National Parks constitute the biggest form of nature protection in Poland. The area of a national park, may not be smaller than 1,000 ha. The park protects an area distinctive for its unique scientific, natural, cultural and educational values. A national park protects the entire nature and specific landscape features within its borders. The main task of a national park is to study and preserve the unity of natural systems of the area, as well as to restore the disturbed or extinct elements of a native nature. The park is open to visitors, but nature conservation is its main objective and has priority over all other activities. For each of the national parks, the mandate is defined in the statutes of the park, issued by the Minister of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry. There are 22 national parks in Poland with total area of ca. 300,000 ha, which cover approximately 1 per cent of the country's area.

  • The nature found in mountain ranges is protected by the following parks:
    1. Babiogorski NP,
    2. Bieszczadzki NP,
    3. Gorczanski NP,
    4. Karkonoski NP,
    5. Magurski NP
    6. Pieninski NP,
    7. Stolowogorski NP,
    8. Swietokrzyski NP and
    9. Tatrzanski NP.

  • The nature of highlands is found in parks:
    1. Ojcowski NP and
    2. Roztoczanski NP.

  • Polish lowlands, forests, lakes, rivers and wetlands have remained in their natural shape in the following parks:
    1. Bialowieski NP,
    2. Biebrzanski NP,
    3. Drawienski NP,
    4. Kampinoski NP,
    5. Narwianski NP,
    6. Poleski NP,
    7. Tucholski NP,
    8. Wielkopolski NP and
    9. Wigierski NP.

  • Finally, the parks situated on the Baltic coast are:
    1. Slowinski NP and
    2. Wolinski NP.

  • In the process of preparation there are two national parks in north-eastern Poland:
    1. Mazurski NP and
    2. Suwalski NP.
The location of all Polish national parks is presented on a clickable map.
You can choose a particular national park from a fact sheet or menu.

Beside implementation of the main goal - nature conservation - the parks carry out scientific, didactic and tourist activities. The latter enables all interested people to experience the direct contact with unique nature. This privilege, however, implies the obligation of conforming to every rule in the area of a national park. There are about 2,000 km of nature trails in the national parks. Apart from the most common activity, hiking, the areas of national parks are also accessible for skiing, mountain climbing and canoeing. Bicycle roads have also been delimited recently. Educational and didactic activity is carried out through preparation of "educational trails". New forms of environmental education and related activities are being developed and tested there as well.

In addition to national parks, Poland also has landscape parks, areas of protected landscape, and natural reserves. Among them landscape parks deserve a special attention. These areas include examples of outstanding landscape boasting aesthetic, historical and cultural values.

Today, science and technology give immense opportunities of altering the Polish natural environment, and also are threatening it with destruction, although, people firmly believe in the bright future. The national parks, which protect the most precious and invaluable areas of the country with their vast richness of flora and fauna, create a real chance to preserve this wonderful nature for generations to come. We must believe that people are still wise enough to let it survive.

For more information contact:
Krajowy Zarzad Parkow Narodowych, Wawelska 52/54, 00-922 Warszawa, Poland,
tel./fax: +48-22 251493, 255748

Elaborated on the basis of different sources.


October 1996

November 1996

January 1997

March 1997

Last updated: April 15, 1997
I am grateful to Adam Piorko
and his daughters, Ewa and Joanna,
for their generous assistance with regards to the English grammar
on the Polish National Park's pages.