Drawienski National Park

The symbol of the Park is the otter (Lutra lutra), which is quite frequent in this part of Poland.
Drawienski National Park was established in 1990, its area of 9,074 hectares includes 82 percent of forest areas and 10 percent of water. The Park covers the middle sector of the Drawa River with the lower part of its left tributary - the Plociczna River - and a complex of post-glacial lakes. The landscape of the area was shaped during the last stage of the vistulian glaciation. Protected forests make up part of a larger complex known as the Drawa Forest. In the eastern part of the park, pine high forests prevail. In its western part, the main types are beech forests, hornbeam dry forests with occasional oaks, marshy and aspen forests. Monumental oaks and beeches of several hundred years of age are also found here. Predominant species of fauna are the beaver, otter, red kite and white eagle. Uncommonly clean rivers are home to fish of the salmon family.

Drawienski National Park. Lesnikow 2, 73-220 Drawno, tel. Drawno 245

Related links:
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Stolowogorski NP Swietokrzyski NP Tatrzanski NP Tucholski NP Wielkopolski NP

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Last Updated: April 15, 1997