Gorczanski National Park

The spotted salamander (Salamandra salamandra) is the symbol of the Park; it stands out of the five species of amphibians living in the Park.

Gorczanski National Park was established on January 1, 1981. Its total area of 6,763 ha. It includes part of the Gorce Mountains, which are among the most picturesque mountain ranges in Poland due to dense forests, lush meadows, deeply cut valleys, and beautiful panorama of Podtatrze region crowned with the Tatry Mountain range. Well known tourist centers such as Rabka, Nowy Targ and Kroscienko, are located in the direct neighbourhood of the park.

The Gorce Mountains culminate in Mount Turbacz, rising to a height of 1,310 m above sea level. Mount Turbacz is a hub of several ridges, which are separated by deep valleys. The ridges and valleys are covered by forests as well as charming glades. The lower and middle parts of the mountain slopes are grown over with forests typical of the lower mountain floor, made up of Carpathian beech and fir, while spruce trees hum in the wind in the upper strata.

The Gorce are home to the Carpathian stag, roe deer, wild boar, fox, hare, skunk, ermine and lynx, and to many species of birds including hawk, eagle owl and eagle. Wondrous flowers growing in the glades include such rare species as the Geum montanum and the Veronica alpina. The park has 3 strict reserves.

Gorczanski National Park. Rzeki, 34-607 Szczawa, tel. +48-18 324013

Babiogorski NP Bialowieski NP Biebrzanski NP Bieszczadzki NP Drawienski NP
Gorczanski NP Kampinoski NP Karkonoski NP Magurski NP Narwianski NP
Ojcowski NP Pieninski NP Poleski NP Roztoczanski NP Slowinski NP
Stolowogorski NP Swietokrzyski NP Tatrzanski NP Tucholski NP Wielkopolski NP

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Last Updated: April 15, 1997