Tucholski National Park

Tucholski National Park is one of the smaller national parks with an area of only 4,789 ha. The Park, which is located between the communities of Chojnice and Brusy in the Bydgoszcz voivodship, was established on July 1, 1996. The whole protected area will soon be free of any human dwellings - a forester presently living there will move out of the Park area.

Natural values

The Tucholskie Forests are one of the biggest forest complexes in Poland - they occupy 1.5 per cent of the national territory. They are 12.5 thousand years old and in relatively unspoiled shape, yet only recently a part of them has been granted the highest form of protection, that is the national park status.

The Park's borders encompass over 40 lakes with exceptionally clean water, since there are neither industrial enterprises nor any farms in the neighbourhood. The water running through the park is almost as clean as if it was coming from a distillery - the concentration of chemicals in the water is almost negligible. The lakes are rich both in water fauna and flora, with nearly a hundred species of flower plants, including the relict Lobelia Dortmanna, which is known to grow only in a very clean water.

The drainage area of the Creek of Seven Lakes (Ostrowite, Zielone, Jelen, Plesno, Glowka, and Skrzynak with Mielnica) gives abode to such rare birds as the white eagle, eagle owl and crane. In 1974 beavers were reintroduced into the local waters and have lived there since. In the forest one can easily see the traces of their activity - felled and gnown trees laying along the lake banks. The lakes and rivers are also a home to otter, rainbow trout and grayling. As many as seven species of amphibians and six species of reptiles may be found in the park.

Tucholski National Park. Sukiennikow 14, 89-600 Chojnice, tel./fax: +48-531 88397

Babiogorski NP Bialowieski NP Biebrzanski NP Bieszczadzki NP Drawienski NP
Gorczanski NP Kampinoski NP Karkonoski NP Magurski NP Narwianski NP
Ojcowski NP Pieninski NP Poleski NP Roztoczanski NP Slowinski NP
Stolowogorski NP Swietokrzyski NP Tatrzanski NP Tucholski NP Wielkopolski NP

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Last Updated: April 15, 1997