New Mail from the BALDRIGE

You Got NEW Mail!!

Color picture of the MALCOLM BALDRIGE!

The MidLink Buoy is Officially Launched!

What happens when the BALDRIGE runs into a hurricane? Read about it here.

If you are studying water quality or marine life, be sure to read these questions from students and the fascinating answers by your favorite sea captain, Captain Craig Nelson.

  • Read about the ORCA.

  • Do whales have EAR WAX?

  • Read all about the Seawasps and Portuguese Man-O-War.

  • More mail from the BALDRIGE.. Look here for answers to your seagoing questions.

    Does the BALDRIGE ever run into MONSOONS or storms? What have they discovered about global warming? What is it like in the MALDIVES, OMAN, SOMALIA, and the other countries where they travel? Read all the answers to these and other e-mail questions from an Indiana 'Net surfer.

    Mrs. Kris French's sixth graders in Orlando, Florida wanted to know about the "Crossing the Line" ceremony held as ships cross the Equator. Captain Nelson describes the naval tradition of "Crossing the Line" in this section.

    Mrs. Curtin and the fourth grade students at Noxon Road Elementary School, Poughkeepsie, New York ask some questions about the ship and the crew. Find out about how the crew eats, sleeps, and learn about the REAL Malcolm Baldrige!

    Have you ever wondered about what kinds of sea critters live DEEEEEP down in the ocean? Read what the Captain says about deep sea life.

    Joshua and Jonathan ask, "What is it like to be on board the BALDRIGE?" Read about seasickness, how long the ship will be at sea, where they sleep, and much more!

    Charissa wonders, "Did you take any water samples, and if so, what did you find? Brett Fields asks about flourescent sea life and learns about the multiple opening-closing net (called a MOCNESS) that the BALDRIGE crew uses to study marine life.

    Are you ready for a QUIZ? Try these brainteasers from Captain Nelson.