Poleski National Park

The symbol of the Park is the carne (Grus grus) which is regarded as rare and subject to extinction.

Poleski National Park was founded on May 1, 1990 in western part of the Leczynsko-Wlodawskie Lakeland. Its total area is 9,648 ha. It is a water and peat park, with characteristic marsh landscape (6 %), karstic lakes and all types of peat bogs. Rich fauna may be found within the park, especially water and marsh birds, the marsh tortoise, which is rare in Poland as well as elks and wolves. There are different and rare species of plants; among them natural curiosity are eight species of insectivorous plants, including three species of sundew.

Poleski National Park. Chelmska 7, 22-234 Urszulin, tel. +48-82 713071, 713072, fax +48-82 713003

Babiogorski NP Bialowieski NP Biebrzanski NP Bieszczadzki NP Drawienski NP
Gorczanski NP Kampinoski NP Karkonoski NP Magurski NP Narwianski NP
Ojcowski NP Pieninski NP Poleski NP Roztoczanski NP Slowinski NP
Stolowogorski NP Swietokrzyski NP Tatrzanski NP Tucholski NP Wielkopolski NP

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Last Updated: April 15, 1997