Nelson some questions of your own. You could even make up your own project, and we'll post it here in MidLink Magazine!

Read all about El Nino at this NOAA Web Site. You can even see where El Nino is at this very moment! There are maps, charts, realtime data, and much more here. Don't miss the fun at this site.

Best Web Sites

These are some of our favorite places to surf the net. Some are funny, some provide information, and some are just plain silly. We make no apologies...We just like 'em :-) This is not an attempt at a comprehensive list. These were picked by kids!

International Book Fair

Editors: Kari Zander and Kate Caldwell

  •    Please help us with MidLink's Olympic issue, coming in June. Send us book reviews for books about sports, the Olympics, or your favorite Olympians, past and present.

  • What should you read for that next book report? Here are some cool suggestions from readers all over the world. You can even enter your *own* book review here! Students at Vitebsk School 37 in Vitebsk, Belarus, started this project last year. They want to share their favorite books with you!

  • NEW!! Since this project began last spring, kids from all over the world have been joining the book fair. In this project, kids--and teachers, too!--tell you about their favorite books.

  • Some kids get all *wired up* about books! The NEW Book Raves by kids at Discovery Middle School will get you excited, too!

  • Don't miss the READER'S CORNER! This is another page full of book reviews written by kids like YOU. Read all about it!

    Want to know the *best* part? YOU can send in your own book reviews from the pages of MidLink! Watch this section as it...
    G R O W S!!

  • Book Link

    If you want to know more about your favorite authors, you'll enjoy this page. Many authors have their own home pages! We even found "unofficial" pages created by readers and fans.

    Coming Soon: A contest to select the favorite books of MidLink Magazine readers. Check here next month for all the details.

    Character Counts!

    Editors: Steven Tam and Kelly Parrish
    Most of us can think of people we admire because of their high moral character, their honesty, or trustworthiness. We ask you to share your heroes and heroines with MidLink readers. Your hero can be famous, or he might even live in your very own house! Write to us and tell us about the person you admire. We'll make your heroes famous by posting the letters right here! Wonder who kids admire in Japan? Australia? Sweden? Check here next month to read all about it.
    Read about the People of Character at Ligon Middle School. These Raleigh, North Carolina, kids wrote about some terrific role models.
    An entire class from Greenwood, Missouri, sent in stories about their favorite people of good character! What a group!
    **New Mail** from YOU! See letters from our readers about People of Character in their neighborhoods.

    Civil War Portfolios

    Learn about the American Civil War as you view these HyperStudio stacks in REALTIME! MidLink Magazine is proud to be among the first sites to offer you this exciting new way to learn. You can download the necessary HyperStudio file extension here. You are invited to create your own stacks to share your view of ANY civil war in ANY country. We will point to you or post your stacks here.

    Cool-School Home Pages

    These schools not only contribute to MidLink Magazine, but they have also created their own terrific home pages. You'll enjoy your visit to each and every one. Find out what other middle schools are doing with their web sites. Join one of our projects, and we will add your school's home page to our growing list of excellent sites.

    Creative Cuisine:
    Recipes Revisited!

    Do you have a favorite family recipe to share? This project from Ligon Middle School in Raleigh, NC, will tickle your taste buds. You can participate by e-mail directly from these pages.

    Currency Comparison/Conversion Project

    Hey there, all you MATH lovers! Do you still do your currency conversion problems the old fashioned way? Well, check out this Australian project. They provide a real-time Currency Converter that tells you the value of your currency as compared to others in the world. While you're there, you can add your own data to their project. They want to know how much a hamburger and fries costs in your neighborhood.

    MORE Ongoing Projects from "D" to "X"

    How Can YOU Participate in MidLink Magazine Projects?

    Caroline McCullen, Ligon GT Magnet Middle School, Raleigh, North Carolina. Send questions or comments to Caroline_McCullen@ncsu.edu

    Last Revision: October, 1996

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