Captain Nelson's Visit

Captain Nelson Visits the MidLink Editors

Mac Young, Captain Nelson, and Matt Vepraskas

On January 30 1996, Captain Craig S. Nelson came to Ligon Middle School to meet the editors of MidLink Magazine. He came to plan a teleconference which was held on February 28. The Captain of the NOAA research vessel Malcolm Baldrige, docked in Charleston, South Carolina and drove for five hours to Raleigh, North Carolina.

On January 30, he came to Ligon and talked with the editors. Captain Nelson brought several posters and pictures, along with three GIF's (a Box Jellyfish, Blue Ringed Octopus, and Portugurse Man-O-War) which are displayed on the Captain's letter about Sea Wasps, written sometime last November. He talked about the pictures and posters that he brought and gave to the editors. Then the Captain took only his second look at MidLink Magazine since he started answering letters. Captain Nelson strolled around the room watching the editors as they worked on their sites on the Web. Mrs. McCullen explained all of sites in complete detail. When the Baldrige editors finally got their turn at showing off the site, the Captain was very impressed. Finally, the editors had to move on to other classes, but a few came back to have lunch with the Captain. He answered all of our questions, and we presented him with a gift, a book on Colin Powell. He posed for a picture with the Baldrige editors, and it will replace the former editors' picture on the Baldrige page.

The visit was quite an experiance, and everyone had a wonderful time at the February teleconference. Be on the lookout for the date and time of the next teleconference, to be scheduled when the Malcolm Baldrige returns to port.

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This page was created for you by:
Matt Vepraskas and Mac Young
Ligon GT Magnet Middle School, 706 East Lenoir St.
Raleigh, North Carolina, 27615