Desert and Desertification

Students at the High School for Environmental Studies in Israel created this successful project last year. This is an official Kidlink Project and involves students all over the world. Teachers, David Lloyd and Hannah Sivan, invite you to join their study of the desert. Be sure to look at the results from last year and sign up for this year's project. We will point to the results in MidLink Magazine.

Design an Alien

Join students at Highland Middle School in Libertyville, Illinois, as they design their own ALIENS! You can take this project any way you like. You might want to create an alien that could *really* survive on the planet of your choice. How would he look? Why? Hey, science and language arts teachers, this is a great interdisciplinary project! Check here next month to see all the creatures we create...and congratulations to Mark Mueller, Computer Teacher, for the terrific project idea.

Electronic Portfolios

This page caused so much excitement last spring, we wanted to continue it this year. What happens when you put together kids, computers, the Internet, and a research assignment? Students create Electronic Portfolios that may change the meaning of the word "report" forever! This page will be updated regularly as research is completed.
**NOTE**If you are preparing your own portfolios, please share them with our readers.

Environmental Issues

If you would like to help preserve our environment, be sure to check out this project by kids at Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawaii. They are gathering data about environmental issues all over the world. It's easy to join this project by e-mail. We will post the results here. Help them preserve their island home and maybe *your* home, too!

Gaming Tips and Treats

If you like Video Games, you can't miss this section. You will find links to all the best sites and even some student reviews of the most popular games

Global Rivers Project

Kathy Jo Mathison, teacher at First Colony Middle School in SugarLand, Texas, has a classroom full of students who want to know all about rivers in your home town. They have set up a beautiful data base of information about Texas rivers and other rivers...well, just about everywhere. Write to Kathy Jo to find out how you can join this project!

Global Skylines

This page is from our *very* first issue on September 19, 1994, but it keeps growing. You can see skylines of Australia, Japan, Sweden, Hawaii, and MUCH more. Shouldn't *your* city's skyline be here?

Olympic Activities

Read about your favorite Olympian in portfolios and articles created by students. See exclusive pictures of Olympians and read about their hopes and dreams as they talk with MidLink Magazine editors. Join the fun by adding your favorite star to our growing Gallery of Olympians.

Pixel Over, Pixel Under

Join this International Weaving Exhibition. You can start your own weaving on a real loom and move to a virtual project with simple graphics tools. Just look at the examples in the first wing of our virtual museum.

Sports Section

**Notice** This page is experimental. It can be viewed best if you use Netscape 2.0. You'll find pictures and news about your favorite football, basketball, and soccer stars.

Surf the 'Net with MidLink Magazine

More and more students are beginning to research, read, and write using the Internet and the World Wide Web. Armed with an electronic tool box of computer skills, classes all over the world are producing a variety of Electronic Portfolios. If you want to add your site to this growing list, just write to MidLink Magazine, and we will post or point to your handiwork. (This is a great place to get ideas for your own Web projects.)

The "Write" Spot!

This section contains fantastic stories written by kids just like YOU. You'll find science fiction stories and some terrific jokes in the LaughLink section. These are guaranteed to tickle your electronic funny bone. You can even submit your very own story right on the pages of MidLink Magazine!

Check out the original plays, written by students at Gunston Middle School, Arlington, Virginia. You can print these out and perform them at your own school!

You won't want to miss the Interactive story of Litestar and his holographic adventures. You can add your own chapter to the story if you have "Forms Support". This fine project was started by kids at Welford and Wickham Primary School in Berkshire, England.

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  • Caroline McCullen, Ligon GT Magnet Middle School, Raleigh, North Carolina. Send questions or comments to