The Weaver Issue No 16 May/June 1996(1)
The Weaver

Issue No 16 - May/June 1996

'We do not ask for what useful purpose the birds do sing, for song is their pleasure since they were created for singing. Similarly, we ought not to ask why the human mind troubles to fathom the secrets of the heavens '
Johannes Kepler - from a quote given in Michio Kaku's 'Hyperspace'

Images, Backgrounds and Artwork - Alex Campbell, Sergio Navarro and Stephen Harper


EDITORIAL - Of Mice and Things
By Alex Campbell

READERS' LETTERS - Your Views and News...From the Incredible String Band to Dances of Universal Peace.

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LETTING GO - By our regular columnist Peter Russell - But oh! how difficult it is. Years of personal experience, combined with centuries of cultural learning, have taught us the importance of holding on.

TRUE SPIRITUALITY IS THE PATH OF THE HEART - A SHAMANIC PERSPECTIVE - By Rosalind Milliken - True spirituality is inclusive, drawing people into unity, one heartedness. Through religions, people grow to believe that they have found the true belief and that anyone who disagrees is lost. True spirituality erases the lines of distinction between theology, race, sex, class.

SOUND,LIGHT AND FORM - By Benedick Howard - Edgar Cayce, the "Sleeping Prophet" claimed that sound would be the medicine of the future. The vibroacoustic uses of sound in the past decade have brought many verifiable scientific discoveries of the drug-free possibilities of sound as a powerful therapeutic tool and healing modality.

HOW DO I RECEIVE? -By Rajesh Ananda - The question is beautiful because for the questioner it indicates reaching a certain stage of their personal evolution where the whole emphasis of their life is changing. From being a taker to learning to become a giver, so the questioner asks "How do I receive?".

A Collection of Sufi Wisdom

A SUMMARY OF THE GATHEKAS - Sufism or wisdom, related to the word 'Sophia', is acquired not only through knowledge but also by the grace of intuition. Sufism is neither a religion nor a cult, neither a doctrine nor a dogmatic institution. Perhaps one could say that Sufism has always been, ever since knowledge was knowledge.
SOLUTIONS- The aim of the Sufi is to release his captive soul from the boundaries of the 'I' and 'My' concepts, by merging into the ecstasy of a spiritual Ideal.
OBJECTS OF WORSHIP - That which one wants to hide most are one's own faults, but on the contrary, they should not be hidden but rather acknowledged, if one has any real desire to be free from them. By acknowledging one's faults, one destroys them or finds a way to improve on them.
The Dervish and the King's Procession
By: Hidayat Inyat Khan - Representative-General of The International Sufi Movement and Pir-o-Murshid of its Inner School

PEACE - By Ayesha Foot - My understanding of peace is not just absence of war. Still less is it a scenario in which people hide their feelings of animosity under a veneer of being nice to each other.


BEYOND DUALITY - The Art of Transcendance - This delightful book by Laurence Galian makes the use of magick in everyday life more than a possibility.

AN INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE - Project NatureConnect has an invitation to design and offer a low cost, hands-on MA or Ph.D. independent study and correspondence course program in Applied Ecopsychology starting this summer.

Our Regular Workshops


STRENGTH AND PARTNERS- By Arthur Patterson - Our ongoing exploration of the Tarot - In no way does Lady Strength have to do with the patriarchal perspective on the feminine that calls it the "weaker" sex. She is the human manifestation of the Magician's power.

TEMPERANCE AND PARTNERS- By Arthur Patterson - Our ongoing exploration of the Tarot - Being an extremist in the Hall of Temperance leaves you with an exceptionally guilty feeling.


TO LIVE, TO LOVE, TO DIE.... By Rowena Wall - Saturn in Aries - Saturn is of course our cosmic teacher - the one who would see us constantly learn. Perhaps his mission now is to impress upon us that birth is but the Arian point of Death.

MAGICAL GARDENS AND HEALING PLANTS - Gardens are also represented by the Moon, the asteroid Ceres, and the signs of Cancer and Taurus. Flowers are represented by Venus and Libra, indicators of beauty. Herbs are represented by the sign Virgo, Pisces and the planets Mercury and Neptune. The vegetable kingdom as a whole is represented by Jupiter and Neptune. Followed by MAY PREDICTIONS
By Carol Willis

'EXPERIENCE' - By: Valerie Iravani - A personal journey into unknown territory. Continuing this exploration of spirits and guides. This month Valerie visits an astrologer.



THE NLP INDEX - A summary of these workshops given by Joseph O'Connor and Ian Macdermott.

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