
Alex Campbell

Alex Campbell currently editor of the Internet magazine The Weaver, has covered many career and personal fields in her development. In her business career as an accountant she achieved the status of audit manager for a London based Chartered Accountants office, going on to become Finance Director and Company Secretary of a group of companies based in Essex.

Needing a change of direction into a more person based career she trained for four years with The Gestalt Centre in London as a therapist, this training and the connections it provided have proved invaluable in her present position as Editor of a magazine including therapy in its remit.

During her marriage and while her three children were growing up she started and managed a 27 acre market garden and farm shop, growing a wide variety of crops, including strawberries and other soft fruits, both for wholesale markets and for direct sale to the public. This period in her life led her to a keen interest in environmental factors and a deep connection and respect for the earth and all living things.

Alex is a member of the Dreamweavers Morningstar Lodge and is apprenticed to Arwyn Dreamwalker, drawing on shamanic and Celtic traditions for inspiration in her spiritual development. Finding the beauty, humour and sacredness in these ancient traditions invaluable in attempting to walk a path of peace in these difficult times.

For her, being Editor of The Weaver is a way of manifesting her dream of creating a kinder environment in the world both for humans and all the worlds of the universe. Developing our inner knowing and going beyond our fear of sharing this knowing with others, allowing the richness of language to express our feelings from an open heart and without embarrassment. Allowing each other to acknowledge the shadow without judgement, having compassion for our struggle on a personal and global level.

Favourite Quote (at the moment) 'Your heart is full of fertile seeds, waiting to sprout. Just as a lotus flower springs from the mire to bloom splendidly, the interaction of the cosmic breath causes the flower of the spirit to bloom and bear fruit in this world'.

Morihei Ueshiba - The Art of Peace

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