Student Editors: MidLink Magazine


Official Policies and Practices

Policies, Practices, and People of MidLink Magazine

  • Copyright Policy
  • Editorial Policy
  • How To Participate in Our Projects
  • Lost Files??
  • Student Editors
  • International Teacher Editors
  • Technical Advisors

    © Copyright Policy:

    Materials contained on these pages may not be duplicated without the expressed written permission of the author/teacher writers. Please see names and addresses of authors in each entry. If you have any questions, contact the MidLink Magazine editorial staff.

    Editorial Policy

    All issues of MidLink Magazine will remain up and running for one year. You can participate by using our forms or by sending us e-mail. If you would like to join our collaborative activities, just write to us at Ligon GT Magnet Middle School, 706 East Lenoir Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607.

    How Can You Join Our Projects?

    Any school is welcome to participate in MidLink Magazine. There is no fee for joining this educational project. Yes, we accept submissions by "snail mail," as well as FTP. You may also use our simple mailing instructions and mail directly from these pages! For details about how your school can participate, send e-mail to MidLink Magazine

    If you already have your own Home Page, it's even easier. First tell us about your project. It could be a something you already have underway. We will place a pointer to your site on our Home Page. Then schools all over the world can participate in a project that you helped create. This way we can all collaborate with, of course!

    Lost Files??

    If you sent us mail and can't find it posted here, please write to us about it. We make every effort to post all worthwhile submissions, but accidents DO happen. We deal with so many files it is likely that we will omit something, and we hope you will be patient. Remember: Our editors are students :-) Thank you for your patience.

    MidLink Magazine Staff

    MidLink Magazine is a cooperative project developed by middle school students from the global community with a *little* help from the following adults:

    Teacher Editors

    Technical Advisors

    The MidLink Magazine Student Team

    Student Editors

    Students at Schools all over the world create the pages in MidLink Magazine. Your school can be a part of the MidLink Magazine Team. Write to us for instructions.

    Send questions or comments to

    Caroline McCullen,, Instructional Technologist, SAS Institute, Cary. NC
    Last Update to this page, February 1998