MidLink Sets Sail

Welcome Aboard the MALCOLM BALDRIGE!

Mail Callfrom the Baldrige

The MidLink Buoy is Officially Launched!

Want to see where Captain Nelson is headed? Track him using the FY 96 Sailing Schedule!!
See the very latest news from NOAA.
Check out these NEW NOAA links.

Regular readers who are familiar with this project may want to go directly to the Mail Call from the BALDRIGE. Some exciting things have happened since last spring. If you have sent mail to us, you will find it posted here.

Jump to the BALDRIGE Sets Sail Project Information.

Graphic By: Cameron Jones, Ligon Middle School, Raleigh, NC

MidLink Sets Sail with the MALCOLM BALDRIGE

Project Description

In March, 1995, we launched a project with *real* scientists, on board a *real* research ship! In a letter to the MidLink staff, Captain Craig Nelson volunteered to share his adventures with us. His ship, the MALCOLM BALDRIGE does research to find solutions to critical environmental problems, including the greenhouse effect and potential global climate change.

A couple of marine biologists are onboard to study the marine life along the way. They really *are* a couple--they're married! They even wrote a personal message to MidLink readers. You'll enjoy reading about their encounter with a *killer whale*!

Where will the BALDRIGE go? Discovery Middle School students are charting the course. You can follow his voyage, too. What new discoveries will they make? Cruise with us on the pages of MidLink Magazine to find out!

***Hot off the wire***


Each day NOAA will post the daily news report direct from the ship. You can watch them chart their course on this GIF image map. Don't miss out on a single day of their adventures. P.S. If you want to know where they will go next, peek at their entire SCHEDULE.

Ask the crew of MALCOLM BALDRIGE...

After reading *all* about the BALDRIGE's voyage, YOU can send e-mail directly to the captain and crew. Your message will be bounced off a *satellite*! They have promised to try to answer all serious questions. You can even write the MALCOLM BALDRIGE Scientists right here in MidLink Magazine. (Make sure your browser supports forms, or this won't work.)

***We will post the newest questions and answers in MidLink. If you wrote to Captain Nelson, check here for your answers.

Write to Matt and Mac if you have questions or suggestions on how this page could be improved.