Pieninski National Park

The symbol of the Park are the three peaks of the Trzy Korony (Three Crowns) massif.
The Pieninski National Park was founded in January 1955. It is one of smaller parks with the area of 2,346 ha. A truly unique natural feature of the Pieninski National Park is the Dunajec River Gorge, which is one of the most beautiful in Europe. Rafting down the Dunajec River, through the Gorge, is a major tourist attraction, recommended in all guidebooks. The closest tourist center and health spa is Szczawnica-Kroscienko. On the Park's border there are two famous castles, in Czorsztyn and in Niedzica, both clearly visible from many spots in the Park. Adjacent to this park is the Pieniny National Park on a territory of the Slovak Republic.

Natural values

The Pieninski National Park is both an unusual and interesting phenomenon. Its relatively small area boasts a unique landscape and natural features. A narrow strip of klippen rocks, which has developed into the small but picturesque Pieniny mountain group, extends as a belt along the boundary line between the Outer and the Central Western Carpathians. The limestone rocks of this belt, throughout millenia, have been weathered into round shapes from the north, and the dramatic, high cliffs on the southern side. The most interesting massif in the range is that of the Trzy Korony (Three Crowns), whose highest peak Okraglica rises to a height of 982 m above sea level. Another spectacular peak is Sokolica (Falcon Cliff). To the south the craggy slopes of Ostra Skala (Sharp Cliff) and Grabczycha Mountain tower over the Dunajec River.

A narrow and sharply winding gorge has been incised in rocks by the Dunajec River, which is a tributary of the Vistula River. This is the most glorious part of the Pieniny. The Dunajec River and most of its tributaries rise in the Tatra Mountains. Two dams have recently been constructed at Niedzica Castle and at Sromowce Wyznie, both for hydropower and as a protective measure against the danger of severe floods, occurring in this region. Both dams on the Dunajec River, and their water reservoirs are still under construction. In March 1975, Czechoslovakia and Poland modified their border along the Dunajec River, to allow for the construction of the dams.


The plant kingdom in the Park is represented by a wealth of species. The forests are made up of fir, beech, larch, and spruce trees. This park is home to plants which are rare in Poland, as for example Carlina acaulis and the mountain arnica (Arnica montana). Many plants are endemic to the Pieniny, and those include a special cress (Erysimun pieninicum).


The animal kingdom is also very interesting. This Park is home to the lynx, wildcat, wolf, stag and many other animals. There are numerous colonies of bats (14 species), of which the most interesting is Miniopterus schreibersi - the only animal common to both Poland and Australia. They find convenient winter quarters in the caves. The eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) may often be seen while majestically circling the massif of the Trzy Korony. The Pieniny are a paradise for any entomologist. The most fascinating among numerous butterflies here is the Parnassias apollo with its white wings, decorated by black lines and red spots.

Pieninski National Park. Jagiellonska 107, 34-450 Kroscienko n/Dunajcem, tel. +48-187-2 3090, 3006, fax +48-187-2 3483

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Last Updated: April 15, 1997