
This form was designed for you by Joe Stanis, Grade 8, Discovery Middle School, Orlando, Florida
Welcome to the MidLink Submit-It Area. From here, you can send us your own book review. To use this page, simply delete the message in the box below and type your story. Or...if you know how to "Copy" and "Paste" from your word processor, your job will be easier. Just write your paragraph in your word processor, "Select" it, "Copy" it, and "Paste" it into the box below. It's easy!

Then click the box below labeled "Submit-It"and your message will be sent to us automagically! If you want to send something, but you can't use our form, you can E-mail us at:

...and remember you can send a graphic as an attachment to your e-mail. If you use Eudora on your Macintosh, converting your graphic to a GIF will make it easy for us.

(Note that this page only works if your browser supports forms.)

Your Name:


State or Province:



Please enter your email address: